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Question about Obama's windfall profits tax

John Adams

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Which is what?

How much will it cost?

Who will pay for it?

Who will allow it in their district?


I've had alot of discussions with friends about 'green industry.' I believe that global warming is a serious problem that must be fought, etc, but I have a great deal of trouble with the idea that a viable national economic strategy is to create 'green-collar' jobs (which is pretty much the only answer I heard during the primaries). Fighting GW seriously will be economically extremely painfull, none of the candidates have prepared their supporters for that truth, and for that reason it probably will never happen.


Nevertheless, in response to the question of how this nifty green economy is going to work, the response that I get is that there will be lots of jobs exporting green products and technology - replacing all those coal plants in China etc. What they fail to realize is that the rest of the world expects us to share the technology, and that if we want them to phase out a perfectly good but dirty factory, we had better be prepared to pay for it. Much like we would here.

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Why is this not relevant? It didn't specifically answer your question, but it's surely part of this discussion, since it's nearly the same thing she did. She thought they weren't paying enough taxes. She took their money and handed out $1200 (I think) to each Alaskan.



I am asking about the would-be and likely next pres's plans for a national tax, not some vp loser's state taxes. Stop being so knee-jerk partisan. I'm not with Palin so Palin is irrelevant. I want to hear Obama's great plan.

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