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holy crap....if this is an unbiased sports network I'm Nancy Regan.


Has anyone taken a look at the articles they have put up there today?


They are down right nasty. Nasty I say.


I understand the "Sportsguy" articles but my god.....everyone on the staff must be a Sox fan.

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What is it with people anyways.....I remember when the Lakers lost to Detroit.


While I was rooting for the Pistons, I don't understand the sports talk guys and the media outlets calling them chokers and selfish and losers...same thing they are saying about the Yanks.


Last time I checked no one is even close to the Yanks number of trophies...and the Lakers won how many championships while Kobe & Shaq were there?


I just don't understand. We try to teach our children to say "good game" and play the game with respect for each other but yet when one team wins in professional sports you see this kind of garbage on the "professional" media outlets.


To me, a sports fan, it's not in good taste.

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So you don't watch spelling bees, poker tournaments, and foshizzle booyeah highlights?


I couldn't tell you the last time I watched Sportscenter. If I watch poker it's on the other network that televises it. They do a better job and don't have Norman Schad as a commentator. That alone...


I Tivo "Primetime" and anything involving the word "Buffalo" - right now that's about the only time my cable box hits that channel.

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I couldn't tell you the last time I watched Sportscenter.  If I watch poker it's on the other network that televises it.  They do a better job and don't have Norman Schad as a commentator.  That alone...


I Tivo "Primetime" and anything involving the word "Buffalo" - right now that's about the only time my cable box hits that channel.




Here is a fan who get it, and dosent buy into ESPN's propoganda and unprofessional antics.

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I couldn't tell you the last time I watched Sportscenter.  If I watch poker it's on the other network that televises it.  They do a better job and don't have Norman Schad as a commentator.  That alone...


I Tivo "Primetime" and anything involving the word "Buffalo" - right now that's about the only time my cable box hits that channel.




Smart man. I tivo the Primetime show as well. I also subscribe to the ESPN Insider package, which allows me to watch PTI whenever I want online. No need to sit through the annoying hip hop crap that seemingly EVERY sportcaster on ESPN likes to do nowadays.

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MTV?  You mean "Dude TV"?  It's become the channel of the slackers ("Duuuuuude, where's my skateboard?"), which is why I will not watch it.



VH1 Classic still plays music videos...about the only channel to do so these days.



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VH1 Classic still plays music videos...about the only channel to do so these days.





True. I do like the "These Are The 80s" show on that channel. Reminds me of when MTV first began and videos were cheezy pieces of crap to laugh at.

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Earlier today, they had a picture on the front page of ESPN.com, showing Red Sox fans who had climbed on top of a billboard. They were drinking beer (OK that's an assumption, but you take a guess) and one of the guys had his middle fingers out. Very classy.


I got an email this morning from a friend who works at ESPN. She is miserable today with all of the Red Sox fans up there. I'm sure it would be fun if you were a Red Sox fan, but the fact is ESPN is not NESN. They are supposed to be professional journalists, regardless if they grew up rooting for the Sox. Their completely biased coverage has been ridiculous for a few years now. Peter Gammons was about to spunk all over himself last night. It's one thing to be happy over what happened...I would be too. But there is also a time to be a professional, and ESPN employs very view of those on-air types these days.

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Earlier today, they had a picture on the front page of ESPN.com, showing Red Sox fans who had climbed on top of a billboard. They were drinking beer (OK that's an assumption, but you take a guess) and one of the guys had his middle fingers out. Very classy.


I got an email this morning from a friend who works at ESPN. She is miserable today with all of the Red Sox fans up there. I'm sure it would be fun if you were a Red Sox fan, but the fact is ESPN is not NESN. They are supposed to be professional journalists, regardless if they grew up rooting for the Sox. Their completely biased coverage has been ridiculous for a few years now. Peter Gammons was about to spunk all over himself last night. It's one thing to be happy over what happened...I would be too. But there is also a time to be a professional, and ESPN employs very view of those on-air types these days.




I couldnt have said it any better myself. Excellent post and you are right, I know someone who works there too and you arent exaggerating. Its unprofessional. When I interned for the New Jersey Devils, I was working a Buffalo Sabres game and the Sabres won, and I never celebrated once, especally on the job. That would be unprofessional. I was there to do a job.

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If ESPN didn't have the NFL and NHL contracts, I don't know that I'd even turn it on anymore.


Talk about jumping the shark.


amen brother



I also agree that espnnews is vastly superior to just regular ole espn

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