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Palin's plane not sold on ebay at a loss

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This is a line from the same article:


"Eventually, the McCain camp today issued a statement insisting that that no mistake had been made. "The changing image-screen was linked to the American thematics of the speech and the public school was simply part of it," said spokesman Tucker Bounds. "


Grasping at straws. grasping at straws.


Nicer than the roman circus Nobama had


So it's just a coincidence that a candidate whose entire candidacy is based upon him being a veteran chose some random middle school in California which just so happens to share the name as the countries most well known military medical center? You really are stupid. You can't admit that one of McCain's staffers screwed up?

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So another Republican exaggeration. McCain even misstated that it was sold for a profit.


She said it was put on ebay, implying it was sold there. It was not, it was sold privately at a $600,000 loss.


See CNN this evening.


Welcome Palin, now that the press got set up on the baby thing, they are checking their facts and setting you up. Watch the exaggerations and implied accomplishments that are not real. I am sure there will be more.


Next on CNN... Troopergate, the Trooper that Palin is going after, is being interviewed. Should be interesting.


Did she imply that it sold on eBay, or did you infer it from hearing it? What if she had listed it in multiple sales outlets? Would that make her claim any less valid that she got rid of the plane? If she had said, "I listed the plane at Dove Brothers" would that make the same point?


Or should she have said on the stage, "I listed the plane on eBay, but it didn't sell there. So, I listed it at another place. But it didn't sell. So, we then hired a broker who started calling everyone he knew. He finally sold the plane. Whoosh, what a whirlwind of a process that was. Are you people still with me?"


As for the los or gain on the sale, I don't trust people who can barely balance a checkbook to properly explain gains and losses of depreciating assets and which accounting conventions were used to book the assets and depreciation methods.

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So it's just a coincidence that a candidate whose entire candidacy is based upon him being a veteran chose some random middle school in California which just so happens to share the name as the countries most well known military medical center? You really are stupid. You can't admit that one of McCain's staffers screwed up?



So what if it was a green background for what, 20 seconds? I was concentrating on what he was saying,


You lib loons are like "Ooh-shiny thing!"

Again, grasping at straws.

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So what if it was a green background for what, 20 seconds? I was concentrating on what he was saying,


You lib loons are like "Ooh-shiny thing!"

Again, grasping at straws.


Would you say McCain "must have done good"?

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So what if it was a green background for what, 20 seconds? I was concentrating on what he was saying,


You lib loons are like "Ooh-shiny thing!"

Again, grasping at straws.


Typical Wacka/Coulter/Hannity/O'Reilly juvenile response when he can't even concede the most innocuous observation of his candidate's performance.

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Typical Wacka/Coulter/Hannity/O'Reilly juvenile response when he can't even concede the most innocuous observation of his candidate's performance.


So, were you listening to the substance of the speech or looking for shiny things???

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