VABills Posted September 4, 2008 Posted September 4, 2008 You don't think it was a keynote speech? Would you please look up the definition of "keynote speech"? Then listen to what Cindy said in her speech, then look at the RNC's speaking schedule for Monday, and then find out what the RNC's stated theme for day one was. I said if she speaks go ahead. But Palins daughter hasn't.
JK2000 Posted September 4, 2008 Posted September 4, 2008 I said if she speand caaks mignpas go ahead. But Palins daughter hasn't. Huh???
VABills Posted September 4, 2008 Posted September 4, 2008 Huh??? Yeah, I don't know what happened there. I just fixed it.
JK2000 Posted September 4, 2008 Posted September 4, 2008 Yeah, I don't know what happened there. I just fixed it. Oh ok, I thought you might have passed out on your keyboard!
K-9 Posted September 4, 2008 Posted September 4, 2008 When Chelsea Clinton was 13 and in the Whitehouse Rush Limpbaugh had a TV show and he said "Does anyone have a picture of that dog in the Whitehouse?" A picture of Chelsea Clinton showed up on the screen behind him. That is even lower than I expected Rush to go. I know different now. That's when I not only lost the miniscule amount of respect I had for him but hatred began. The kid was only 13 a very fragile age for anyone. What a P. Rick Families should be out of bounds. It was at that exact moment as well that I lost all respect for him, too. I was willing to overlook his utter lack of credentials other than being a DJ but I realized that anyone with a 6th grade reading level can read 5 newspapers a day and spew opinions based on what they've read. And he does it with a ceratain amount of talent, I'll give him that. When anyone says ignorant things with authority from such a wide ranging pulpit it tends to give them credibility. Especially with an audience full of people that he KNOWS want/need to hear what he has to say. It's the gospel truth to the ditto heads so you've got to hand it to him and his network for knowing how to milk it. In the years since his Chelsea insult, he's more than validated my reasons for not listening to him anymore. Too many reasons to list.
Southern McButterpants. Posted September 4, 2008 Posted September 4, 2008 Huh??? Oh, come on JK . . Don't you speand caaks mingpas all the time?
ieatcrayonz Posted September 4, 2008 Posted September 4, 2008 This is a terrible thread. I thought with the title "missing family member" there would at least be some update on Jason Peters. What the hell?
PastaJoe Posted September 4, 2008 Posted September 4, 2008 The families are an issue in that it gives an indication of how the candidate thinks. I question the thinking of a women who volunteers to go back to work 3 days after giving birth, and a disabled child at that, and has 4 other kids at home. Has her duties as governor, and potentially VP, caused her oldest daughter to have to take over the role of mother? Is the daughter's pregnancy a cry for attention, or thinking that if she has to play the mother role, she might as well be one? And knowing the daughter is pregnant, is it the best idea for the family to put them in the national spotlight? What about spending time with the daughter during this traumatic time in her life? It's a fact that most mothers are the primary caregivers in families, especially with babies. Their job is tougher than most fathers in that respect. Right or wrong, that's the way it is. Most women would cherish the opportunity to spend time with their newborn baby if given the chance. I've spoken with women who feel the same way and question how she could do an effective job being both VP and mother. This isn't a 8 to 5 job with sick days and personal days to attend to family business. A VP has to be ready for duty 24/7. One woman interviewed in a group on tv said, "If she wants to take away time from her family for political office, that's her business. But if she has to take away time from political office for her family, that's our business.".
Pine Barrens Mafia Posted September 4, 2008 Posted September 4, 2008 The families are an issue in that it gives an indication of how the candidate thinks. I question the thinking of a women who volunteers to go back to work 3 days after giving birth, and a disabled child at that, and has 4 other kids at home. Has her duties as governor, and potentially VP, caused her oldest daughter to have to take over the role of mother? Is the daughter's pregnancy a cry for attention, or thinking that if she has to play the mother role, she might as well be one? And knowing the daughter is pregnant, is it the best idea for the family to put them in the national spotlight? What about spending time with the daughter during this traumatic time in her life? It's a fact that most mothers are the primary caregivers in families, especially with babies. Their job is tougher than most fathers in that respect. Right or wrong, that's the way it is. Most women would cherish the opportunity to spend time with their newborn baby if given the chance. I've spoken with women who feel the same way and question how she could do an effective job being both VP and mother. This isn't a 8 to 5 job with sick days and personal days to attend to family business. A VP has to be ready for duty 24/7. One woman interviewed in a group on tv said, "If she wants to take away time from her family for political office, that's her business. But if she has to take away time from political office for her family, that's our business.". Oh, now THIS is rich. If this was a bitchin' feminazi leftie that had 5 kids, I'd pretty much guaran-frickin-tee you wouldn't be talkin this kind of smack.
blzrul Posted September 4, 2008 Author Posted September 4, 2008 Yep. On the tarmac today, just off the airplane. Stay away from the children. Not picking on the children, moron. Are you that stupid? Or just another Repig hypocrite? I was seriously wondering if McCain's pandering extends to hiding the child. You know, the child that Bush called out in 2000 during the primary when voters were asked by outbound Bush telemarketers whether they'd vote for McCain if they knew he had a "black" child?
PastaJoe Posted September 4, 2008 Posted September 4, 2008 Oh, now THIS is rich. If this was a bitchin' feminazi leftie that had 5 kids, I'd pretty much guaran-frickin-tee you wouldn't be talkin this kind of smack. I don't care what party, that type of family situation and an intense political job don't mix. I could see if she didn't have the baby and just had the other kids, but to have a disabled baby and a pregnant teen daughter? And to not even take some leave to be with the baby? If Obama had picked someone in a similar situation I would have thought he was crazy and would have questioned his judgement.
Cheeseburger_in_paradise Posted September 4, 2008 Posted September 4, 2008 Not picking on the children, moron. Are you that stupid? Or just another Repig hypocrite? I was seriously wondering if McCain's pandering extends to hiding the child. You know, the child that Bush called out in 2000 during the primary when voters were asked by outbound Bush telemarketers whether they'd vote for McCain if they knew he had a "black" child? Moron? Stupid? Repig hypocrite? Wow, you sure know how to present an argument.
mot_the_Hoople Posted September 4, 2008 Posted September 4, 2008 The families are an issue in that it gives an indication of how the candidate thinks. I question the thinking of a women who volunteers to go back to work 3 days after giving birth, and a disabled child at that, and has 4 other kids at home. Has her duties as governor, and potentially VP, caused her oldest daughter to have to take over the role of mother? Is the daughter's pregnancy a cry for attention, or thinking that if she has to play the mother role, she might as well be one? And knowing the daughter is pregnant, is it the best idea for the family to put them in the national spotlight? What about spending time with the daughter during this traumatic time in her life? It's a fact that most mothers are the primary caregivers in families, especially with babies. Their job is tougher than most fathers in that respect. Right or wrong, that's the way it is. Most women would cherish the opportunity to spend time with their newborn baby if given the chance. I've spoken with women who feel the same way and question how she could do an effective job being both VP and mother. This isn't a 8 to 5 job with sick days and personal days to attend to family business. A VP has to be ready for duty 24/7. One woman interviewed in a group on tv said, "If she wants to take away time from her family for political office, that's her business. But if she has to take away time from political office for her family, that's our business.". Will Obama be able to give his children all the time they need? I ask because some have brought up that point.
YellowLinesandArmadillos Posted September 4, 2008 Posted September 4, 2008 I don't care what party, that type of family situation and an intense political job don't mix. I could see if she didn't have the baby and just had the other kids, but to have a disabled baby and a pregnant teen daughter? And to not even take some leave to be with the baby? If Obama had picked someone in a similar situation I would have thought he was crazy and would have questioned his judgement. That part I agree with for both family members. We left dc for that reason, to raise our first child, now we have two. 16-18 hour days don't mix with child rearing and in the WH it is worse. But I know a lot of folks do what they have to, but my wife and I wanted to be around in our children's early years. We are sacrificing financially, but it works and we are there for our boys. I am not sure I would wish DC political life on any child.
blzrul Posted September 4, 2008 Author Posted September 4, 2008 Moron? Stupid? Repig hypocrite? Wow, you sure know how to present an argument. Those are all the names (except Repig) that have been thrown at me by you wingnuts over the years..seems to be the way you like to be talked to, or so I thought. I keep forgetting that wingnuts can dish it out but they can't take it. So do you, or do you not, remember the "Black Child" campaign tactic of 2000, where the GOPigs firmly established the "no child left unattacked" methodology of political campaigning?
Pine Barrens Mafia Posted September 4, 2008 Posted September 4, 2008 Those are all the names (except Repig) that have been thrown at me by you wingnuts over the years..seems to be the way you like to be talked to, or so I thought. I keep forgetting that wingnuts can dish it out but they can't take it. So do you, or do you not, remember the "Black Child" campaign tactic of 2000, where the GOPigs firmly established the "no child left unattacked" methodology of political campaigning? And here I thought you enlightened liberals were above all that. Silly me.
finknottle Posted September 4, 2008 Posted September 4, 2008 The families are an issue in that it gives an indication of how the candidate thinks. I question the thinking of a women who volunteers to go back to work 3 days after giving birth, and a disabled child at that, and has 4 other kids at home. Has her duties as governor, and potentially VP, caused her oldest daughter to have to take over the role of mother? Is the daughter's pregnancy a cry for attention, or thinking that if she has to play the mother role, she might as well be one? And knowing the daughter is pregnant, is it the best idea for the family to put them in the national spotlight? What about spending time with the daughter during this traumatic time in her life? It's a fact that most mothers are the primary caregivers in families, especially with babies. Their job is tougher than most fathers in that respect. Right or wrong, that's the way it is. Most women would cherish the opportunity to spend time with their newborn baby if given the chance. I've spoken with women who feel the same way and question how she could do an effective job being both VP and mother. This isn't a 8 to 5 job with sick days and personal days to attend to family business. A VP has to be ready for duty 24/7. One woman interviewed in a group on tv said, "If she wants to take away time from her family for political office, that's her business. But if she has to take away time from political office for her family, that's our business.". Would you be ok with an employer choosing not to hire a woman who just gave birth, based soley on what he concludes about her judgement in returning to the workforce? Just wondering...
Cheeseburger_in_paradise Posted September 4, 2008 Posted September 4, 2008 Those are all the names (except Repig) that have been thrown at me by you wingnuts over the years..seems to be the way you like to be talked to, or so I thought. I keep forgetting that wingnuts can dish it out but they can't take it. So do you, or do you not, remember the "Black Child" campaign tactic of 2000, where the GOPigs firmly established the "no child left unattacked" methodology of political campaigning? Wingnut? More name calling. I try to avoid that myself. No one will ever respect you, if you can't show respect in the first place. Most people are not completely left or right, you know. I don't remember any of that. But if your point is that McCain adopted a child from Bangladesh that's not white, so what? I imagine it's hard to get a white one from there. Or is your point, Bush bad?
MattyT Posted September 4, 2008 Posted September 4, 2008 Should we get Nancy Grace on the case of this missing family member?
Wacka Posted September 4, 2008 Posted September 4, 2008 Oh, now THIS is rich. If this was a bitchin' feminazi leftie that had 5 kids, I'd pretty much guaran-frickin-tee you wouldn't be talkin this kind of smack. If she was a bitchin' feminazi leftie she wouldn't have any kids. She would have aborted them all.
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