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The game day experience is for everyone to enjoy. But we all enjoy things differently. We're all different. While you may think it's annoying for me to stand a lot, I think it's annoying that you DON'T stand. You have to go to the game keeping in mind that different types of people will be there. If you can't tolerate people's differences, you shouldn't go.

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You have to have the ability to be tolerant. And always keep in mind that in the end, they are big fans of the team and just wanna have fun. Certain people go too far, and the Sheriff boots em. But to be upset because someone wants to stand and cheer all game long is shameful. Some people are just too excited about football and their team to sit down. Sitting down is for relaxing. :thumbdown:


So, the people sitting behind the standers aren't big fans of the team and didn't come because they just wanna have fun? If they can't see because the big fans are standing up that makes them lesser fans? If they weren't big fans then they wouldn't have shelled out the bucks and taken the time to go to the stadium. So try to be thoughtful of others while at the game. <_<


And all of you complainers, even the wise, old ones, believe that every fan that attends any given Bills game reads/cares about the conduct policy? Not even close; and that's exactly the reason why we have the guys and gals in the bright ugly windbreakers stationed all throughout RWS. You can spit in any direction from your seat and hit two or three of them.


Unless you are absolutely completely sheltered and naive, you know that football games, and the world in general, are filled with alcoholics and just plain mean and inconsiderate folk. I am not and have never defended their behaviour. I'm just of the opinion that those of you complaining the loudest are just as bad, maybe worse. I suppose you don't even know it. Their are tools available to you at the stadium - ushers, law enforcement - if you witness someone breaking the conduct policy. On the other hand, if you are just so appalled at some of the behaviour you witness at a Bills game that you get pissing mad and your pretty little eyes start to burn, get over yourself. Remember that people from all walks of life come and support this team, and they all have different ideas of what "fun" is.


"This big drunk guy accidentally knocked me into a bench, and when my husband came to my aid, he flipped us off with both fingers," Joanna Cone said. Dr. Jesse Cone, who had traveled here from Syracuse with his wife and other relatives, said the rowdy behavior fueled by alcohol consumption was downright frightening. "I was thinking of buying season tickets and bringing my sons, but I can't expose them to this", the physician, who grew up in Pavilion, said.


Lisa McCall, a Rochester resident, said she and her husband, Joe, were also leaving early because one of the people they had traveled with was in no shape to sit through the final quarter. "It's unfortunate, but we're forced to leave. Our friend, well, she's had too much," McCall said.


By day's end, police said 25 individuals had been arrested in and around the Orchard Park stadium on charges ranging from disorderly conduct to DWI.



So, the people sitting behind the standers aren't big fans of the team and didn't come because they just wanna have fun? If they can't see because the big fans are standing up that makes them lesser fans? If they weren't big fans then they wouldn't have shelled out the bucks and taken the time to go to the stadium. So try to be thoughtful of others while at the game. <_<


Notice my post above yours. I say the game day experience is for everyone to enjoy. But we all do it differently. I'm not so ignorant to say what you're implying. Again, read my post, the one before the one of yours I'm quoting. Thanks. I await your apology. Though I doubt it'll come...

What's your guess? I'll be honest if you get it correct.


Well, I'd say BC because it seems like more people from this area end up there, but the "I have to stand up no matter what" line of thought has BU written all over it.

The game day experience is for everyone to enjoy. But we all enjoy things differently. We're all different. While you may think it's annoying for me to stand a lot, I think it's annoying that you DON'T stand. You have to go to the game keeping in mind that different types of people will be there. If you can't tolerate people's differences, you shouldn't go.


Those are two entirely different situations. You're impeding some else's enjoyment (and *view*) by electing to be on your feet the whole time. The folks with the seat directly behind you have no choice in the matter. They're directly affected because of your actions.


The dude sitting the whole time? He's not hurting anyone. It may *annoy* you, but that's your own problem. He's not doing anything irresponsible or inconsiderate. Quite the opposite, actually. You can simply choose to ignore the guy sitting down, the people behind you can't simply choose to ignore your ass in their faces.


I think it just comes down to consideration. Again, if you jump up after a big play or you're on your feet screaming on a big 3rd down? Good! Just please remember that by not sitting your ass down after the fact, you're going to cause the people behind you to stand up, and the people behind them, and so on and so forth. At the same time, everyone should be tolerant of a normal level of excitement at an NFL game.


Man... it's not the fact that some are inconsiderate that I find annoying, it's that people are actually defending it.

"This big drunk guy accidentally knocked me into a bench, and when my husband came to my aid, he flipped us off with both fingers," Joanna Cone said. Dr. Jesse Cone, who had traveled here from Syracuse with his wife and other relatives, said the rowdy behavior fueled by alcohol consumption was downright frightening. "I was thinking of buying season tickets and bringing my sons, but I can't expose them to this", the physician, who grew up in Pavilion, said.


Lisa McCall, a Rochester resident, said she and her husband, Joe, were also leaving early because one of the people they had traveled with was in no shape to sit through the final quarter. "It's unfortunate, but we're forced to leave. Our friend, well, she's had too much," McCall said.


By day's end, police said 25 individuals had been arrested in and around the Orchard Park stadium on charges ranging from disorderly conduct to DWI.




25. 25 out of 70,000 were cited for various offenses. That'll be 0.035% Three hundredths of one percent. Noted at the end of an article by a Buffalo News hack because his editor told him he had to mention it. I am appalled you're right this has gotten out of control.

Well, I'd say BC because it seems like more people from this area end up there, but the "I have to stand up no matter what" line of thought has BU written all over it.


No BC is correct, not BU. I never advocated that line either, read carefully. Actually I specifically stated that I do not stand the entire time at the game, and I never have.

Those are two entirely different situations. You're impeding some else's enjoyment (and *view*) by electing to be on your feet the whole time. The folks with the seat directly behind you have no choice in the matter. They're directly affected because of your actions.


The dude sitting the whole time? He's not hurting anyone. It may *annoy* you, but that's your own problem. He's not doing anything irresponsible or inconsiderate. Quite the opposite, actually. You can simply choose to ignore the guy sitting down, the people behind you can't simply choose to ignore your ass in their faces.


I think it just comes down to consideration. Again, if you jump up after a big play or you're on your feet screaming on a big 3rd down? Good! Just please remember that by not sitting your ass down after the fact, you're going to cause the people behind you to stand up, and the people behind them, and so on and so forth. At the same time, everyone should be tolerant of a normal level of excitement at an NFL game.


Man... it's not the fact that some are inconsiderate that I find annoying, it's that people are actually defending it.


Again, not defending that kind of behaviour. In fact, you are right. Standing all game does impede my enjoyment. You know what else "impedes my enjoyment" at the games? Fat people. Way too may overweight and obese people at Bills games. That is impeding my enjoyment. When one is sitting next to me, their wide ass doesn't give me enough room to be comfortable in my paid-for $70 seat, dammit. When a group of them is walking shoulder to shoulder down the concourse, like a fleet of ocean liners, I have to dart to the side and hug the wall just to avoid getting trampled by them. That impedes my enjoyment. When one is sitting a few rows down from me and bends over whilst also wearing tight shorts and a smaller shirt, I throw up a little in my mouth. That impedes my enjoyment as well. So I guess the solution is to ban fatties. I'm all for it.

Again, not defending that kind of behaviour. In fact, you are right. Standing all game does impede my enjoyment. You know what else "impedes my enjoyment" at the games? Fat people. Way too may overweight and obese people at Bills games. That is impeding my enjoyment. When one is sitting next to me, their wide ass doesn't give me enough room to be comfortable in my paid-for $70 seat, dammit. When a group of them is walking shoulder to shoulder down the concourse, like a fleet of ocean liners, I have to dart to the side and hug the wall just to avoid getting trampled by them. That impedes my enjoyment. When one is sitting a few rows down from me and bends over whilst also wearing tight shorts and a smaller shirt, I throw up a little in my mouth. That impedes my enjoyment as well. So I guess the solution is to ban fatties. I'm all for it.


Oh, I know what you're thinking: "But Mr. U, fat people can't help that they're fat, its glandular. Stander-uppers can help it, all they have to do is park their butts in their seats for most of the game."


Ah, but I disagree. I don't think that fat is gland-fat. I think its infrequently-mentioned cousin: lazy-fat. I think those obese folk, who impede my enjoyment ever so, can also help it. Don't eat red meat or donuts. Get in the pool or on a treadmill. When you reach my pre-decided target weight, the gates of RWS will swing open for you. Until then, stay away! You're impeding my enjoyment!

And all of you complainers, even the wise, old ones, believe that every fan that attends any given Bills game reads/cares about the conduct policy? Not even close; and that's exactly the reason why we have the guys and gals in the bright ugly windbreakers stationed all throughout RWS. You can spit in any direction from your seat and hit two or three of them.


Unfortunatly, that's 100% correct. If everyone cared about the rules of conduct and whatnot, we wouldn't have threads like this every few months.


Unless you are absolutely completely sheltered and naive, you know that football games, and the world in general, are filled with alcoholics and just plain mean and inconsiderate folk. I am not and have never defended their behaviour. I'm just of the opinion that those of you complaining the loudest are just as bad, maybe worse. I suppose you don't even know it. Their are tools available to you at the stadium - ushers, law enforcement - if you witness someone breaking the conduct policy. On the other hand, if you are just so appalled at some of the behaviour you witness at a Bills game that you get pissing mad and your pretty little eyes start to burn, get over yourself. Remember that people from all walks of life come and support this team, and they all have different ideas of what "fun" is.


It's not about being sheltered or naive at all. Quite the opposite. I know exactly what games are like and I know what to expect going in. There's a 50/50 chance that I'll have to deal with some jerk-off spilling beer and standing on his seat. There's a 50/50 chance that I'll step in puke or stojan-water while trying to hit the bathroom during the 4th quarter. I'll probably also be bumped into by someone having trouble walking as well.


I go into games knowing that's probably what is going to happen. I try not to let it get to me and usually chalk it up as someone else just having too much of a good time. I then simply try to enjoy the game, put down a few beers, and enjoy the company of friends. I don't get to go very often as I live down South so I try to make the best of it when I do get to go.


To date, I've honestly never felt threatened. If it got to that point, I'd have no problem calling an usher or law enforcement over and having someone booted out. I'm not about to end someone's afternoon because they broke rule 3©, but I'll certainly do so if some d-bag were to try and pick a drunken fight.


Now, at the end of the day, it does bother me that I'm the one having to "deal with" the points above due to someone else's behavior. I do as much as I can to not hinder anyone else's enjoyment, it would be nice to expect the same from fellow football fans... thus the irritation.


All of that said? I'm usually the overly nice dude helping the drunk stranger back to his seat.


This thread has been very entertaining. My entire section stood the entire game and I was glad for it, I didnt have rain gear and really didnt want to sit down in a puddle.


Bicker on fellas!


Again, not defending that kind of behaviour. In fact, you are right. Standing all game does impede my enjoyment. You know what else "impedes my enjoyment" at the games? Fat people. Way too may overweight and obese people at Bills games. That is impeding my enjoyment. When one is sitting next to me, their wide ass doesn't give me enough room to be comfortable in my paid-for $70 seat, dammit. When a group of them is walking shoulder to shoulder down the concourse, like a fleet of ocean liners, I have to dart to the side and hug the wall just to avoid getting trampled by them. That impedes my enjoyment. When one is sitting a few rows down from me and bends over whilst also wearing tight shorts and a smaller shirt, I throw up a little in my mouth. That impedes my enjoyment as well. So I guess the solution is to ban fatties. I'm all for it.




I believe we've just found a common ground. That's a cause I can get behind. Edit.. you seem to make more sense in that you take more of an "it is what it is" approach. That message you quoted wasn't in reply to you.

I saw a group of guys(4 in one row and 3 in the row directly in front of them) in the upper deck around the 30 yard line stand for the entire first half and a lot of the 2nd half.


Also, more so than guys, I saw numerous "20 something girls" absolutely bombed, both outside the stadium before the game and inside the stadium during the game.


I enjoy standing. And the drinking age is 21 so who cares if there are numerous "20 somethings" drinking?


Sorry but if you looked around the whole stadium, most everyone was standing for the entire first half and then some. Our section was standing and cheering loudly until the middle-end of the 3rd quarter.



I believe we've just found a common ground. That's a cause I can get behind. Edit.. you seem to make more sense in that you take more of an "it is what it is" approach. That message you quoted wasn't in reply to you.


Here here, mcjeff. I appreciate it. :thumbdown:

Sorry but if you looked around the whole stadium, most everyone was standing for the entire first half and then some. Our section was standing and cheering loudly until the middle-end of the 3rd quarter.

Sorry, but I did look around the entire upper deck(Bills side) as these folks stood and except on 3rd downs when on defense or when the Bills had a big play, they were sitting down.


There is more to the stadium than the lower level endzone sections. <_<

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