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My top ten thoughts on the game

Kelly the Dog

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Great post as always.


I'm going to enjoy this win for the week for sure. It was just fun to be a Bills fan today (and to watch the Seahags' message board implode after they posted those pics of KE and Russert all week -- they banned all the Bills fans. lol).


However, I'm trying not to get TOO excited. As you pointed out, this was a bad Seattle team. They're WRs were decimated, as was their O-Line. Factor in the travel, rust and the fact that it's the first game and I'm not sure this is the bench mark game some here want it to be.


THAT SAID, good teams beat the teams they should. The Bills should have beaten the Seahags today -- and they did just that. In style. So despite my sliver of pessimism, the Bills' ability to put a team away that they should have beaten was great to see.


If they can beat Jacksonville (a tough task), they face another two teams they SHOULD beat: Oakland and St. Louis. A 4-0 start would make it a wonderful September indeed.

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Great post as always.


I'm going to enjoy this win for the week for sure. It was just fun to be a Bills fan today (and to watch the Seahags' message board implode after they posted those pics of KE and Russert all week -- they banned all the Bills fans. lol).


However, I'm trying not to get TOO excited. As you pointed out, this was a bad Seattle team. They're WRs were decimated, as was their O-Line. Factor in the travel, rust and the fact that it's the first game and I'm not sure this is the bench mark game some here want it to be.


THAT SAID, good teams beat the teams they should. The Bills should have beaten the Seahags today -- and they did just that. In style. So despite my sliver of pessimism, the Bills' ability to put a team away that they should have beaten was great to see.


If they can beat Jacksonville (a tough task), they face another two teams they SHOULD beat: Oakland and St. Louis. A 4-0 start would make it a wonderful September indeed.

I would be very happy at 3-1. Jax will be tough. St. Lou will not be a cake walk. Still, everything is suddenly different now that we see Stroud and Johnson, along with Poz and Simpson back.

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...but when was the last time, against a good team, that all three phases of the team, offense, defense, and special teams, not only all played mistake free games but made serious play after serious play. Usually with this team, a good offensive or defensive or special teams effort will be wasted when one of the others falters.

There was a moment during the game yesterday -- I think the score was still 20-10 -- when the Seahawks were moving the ball well and were in field goal range. Suddenly, they had some false starts, a sack (I believe) and they were something like 3rd and 27 or more, and it was not the only time during the game when I thought "THIS is where the teams needs to improve. How many times did teams convert 3rd-and-longs on us last year?"


Watching them finish what they started was terrific. As I mentioned to my wife yesterday, this is the team I've been waiting for. Yes, it was against a depleted team, but this is where someone is supposed to say "But you SHOULD beat a depleted team by four scores."

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Nice post, but I'll echo someone else here and suggest you throw a little love to Chris Kelsay. He played quite well, and helped set the tone early on.

You're right. Kelsay. who is often much maligned here, had a very good game.


Props also need to go to Russ Brandon. His FA acquisitions and the trade for Stroud all paid off well. The way he handled the Peters situation. The excitement created for the fans and ticket sales. The draft I still think will pay dividends this year. He's really done a good job.

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Just got home from the game. My quick thoughts (without the benefit of any video replay):


-- Jason who? No pressure from the left side all game. I WANT Peters back in the lineup, but what depth we now have at tackle. Who said Langston Walker is overpaid?


-- As noted previously, Stroud is a monster. 'Nuff said.


-- Best secondary in the league? It's a possibility. I know these were 3rd and 4th string wideouts, but still...


-- Lee Evans earned a couple of dollars on that salary negotiation today. He IS one of the best WRs in the league.


-- Youboty keeps making plays; I'm really happy for this guy, and hope he keeps it up.


-- When is the last time we, as fans, enjoyed the luxury of a meaningless 4th quarter against a perennial playoff team?


-- Moorman to Denney; are you freaking kidding me?!!!

-- Anyone who thinks Jauron is "too conservative" or has his hands in the playcalling got a serious come-uppins today.


Great win. Enjoy it for a day and get to work on putting the Jags in an 0-2 hole.


Great point. After that TD I was thinking that you could have made a small fortune by walking into a Vegas casino and asking for odds on the bet that the first Bills' passing TD of the season would be Punter Moorman to DE Denney.

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There was a moment during the game yesterday -- I think the score was still 20-10 -- when the Seahawks were moving the ball well and were in field goal range. Suddenly, they had some false starts, a sack (I believe) and they were something like 3rd and 27 or more, and it was not the only time during the game when I thought "THIS is where the teams needs to improve. How many times did teams convert 3rd-and-longs on us last year?"


Watching them finish what they started was terrific. As I mentioned to my wife yesterday, this is the team I've been waiting for. Yes, it was against a depleted team, but this is where someone is supposed to say "But you SHOULD beat a depleted team by four scores."


I'll bite. You SHOULD beat a depleted team by 4 scores.


I was most impressed with the 'go for the jugular' TD pass on the first play after the K-O fumble. Haven't seen that in a long time!



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first of all, stroud is a monster and a top 3 interior D lineman when healthy (or at least was before).


that said, he ws out for some plays where our d still kicked butt. it's not just him, i think it's our depth and attitude, and our entire front 7 is improved (poz, mitchell, healthy ends, spencer, williams is emerging, etc.).


absolute beasts all over the place, a ton of confidence and aggression out there.

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I don't understand why everyone is surprised by Stroud. He had an off-year last year due to injuries. Before that he was a Pro-Bowler for 3 years. The only question was his health and he seemed fine all pre-season.

Actually, it was three years ago that he was dominant. Two years ago he got the injury. Last year, he was suspended and had another injury to the same foot. He was last in the Pro Bowl in 2005. I did expect him to play well, and completely change the defense, but it's good to see it as opposed to thinking it could or should happen.

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9. TE isn't great but he's not making game killing mistakes. That's exactly what he should be doing now. Marv Levy said smart players get better. TE is very smart and I see him improving as the year goes on. He did a good job of spreading the ball around today.



This is the most excited I've been a QB in a while. He's a 2nd year QB with a 1st year OC and he looked to have a pretty decent grasp of a new offense. I think Turk and Trent will grow together and be a force in the future.

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#1 34 seconds left in the first half , we have the lead and the ball.

( Time to run out the clock...who needs 34 seconds with the ball?)

Wrong ....time to get points on the board!!!!


#2 Second half , Bills winning.

(Time to play prevent a win defense and put the turtle shell back on the offense.)

Wrong ... time to take names and kickass!!!




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