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(OT) Thoughts on 2004 ALCS

Like A Mofo

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But you're argument is the old chicken-and-the-egg. The reason the guy in KC is only paying $12 for a ticket is because he isnt seeing an all star team like you are. But for the owner of the Royals to get that much talent, he would need to raise ticket prices. If he did that, no one would come, and he couldnt pay a top name player. And the cycle continues.


The way for ANY other team to get good is to have a Billionaire like Steinbrenner buy them. Then, throw hundreds of millions at the best talent, and then you can raise ticket prices. And then you can pay the players even more. And then other players WANT to come there because you win. Then, you get MORE money, and MORE expensive tickets. See, that's linear. Your argument is circular.



Let me ask you this: Did the Yankees and George Steinbrenner just build this empire of money overnight??? Absolutely not. Im for a certian type of salary control, but personally I dont think as a businessowner who is trying to win, you would like someone to tell you "George, you are only allowed to spend 55 percent of the money you make to win". Now again, Im assuming this under the current ticket pricing etc. So if you want a salary cap, there better damn well be a nice decrease in tickets, especially for the Yankees, so IMO that will never happen, especially w/o a lucrative TV deal like the NFL has, and IMO the NFL wouldnt this this stable w/o their TV deals.


You want to know where else the Yankees make huge cash? Season ticket holders, especially the top seats. Business in NYC WILL pay top coin to get the season tickets, and George can basically keep jacking up the prices as he sees fit, as long as the Yankees are a top team. This is one of the biggest problems in baseball too. It annoys me that a lot of corporation swallow up these premium seats.


How about this, make the luxury tax even MORE strict now, make the top teams really pay for it, but the other thing too is, make sure teams like the Royals just dont pocket the money and say "thanks George for the trip to Fiji for me and my family"


Another solution:


International Draft- So teams like the Yankees, Red Sox and whomever cannot just go to Cuba for example and sign a player. Make them go into the draft, so teams like the Tigers can draft these top players. Once they get them and the team does very well (thats the goal), then the teams revenue goes up, then its that teams obligation of sorts to try to keep these players and maintain a level of success. It can be done. Personally I think teams like Tampa are cheap as they come and that will never change, unless they want to try.

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Yankees have no one to blame but themselves. Torre IMO was outmanaged, and sometimes I believe he walks on water and he shouldn’t, and as crazy as it sounds, I wouldn’t mind seeing a managerial change. Something tells me that will happen because George is gonna look for someone to take the fall, and the Yankees have a few immovable contracts, most logical choice is to remove Torre.  I think George has been itching to do it since last year.




First of all Clements, it was fun sharing threads with you and other Yankee fans such as Millbank and Pete (to name a few) who are all smart and gracious. Same goes for the Sox fans who came onto those threads who are also equally cool (like wwwvince etc). Also, I echo your congrats to all Sox fans. They beat the Yanks plain and simple. They earned it. Good for them...


But as for your thoughts on Torre, I dissagree that he will be axed. Now, I don't doubt George would LOVE to dump him, but he did just pony up a 19 million dollar contract extension (with gauranteed money) with Joe in the spring. That being the case, he can't really afford (is that an oxymoron or what?lol) to put him out to pasture.


Yet, someone has to (and will) take the fall for the failure. But whose left? Brown and Giambi are two likely candidates, but they are also tied into long term deals for big money (well, Brown only has 2 left I think). And both of their trade values are about zero at this point. Obvioulsy Arod, Jeter, Mo' and Posada are safe as well.


You can't dump Mel either because Torre won't allow it. And George won't fire the one of the most popular Yankees of all time (Donny Baseball) either. So who does that leave? Only the man with the most apra'pos (spelling? lol) name of them all: Ca$hman. I think he takes the fall for this.


As for players? I think Brown is gone (they will eat his deal), Lofton, Olerued Clark, Wilson, and Flarity. I also think El Duque and Lieber are also cut (Lieber has an 8 million dollar option that I don't think they will pick up which is unfair, but they are going to use that money for a more durable No.1 pitcher and Beltran).


I expect George to make a run at Percivil (to be the setup man, but pay him like a closer for Mo'), Beltran, Pavano, and possibly Pedro or Nomar (a month ago I would say it was for certain they would make a run at Nomar, but I think Cairo earned a spot-at least as a utility man-on the roster).


The key for the Yanks is to build up their bullpen and I think Percival would be the perfect fit. Then you can setup with Flash, Troy or Quantril and still have Mo'.


Just my opinion though.

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Personally, not that you care, I am against the salary cap.


Attendance across the board is up 15% again this year. Baseball is coming back strong. The larger market teams are making a push to get this done.


Also, this is the seventh team to represent the NL in seven years in the WS. How could a salary cap help this?


Team chemistry hasn't been altered by the high payroll.


An interesting tidbit of info stevestojan...of those ten teams at the bottom of your list. Four of them have invested large sums of money to build new stadiums in the last five years.....

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Trust me, if you guys were not fans of ATl and the NYY, you would not be against a salary cap



exactly. they can argue how great it is to not have a salary cap until they are blue in the face. The fact is, if they were born in KC and were fans of the Royals, or born in Detroit and were fans of the Tigers, they would see no reasoning behind letting ONE or TWO teams spend 5 times as much as they do.


Its wrong, and they know it. Why do you think people from every corner of the country are Yankees fans? Because they spend, spend, spend, and they are good EVERY YEAR. What percentage of years since 1918 have the Yankees made the playoffs?


So, if i hear one more person say "but I've been a diehard yankee fan since 19XX" im gonna puke.


The easiest thing to be in sports is a Yankees fan.

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So, if i hear one more person say "but I've been a diehard yankee fan since 19XX" im gonna puke.


The easiest thing to be in sports is a Yankees fan.




If its so easy then how come I felt like I was gonna hurl the other night? Yep, thats easy.


Whats wrong with saying that Im a die hard Yankees fan since 1982? There were some good years and some lean years in the 80's growing up as a kid. Yankees were a circus show back then. And in the late 80's, early 90's they were pitiful for the most part, one of the worst teams in the league. I went to so many games during those times I cannot even remember how many. Of course come 1996 thats all changed, but I remember the lean years too believe me.


I wont bring up "Ive been a die hard Yankees fan since whenever, but Im gonna puke if I hear how "easy" it is to be a yankees fan again.

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If its so easy then how come I felt like I was gonna hurl the other night?  Yep, thats easy.


Whats wrong with saying that Im a die hard Yankees fan since 1982?  There were some good years and some lean years in the 80's growing up as a kid.  Yankees were a circus show back then.  And in the late 80's, early 90's they were pitiful for the most part, one of the worst teams in the league.  I went to so many games during those times I cannot even remember how many.  Of course come 1996 thats all changed, but I remember the lean years too believe me. 


I wont bring up "Ive been a die hard Yankees fan since whenever, but Im gonna puke if I hear how "easy" it is to be a yankees fan again.



I wasn't referring to ACTUAL die hard yanks fans. Sorry if that want clear. But it just seems every september, the old Yankees caps start popping up everywhere. And you ask someone and they say "I've been a die hard since i was a fetus"... those people drive me nuts.


And yes, it is indeed EASY to be a yankees fan. The only hard thing is being expected to win... oh, boo-hoo. Again i ask, what percentage of time do you guys make the playoffs? I dont care about winning the WS as much, because making the playoffs is a big deal to some teams.


It is EASY to be a Yankees fan. If you dont win, you KNOW you will at least be GOOD next year, and the year after, and years and years after that.


That, i think, is why people say they can't imagine being a yankees fan and a bills fan. Because they are so polar opposite. To stick by the Bills takes dedication. It takes love of the team, and you have to go through alot (we're still going through it now!). Being a Yankees fan is like 20% of the time we win it all, 70% of the time we at least make the playoffs, and if neither happens, you know it will the next year.

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I wasn't referring to ACTUAL die hard yanks fans. Sorry if that want clear. But it just seems every september, the old Yankees caps start popping up everywhere. And you ask someone and they say "I've been a die hard since i was a fetus"... those people drive me nuts.


And yes, it is indeed EASY to be a yankees fan. The only hard thing is being expected to win... oh, boo-hoo. Again i ask, what percentage of time do you guys make the playoffs? I dont care about winning the WS as much, because making the playoffs is a big deal to some teams.


It is EASY to be a Yankees fan. If you dont win, you KNOW you will at least be GOOD next year, and the year after, and years and years after that.


That, i think, is why people say they can't imagine being a yankees fan and a bills fan. Because they are so polar opposite. To stick by the Bills takes dedication. It takes love of the team, and you have to go through alot (we're still going through it now!).  Being a Yankees fan is like 20% of the time we win it all, 70% of the time we at least make the playoffs, and if neither happens, you know it will the next year.




I agree with your points about the Bills, especially living here in NJ, it does take dedication and we are going through a lot, and someday we will be rewarded I truly believe that! I weird but seeing how the Bills have done, especially lately, just makes me appreciate what I have with the Yankees so I never take that for granted. I dont like to be that obnoxious Yankees fan who rubs it in. I love the game of baseball too, I just dont want the Sox to win, but other then that, if others win, hey, thats great too.


I truly beleive that if George keeps doing what he is doing, the team will progressively get worse. They have to start building a team instead of buying it, evenutally it wont work, mark that down. Sure, they are winning a lot of games during the season, but they are being expo$ed in the post season. Their bench leaves a lot to be desired, and they have holes in their pitching. And they spend that much $, how can that happen?

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exactly. they can argue how great it is to not have a salary cap until they are blue in the face. The fact is, if they were born in KC and were fans of the Royals, or born in Detroit and were fans of the Tigers, they would see no reasoning behind letting ONE or TWO teams spend 5 times as much as they do.



The Royals had Carlos Beltran at the beginning of the year. They were "suppose" to win the AL Central this year. Everyone had them favored.


The Tigers are playing in a brand spanking new ballpark in Detroit. The fans are waiting for something to root for....


The Expos are about the only team I felt bad for this year b/c they got absolutely screwed by MLB.


Look at the A's...they are there almost every year (the playoffs) Why? Because of managment. Look at the Twins...great minor league system. If Pirates fans want to cry perhaps they should look at managment. Yes, the Yanks spend a boat load of money. But, if the cities aren't going out and supporting their teams like BoSox fans do even when they suck it's hard to justify all the successful franchises having to spend less to give back a competitive advantage.


Once again, if a team is run well it will be successful.

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