The Senator Posted September 4, 2008 Posted September 4, 2008 You are so insensitive... I think the Bills should send out a proxy to season ticket holders. Choice 1) Give Jason Peters a 5 year $50 million extension to his current deal and increase season ticket prices by $60 next year. Choice 2) Let Jason Peters holdout, and rebate his salary to season ticket holders to the tune of $60 per seat. Choice 3) Let Peters hold out 'til he's too fat and too old to restart his self-imposed exile from the NFL; I'll still keep my season tix... GO BILLSSS!!!! 19 and 0 baby!!!!!
Mickey Posted September 4, 2008 Posted September 4, 2008 I'm sick of this garbage, Peters is a moron for not reporting and even when he reports I will not be a fan, just as I am not a fan of Mickey, AKA Mrs. Peters. If and when Peters reports he will do so without the benefit of being in shape, having a working knowledge of our new offense, or time to establish a better bond with his linemates at a position where you rely on the guy next to you in order to do your job. Lee Evans could stand to make more cash, but he reported and did his job. Newsflash, when you sabotage your own success by not practicing, you also decrease your market value. Let's see Peters make a Pro Bowl this year without the benefit of the offseason. Let him sit his @ss down at home and rot for the next 3 years. I'm sure tons of teams will look forward to signing a me-first player who has dissed his team and sat out for a season. Agree or disagree: if Peters were on the market right now, teams would be lining up to pay him substantially more than his current contract. So much for your argument that he has decreased his market value. When and if he reports and starts pancaking blitzing LB's, I think the cheers will more than likely drown out your boos. Evans is in the last year of his contract and was a first round pick who made a pile from the git-go and is also coming off of a very disappointing year. Newsflash Mrs. Brandon: Evans didn't make the pro bowl. Peters made the minimum his first year and not much more the next. Unlike Evans, he made the pro bowl. They do have one similarity though, they both want new contracts and with opening day 4 days away, neither of them has a new contract.
webtoe Posted September 4, 2008 Posted September 4, 2008 Newsflash Mrs. Brandon: Peters made the minimum his first year and not much more the next. Yes as he did, as an UDFA that nobody else wanted. In years 3-4 he made substantially more, after the Bills worked with him to help him become the player he was last year. He deserves more money, eventually, but has decided to put all of his desires above that of his teammates, despite the fact that he was scheduled to make millions of dollars. Not the type of guy I really want on the team to be honest, as I find it difficult to root for them. I would just as soon trade him, but not until the off-season when the draft picks that would replace him can have a more immediate impact.
Mickey Posted September 4, 2008 Posted September 4, 2008 This might sound nuts and I am aware of the players union, the current culture of the NFL, and everything it. They just named the captains of this team. Again, this might sound hoky, but the one thing that makes it work is: Jason Peters is still a very young guy... in serious need of mentoring. And the concept of a real captain isn't too far away from him. I think it might be a good idea for the captains to get together and contact him in some form. I agree that this is a terrible waste of talent, and your "friends" aren't friends, unless they can, and will, honestly tell you that you are screwing up, when you are honestly screwing up. Who are Peters' friends besides his teammates? I look at it this way: what possible harm can it do? Clearly this guy is getting bad advice from his agent. If he is cut off from his peers, who the heck else does he have to talk to/get advice from, who actually understands his position and has no selfish agenda? In a sense I feel sorry for him, because it's quite possible he doesn't know what to do now. He bought into a BS line from one a-hole agent, meanwhile, even the other agents are saying this is a bad idea. And, this is a no win situation for this low-life agent. It seems clear right now that he'd rather burn the player, than admit his mistake, or show that he can be "broken". What a fine example of putting the client first. I am aware that teammates don't want to get involved in each others' business. However, I think this is a special case. He should take advice from the people on this board because they have his best interests at heart. Funny, people on the board want to win, Peters holding out endangers that so they are foaming at the mouth. They will be the first to want him cut if he plays poorly, the first to forget him if he has a career ending injury and the last to give a fig when age and injuries slow him down. But they aren't selfish. The team wants to get yet another pro bowl year out of him for less than they pay lesser talent on the same team, even if it means possibly losing the services of the best offensive lineman on the team and one of the best in the league. But that isn't being selfish. Grow up people, of course Peters is being selfish, so are we and so is the team. All three are pursuing their best interests and really couldn't care less about anyone else's.
cody Posted September 4, 2008 Posted September 4, 2008 This is just so flat out wrong. Do you mean morally wrong or legally/factually wrong? If you mean it is morally wrong, I would not disagree. Given the low level of intelligence Peters has demonstrated during this holdout, do you think he's actually smart enough to consider this? No, I don't think Peters is smart enough to consider much of anything. I do think Eugene Parker has considered things that would make the speeding ticket example look like a charitable donation.
The Senator Posted September 4, 2008 Posted September 4, 2008 Agree or disagree: if Peters were on the market right now, teams would be lining up to pay him substantially more than his current contract. That's a big 'if' there, Mick; as we all know, he's NOT on the market, and won't be - the Bills OWN his ass and he'll be sitting as long as he chooses, but he ain't gettin' a trade or a new deal, so his 'market value' is moot. So much for your argument that he has decreased his market value. Wrong again, as I just stated in debunking your prior drivel. As far as market value, you're only worth what someone's willing to pay you - the Bills are the only one's he can play for right now, and his market value to them is his current contract, or nothing. When and if he reports and starts pancaking blitzing LB's, I think the cheers will more than likely drown out your boos. True enough - IF the broken-down gimp is still capable of doing that - but no one will be booing. We'll ALL be cheering for the Bills, not for Jason Peters. Evans is in the last year of his contract and was a first round pick who made a pile from the git-go and is also coming off of a very disappointing year. Newsflash Mrs. Brandon: Evans didn't make the pro bowl. Peters made the minimum his first year and not much more the next. Newsflash, Mrs. Peters - the minimum is what is paid to slow-witted, undrafted rookies who get waived, don't get picked up by anyone, and get re-signed to the practice squad where they spend much of the season. Unlike Evans, he made the pro bowl. Newsflash #2, Mrs. Peters - guy tore up his groin and was too injured to finish the season or play in that pro bowl, and no one's seen him play a down since. They do have one similarity though, they both want new contracts and with opening day 4 days away, neither of them has a new contract. And they have three glaring differences - Evans is playing NFL football this Sunday, getting a nice paycheck, and working with the Bills on a nice, long, lucrative extension. GO BILLSSS!!!! 19 and 0 baby!!!!!
Captain Hindsight Posted September 4, 2008 Posted September 4, 2008 Agree or disagree: if Peters were on the market right now, teams would be lining up to pay him substantially more than his current contract. So much for your argument that he has decreased his market value. When and if he reports and starts pancaking blitzing LB's, I think the cheers will more than likely drown out your boos. Evans is in the last year of his contract and was a first round pick who made a pile from the git-go and is also coming off of a very disappointing year. Newsflash Mrs. Brandon: Evans didn't make the pro bowl. Peters made the minimum his first year and not much more the next. Unlike Evans, he made the pro bowl. They do have one similarity though, they both want new contracts and with opening day 4 days away, neither of them has a new contract. Agree or disagree Peters has a contract and is giving the Bills the silent treatmeant instaed of maning up and going to work
Mickey Posted September 4, 2008 Posted September 4, 2008 Yes as he did, as an UDFA that nobody else wanted. In years 3-4 he made substantially more, after the Bills worked with him to help him become the player he was last year. He deserves more money, eventually, but has decided to put all of his desires above that of his teammates, despite the fact that he was scheduled to make millions of dollars. Not the type of guy I really want on the team to be honest, as I find it difficult to root for them. I would just as soon trade him, but not until the off-season when the draft picks that would replace him can have a more immediate impact. Lots of teams wanted him as a UDFA, just as we did. He wasn't drafted but was a well known project player that plenty of teams were interested in. He signed with us because we presented the best opportunity for him. Our TE's were lousy and so were or OT's. I have posted links to predraft assessments of Peters in the past which verify same. Its not like we took in an orphan and he should be willing to take less than his market value for the 2nd or 3rd year in a row as a payback. I agree though that his initial salaries, though low, reflected his market value. I only bring it up becuase others, not me, insist on comparing him to Evans. These guys have a limited window for earning the big bucks, Evans' window was much larger as a first round pick and so he can afford to bide his time. Peters doesn't have that luxury. I can understand, from a moral standpoint, why you don't care for him or want him on the team but me, as long as the guy isn't a felon, if he is a good player, I want him on the team. Frankly, some of the best players we ever had could be and were real jerks, something no one remembers as well as the wins they produced. Even though I disagree with you on that point, your conclusion is pretty solid, that they should trade him and get picks if in the end they don't want him on the team. Makes a lot more sense than the "let him rot for 3 years" stuff.
Mickey Posted September 4, 2008 Posted September 4, 2008 Agree or disagree Peters has a contract and is giving the Bills the silent treatmeant instaed of maning up and going to work Disagree. A. The slience stuff is simply not true. Brandon himself has referenced having had "brief discussions" with Parker. That means they have talked and talked more than once. Brandon also stated in response to a question about whether he spoke to Parker about Peters when negotiating Hardy's deal (Parker is Hardy's agent) and he said that "most of" their discussions were about Hardy. Note that he did not say "all of" which means some Peters did come up when Brandon and Parker were working on Hardy's deal. Parker and Peters have been silent to the media and to the fans. That is smart, respectful of the team and the right the way to do business. Compare that to T.Owens and C.Johnson. Communication is a two way street. They aren't communicating because neither has anything to say that is different from what they already have said, variations of "No new deal this year" and "I won't play without a new deal this year" followed by a mutual "call if you change your mind". This is what you call silent treatment? B. "Maning up"??? Takes far more balls to do what he is doing, what some here have hysterically referred to as ruining his career forever, than it would take to have simply been a good little boy and come in to camp. You would all be singing his praises rather than forming a lynch mob and trying to organize a surveillance team to watch his house. Which path would have been easier, accumulating fines, fan hatred and missing game checks or show up and get paid, albeit less than his worth? The point these posts were discussing is whether or not Peters has lost all or most of his market value. A point I think is laughable. What do you think?
Mickey Posted September 4, 2008 Posted September 4, 2008 That's a big 'if' there, Mick; as we all know, he's NOT on the market, and won't be - the Bills OWN his ass and he'll be sitting as long as he chooses, but he ain't gettin' a trade or a new deal, so his 'market value' is moot. Wrong again, as I just stated in debunking your prior drivel. As far as market value, you're only worth what someone's willing to pay you - the Bills are the only one's he can play for right now, and his market value to them is his current contract, or nothing. True enough - IF the broken-down gimp is still capable of doing that - but no one will be booing. We'll ALL be cheering for the Bills, not for Jason Peters. Newsflash, Mrs. Peters - the minimum is what is paid to slow-witted, undrafted rookies who get waived, don't get picked up by anyone, and get re-signed to the practice squad where they spend much of the season. Newsflash #2, Mrs. Peters - guy tore up his groin and was too injured to finish the season or play in that pro bowl, and no one's seen him play a down since. And they have three glaring differences - Evans is playing NFL football this Sunday, getting a nice paycheck, and working with the Bills on a nice, long, lucrative extension. GO BILLSSS!!!! 19 and 0 baby!!!!! Ummm.....we were discussing market value, which kind of assumes you are on the market. Duh. By the way, you keep referring to Peters having "tore up his groin", a sports hernia actually is a herniation of the abdominal wall. And you also keep forgetting that he was checked by team doctors after the surgery, a fact confirmed by Brandon himself. But by all means, keep playing that card. How many pro bowls has Evans been voted to? Has his good faith in coming to practice and playing been rewarded with a new contract? How long have they been working on that "nice long lucrative extension"? Since his contract is expiring, isn't it true that Evans will be either a free agent, a franchise player making the average of the top 3 at his position in the entire league or playing under a brand new contract next year no matter what? Given those facts, Evans has no need to hold out, zero. Gee, that doesn't sound very similar to Peters' situation but go ahead, pretend that it does.
JasoninMT Posted September 4, 2008 Posted September 4, 2008 Is there a more pointless arguement than whether Peters deserves more? I have never heard one person here (or anywhere) say he doesn't deserve more. What I have heard is the Front Office isn't going to offer him more for this season. But, you have to show up to work to make your claim... not sit at home and wait for an offer that will never come. I don't think his agent has asked for a renogotiation... They seem to expect the Bills will make him an offer blindly - which simply isn't going to happen... the fact he was injured and missed the final game, his 1 pro bowl opportunity, and had surgery only adds to the fact they aren't going to make him an offer. The longer he is away from the conditioning & training he'd recieve in Orchard Park, the longer his rehab will take. As far as Willie Anderson goes... you have to ask yourself why he was released... And, he hasn't already snared a contract - although I heard last night San Diego has their eyes on him as well.
UticaBill Posted September 4, 2008 Posted September 4, 2008 These guys have a limited window for earning the big buck The exact reason Mr Peter's should be out on the field EARNING his paychecks instead of whining about their size.... Holdouts make sense when the team isn't willing to negotiate, but the Bills are trying to negotiate and Peter's is ignoring them.... OK... If its a staring contest you want Mr. Peters.... Don't blink.... The Bills have been around for 48years and Peters already has played in more than the average number of seasons for an NFL player.....Other than the Bills line Stinking it up really badly, Peters is decreasing his value quickly with his current tactic. Why? Because unless the Fans are SCREAMING for the player to return, the holdout has no real leverage these days....and those other teams that might be interested in signing or trading for Peters are watching this situation closely I can guarantee you that! Nobody want's a Pariah on their team! (Except maybe Dallas)
Mickey Posted September 4, 2008 Posted September 4, 2008 He IS getting paid what he's worth now - nothing! Actually, he has already been paid in part for this year, his signing bonus, remember? Pretty good money for fishing and watching soaps. And he hasn't lost a game check, yet. And he can keep this up until week 10 before he risks losing an "accrued year" towards eventual free agency. When and if the Bills get any of that back, something no one involved has even mentioned, that is when it would be appropriate to measure what he lost and what he gained. If you had assessed Larry Johnson' sitution the day befor his hold out ended in a new contract, you could have spewed all the same drivel about going after bonuses, the big bad fines and so on, all BS the second the new deal is signed. With Owens, it was a new deal with another team and financially, he made out like midas.
MikeSpeed Posted September 4, 2008 Posted September 4, 2008 Agree or disagree: if Peters were on the market right now, teams would be lining up to pay him substantially more than his current contract. So much for your argument that he has decreased his market value. When and if he reports and starts pancaking blitzing LB's, I think the cheers will more than likely drown out your boos. Evans is in the last year of his contract and was a first round pick who made a pile from the git-go and is also coming off of a very disappointing year. Newsflash Mrs. Brandon: Evans didn't make the pro bowl. Peters made the minimum his first year and not much more the next. Unlike Evans, he made the pro bowl. They do have one similarity though, they both want new contracts and with opening day 4 days away, neither of them has a new contract. The pro bowl seems to be your bench mark. So let's say you give Peters his money and he makes the pro bowl again. Does that mean he gets another raise next year? When does it end?
Mickey Posted September 4, 2008 Posted September 4, 2008 The exact reason Mr Peter's should be out on the field EARNING his paychecks instead of whining about their size.... Holdouts make sense when the team isn't willing to negotiate, but the Bills are trying to negotiate and Peter's is ignoring them.... OK... If its a staring contest you want Mr. Peters.... Don't blink.... The Bills have been around for 48years and Peters already has played in more than the average number of seasons for an NFL player.....Other than the Bills line Stinking it up really badly, Peters is decreasing his value quickly with his current tactic. Why? Because unless the Fans are SCREAMING for the player to return, the holdout has no real leverage these days....and those other teams that might be interested in signing or trading for Peters are watching this situation closely I can guarantee you that! Nobody want's a Pariah on their team! (Except maybe Dallas) Your entire argument depends on the assumption as fact that the team is "trying to negotiate and Peter's is ignoring them.." which is simply not true. Over and over now we have had confirmation that the team flatly refuses to negotiate a new deal, any deal, for this year. It was in the AP article, it was in Graham's ESPN article and most important of all, Brandon himself said that Peters has to honor the committment he made two year ago, ie, the contract which requires him to play this year, next year and the year after at the pay levels agreed to. There is not one shred of evidence that Parker or Peters ignored any overture, meeting request, phone call or other communication from Brandon to discuss Peters' contract as you state. Yes, Brandon did talk about a "track record of silence" but at the same time, he fessed up to having had more than one discussion with Parker. They are ingoring the press, and when you read the articles you can tell that the reporters are not happy with that but that is not the same as ignoring Brandon. Is there any proof whatsoever that the team has offered to negotiate a new deal this year? If so, please post that proof. Whenever I ask for it, I get the same response, Brandon's opening camp press conference where, he says Peters has to honor his contract and that some day, who knows, maybe, stranger things have happened, "never say never" they might give him a new contract. He wants more money, he deserves it. They don't want to pay and they don't have to. Thus, we have a holdout. The reason we have a long holdout is both sides are apprently pretty freaking serious.
webtoe Posted September 4, 2008 Posted September 4, 2008 I can understand, from a moral standpoint, why you don't care for him or want him on the team but me, as long as the guy isn't a felon, if he is a good player, I want him on the team. Frankly, some of the best players we ever had could be and were real jerks, something no one remembers as well as the wins they produced. Believe me, I have been around long enough to remember what jerks there were on the teams during the Super Bowl years, but they should up to play every week. I root for the team, not individuals ('its all about the laundry'). If Peters does show up, I will be rooting for him to succeed. For now, it should be treated as if he is out injured and carry on. Something it sounds as if the players on the team have already done.
GG Posted September 4, 2008 Posted September 4, 2008 Lots of teams wanted him as a UDFA, just as we did. He wasn't drafted but was a well known project player that plenty of teams were interested in. He signed with us because we presented the best opportunity for him. Yet, not a single team jumped on him when he was released. And it took until that November that the Giants apparently expressed enough of an interest that he was elevated to the regular squad. But, carry on.
The Senator Posted September 4, 2008 Posted September 4, 2008 Actually, he has already been paid in part for this year, his signing bonus, remember? I thought he spent it all on those love junkets you two been takin'! Hope he's saved at least some of it, 'cause you two are gonna have to 'do without' for a long, long time! Pretty good money for fishing and watching soaps. Fishing and watching soaps??? Shouldn't he be on the field with his teammates???? Soaps are for 'hausfrau's' - and maybe fat, lazy guys - not NFL football players. And he hasn't lost a game check, yet. And he can keep this up until week 10 before he risks losing an "accrued year" towards eventual free agency. When and if the Bills get any of that back, something no one involved has even mentioned, that is when it would be appropriate to measure what he lost and what he gained. There's 'the moll' in you again. Poor, deluded child. Keep telling yourself that - the imagination is a wonderful thing! The Bills have stated several - no, many times - that they intend to fine him for the OTAs and missed practices. If you had assessed Larry Johnson' sitution the day befor his hold out ended in a new contract, you could have spewed all the same drivel about going after bonuses, the big bad fines and so on, all BS the second the new deal is signed. With Owens, it was a new deal with another team and financially, he made out like midas. And Johnson paid the fines... Chiefs president and general manager Carl Peterson said a fine of $14,280 per day for missing 25 days of training would be paid, meaning the holdout cost Johnson about $357,000. The difference is, Johnson had a nice new deal with which to pay them - something Peters isn't getting. As for Owens, I've already explained this to you multiple times - he was a free agent able to negotiate with every team in the league, whereas Peters will have to suck it up and prove to the Bills that he's worth more $$$$ since the Bills are the ONLY team he can negotiate with. Keep tryin', though. While completely futile, your persistence is admirable.
The Senator Posted September 4, 2008 Posted September 4, 2008 By the way, you keep referring to Peters having "tore up his groin", a sports hernia actually is a herniation of the abdominal wall. Google is great, isn't it? (Or did you know all that from your years in med school?) Dec. 26, 2007 - The Buffalo Bills will look to finish the season on a high note this Sunday against the Philadelphia Eagles, but will have to do so without Pro Bowl left tackle Jason Peters. Peters, who started the team's first 15 games, will be forced to sit out due to a re-aggravated groin injury suffered in Buffalo's 38-21 loss to the New York Giants. And you also keep forgetting that he was checked by team doctors after the surgery, a fact confirmed by Brandon himself. But by all means, keep playing that card. Dec. 26, 2007 - Unfortunately, week 17 isn't the only thing in question. The groin injury has hampered Peters all season and could ultimately keep him out of the Pro Bowl in February. Sounds like damaged goods to me. How many pro bowls has Evans been voted to? As many as Peters has played in. Has his good faith in coming to practice and playing been rewarded with a new contract?How long have they been working on that "nice long lucrative extension"? Since his contract is expiring, isn't it true that Evans will be either a free agent, a franchise player making the average of the top 3 at his position in the entire league or playing under a brand new contract next year no matter what? Given those facts, Evans has no need to hold out, zero. Gee, that doesn't sound very similar to Peters' situation but go ahead, pretend that it does. I think what you mean is, "Evans will receive a new contract very shortly because he has earned a new contract through his play, his character, and his work ethic - and because he isn't as stupid, selfish, or lazy as Peters, but go ahead and pretend that he is."
cody Posted September 4, 2008 Posted September 4, 2008 Chiefs president and general manager Carl Peterson said a fine of $14,280 per day for missing 25 days of training would be paid, meaning the holdout cost Johnson about $357,000. Why would they do that? They should have just reduced Johnson's signing bonus by about $357,000. That way they could have saved some cap room. $357,000 could have gotten them a nice injury replacement, or allowed them to extend the contract of some special teamer. This growing trend towards morality and principles in the NFL is starting to disturb me.
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