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In the end, the best proof that they have zero intention of dealing a new deal for Peters this year is their failure to do so going on 7 months now. If they wanted to, they would have.


They've had 6 months to get one done with UFA to be Lee Evans and nothing's materialized. Does that mean they're not interested there either?

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They've had 6 months to get one done with UFA to be Lee Evans and nothing's materialized. Does that mean they're not interested there either?


i don't see the connection that you apparently see. lee's playing football, i'm not privy to any contract discussions they are having internally, but it certainly seems like both parties are interested in getting it done. that said, lee's agent could be demanding unrealistic money, or the bills could be offering him a pittance that's insulting based on his accomplishments and he could in fact, be gone when his contract ends. so goes that part of the business.


my response to mickey basically boils down to this...the Bills could have renegotiated and paid him what he wanted....they could have renegotiated and offered him less than what he wanted but enough to make him happy, they could have offered to renegotiate at a number he found flat out unacceptable, they could have told him to come to camp and they would talk about the future when he got there, or they could tell him to own up to the contract they have with him and they'll deal with it when the time is appropriate. since nothing is done, since the man has decided sitting out is his best course of action...what else can i derive accept:


If they wanted to, they would have.


could they see lee's contract as a larger priority, is that reasonable? i'm betting lee still plays in a bills uniform when all is said and done, but ic ould be wrong.


in the final analysis, what bothers me more than being a fan and watching a talented guy like that sitting on the sideline (for whatever reason) when he could be perhaps putting my team back into the playoffs (and as great as he is, he hasn't played on a playoff team yet), is that out of 32 teams, and 50 odd guys per squad....that with all the egos in the league, all the great players, the formerly great players, the guys who think they're greater than they are, out of everyone of them to a man represented by agent's just like this one---that jason peters alone is the most aggrieved player in the NFL, so much so that he's opted to sit for this long.

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There has been a distinct lack of leadership in the front office, most notably a strong leader with a personnel background that knows what they're doing.


Donahoe's reign was full of mistakes and the record shows it translated to the field over five seasons.


Wait a sec.. --like 'communism'...'build a football team from the outside in' was never given a fair shot

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i don't see the connection that you apparently see. lee's playing football, i'm not privy to any contract discussions they are having internally, but it certainly seems like both parties are interested in getting it done. that said, lee's agent could be demanding unrealistic money, or the bills could be offering him a pittance that's insulting based on his accomplishments and he could in fact, be gone when his contract ends. so goes that part of the business.


Evans' people have been working at a contract for 6+ months now. Yes, he's interested in staying, but there won't be a hometown discount. Both sides know where the market is, and it doesn't seem normal for negotiations to last this long. My comment didn't center so much on Peters, but the lack of progress in re-upping Evans by now.


As for Peters, let him sit. The more I hear about Eugene Parker, the more fun it is to see his client sit and not be traded. They're probably banking on an injury or poor play, but it's nice to see a player not get their way when they demand something from the team.

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The more I hear about Eugene Parker, the more fun it is to see his client sit and not be traded. They're probably banking on an injury or poor play, but it's nice to see a player not get their way when they demand something from the team.


I'm sure that reasoning goes over very well with his teammates (who undoubtedly are thinking the same).

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