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Ride by it, it will come down fast. Seems the exterior is already stripped with just the concrete standing

We'll see how fast it comes down.


When they tore down the Erie County Bank, at Shelton Square, and the Central Library, they were also supposed to come down fast but their construction prevented that from happening. They were both classically beautiful buildings that were replaced by ordinary crap!


I'll be sorry to see the Aud go because of all the good memories.


Friday Night Wrestling, Hockey Bisons, Little Three Basketball, The Circus, The Ice Capades were all great. I believe the Aud was built around the same time as Civic Stadium (the Rockpile), both WPA projects from the late 30's. Maybe we should call the Aud the Rockpile II.


The Who


Braves games on Friday nights in the Oranges.




Globe Trotters


Sabres game against Kings during the blizzard.


And the memories of holding my dad's hand as a child walking up the endless set of ramps.


If anybody can get me a set of blues let me know.

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