Southern McButterpants. Posted September 3, 2008 Posted September 3, 2008 IDK it doesn't seem to bother the tighty righties that Bush has met w/ the Bin Ladens AS PRESIDENT. So you tell me which one concerns Americans more? Palin doen't seem to be able to manage business or her kids. I think that's the point. I think it's been clearly shown that the bin Laden family has disowned and distanced themselves from Osama. Please don't bring in any 9-11 Truther bullsh-- into this otherwise rational and intellectual discussion.
John Adams Posted September 3, 2008 Posted September 3, 2008 Yes, and if McCain drops Palin now, he has NO CHANCE of winning on November 4. Then, Obama wins in a landslide in the easiest prediction in American history. I think Palin will drop out after some particularly vicious attack, which will give McCain an out. The choice looks worse and worse. If she goes out after a cheap shot, McCain gets some credit for picking her and can turn her dropping out against her attackers. If he keeps her, it's bad news for McCain--this is turning into a feeding frenzy.
pBills Posted September 3, 2008 Posted September 3, 2008 I love her church videos. God please deliver us a pipeline.... our leaders are sending soldiers out on a task from God.
mot_the_Hoople Posted September 3, 2008 Posted September 3, 2008 I love her church videos. God please deliver us a pipeline.... our leaders are sending soldiers out on a task from God. and people are still defending her. Its amazing really. McCain use to be a viable candidate until this happened. I just don't see it anymore
Taro T Posted September 3, 2008 Posted September 3, 2008 I think Palin will drop out after some particularly vicious attack, which will give McCain an out. The choice looks worse and worse. If she goes out after a cheap shot, McCain gets some credit for picking her and can turn her dropping out against her attackers. If he keeps her, it's bad news for McCain--this is turning into a feeding frenzy. I don't see any way that he drops her that doesn't blow up into his face. For good or bad, I see her on the ticket in November. I'd still like to see how her speech goes tonight and how McCain's goes tomorrow. A lot of questions have been raised about her, depending on how those questions are answered, this COULD be a long term positive for McCain as you've even got Susan Estrich saying she's amazed at the visciousness of the attacks on Palin. If middle America see the attacks as unfounded or piling on, this could be drive "undecideds" away from Obama.
Johnny Coli Posted September 3, 2008 Posted September 3, 2008 She's been cramming for her big speech tonight, and catch this little tidbit... Not anticipating that McCain would choose a woman as his running mate, the speech that was prepared in advance was "very masculine," according to campaign manager Rick Davis, and "we had to start from scratch." That's McCain's campaign manager, the guy in charge of this thing. Jesus. Not only didn't they vet her, they had a speech written for somebody else. Anybody believe the crap they keep spewing about how properly vetted she was? If there is a God I hope it appears in McCain's applesauce and convinces him to keep Palin on the ticket. I don't want this to end.
buckeyemike Posted September 3, 2008 Posted September 3, 2008 I don't see any way that he drops her that doesn't blow up into his face. For good or bad, I see her on the ticket in November. Exactly. And Sarah Palin has my full support, regardless of the feeding frenzy. For disclosure's sake, I attend and teach Sunday School in a church in (though I am not a member of) the same religious denomination as Sarah Palin, the Assemblies of God. There are 2.7 million members in this's the 11th or 12th largest Protestant church in the United States. I'd still like to see how her speech goes tonight and how McCain's goes tomorrow. A lot of questions have been raised about her, depending on how those questions are answered, this COULD be a long term positive for McCain as you've even got Susan Estrich saying she's amazed at the visciousness of the attacks on Palin. If middle America see the attacks as unfounded or piling on, this could be drive "undecideds" away from Obama. You're 2 for 2. Remember, left-wingers, that there are approximately 90 million voters in this country who don't blog, aren't posting on internet message boards, aren't pollsters, and don't call into radio talk shows, liberal or conservative. The undecideds/middle class/regular Joes of this country may see all these attacks against Palin and completely turn against Obama. And Obama knows it too...that's why he told his campaign to, in so many words, "cool it" with the attacks. I'm proud to be a Republican. I don't need someone who's diametrically opposed to my politics telling me who to vote for. I've got a college degree, a law degree, and 14 years experience as a lawyer. I don't let the media do it. I don't let the Daily Kos do it. And you know what? I don't let my church do it either. God has given me a sufficient brain to make my choice. And most importantly on a message board? I can spell and articulate. No matter what, it's MY choice. And I will make it.
PastaJoe Posted September 3, 2008 Posted September 3, 2008 I'm proud to be a Republican. I don't need someone who's diametrically opposed to my politics telling me who to vote for. I've got a college degree, a law degree, and 14 years experience as a lawyer. I don't let the media do it. I don't let the Daily Kos do it. And you know what? I don't let my church do it either. God has given me a sufficient brain to make my choice. I thought Republicans thought all lawyers are evil. Do they know what you do, or are you a closet lawyer?
X. Benedict Posted September 3, 2008 Posted September 3, 2008 Exactly. And Sarah Palin has my full support, regardless of the feeding frenzy. For disclosure's sake, I attend and teach Sunday School in a church in (though I am not a member of) the same religious denomination as Sarah Palin, the Assemblies of God. There are 2.7 million members in this's the 11th or 12th largest Protestant church in the United States. You're 2 for 2. Remember, left-wingers, that there are approximately 90 million voters in this country who don't blog, aren't posting on internet message boards, aren't pollsters, and don't call into radio talk shows, liberal or conservative. The undecideds/middle class/regular Joes of this country may see all these attacks against Palin and completely turn against Obama. And Obama knows it too...that's why he told his campaign to, in so many words, "cool it" with the attacks. I'm proud to be a Republican. I don't need someone who's diametrically opposed to my politics telling me who to vote for. I've got a college degree, a law degree, and 14 years experience as a lawyer. I don't let the media do it. I don't let the Daily Kos do it. And you know what? I don't let my church do it either. God has given me a sufficient brain to make my choice. And most importantly on a message board? I can spell and articulate. No matter what, it's MY choice. And I will make it. I have no recollection of ever visiting the Daily Kos. Is that what made the McCain campaign disclose that Palin's daughter was pregnant? Actually I think for McCain to win the fight for the middle which you mention, the "see what the Left has done to this poor woman" is not a winning hand. Playing victim is extremely bad politics.
buckeyemike Posted September 3, 2008 Posted September 3, 2008 I thought Republicans thought all lawyers are evil. Do they know what you do, or are you a closet lawyer? No, they know what I do.
DC Tom Posted September 3, 2008 Posted September 3, 2008 I thought Republicans thought all lawyers are evil. Do they know what you do, or are you a closet lawyer? Maybe he's a corporate lawyer...
buckeyemike Posted September 3, 2008 Posted September 3, 2008 I have no recollection of ever visiting the Daily Kos. Is that what made the McCain campaign disclose that Palin's daughter was pregnant? More or less. They and the Huffington Post. Actually I think for McCain to win the fight for the middle which you mention, the "see what the Left has done to this poor woman" is not a winning hand. Playing victim is extremely bad politics. The Republicans won't play the victim card, but the electorate may notice what is happening. And plenty of them may not like it. People do not like being condescended or talked down to. Maybe he's a corporate lawyer... Nope. Just your basic sole practitioner, working for myself.
X. Benedict Posted September 3, 2008 Posted September 3, 2008 The Republicans won't play the victim card, but the electorate may notice what is happening. And plenty of them may not like it. People do not like being condescended or talked down to. Oh I think they already have. The Republican Women's Conference at the convention today claimed Palin was the victim of an all out smear campaign, they would not stand for all the sexist attacks, in their mad as hell conference today. I watched with interest. What is that if not the politics of victimization and a cry of "unfair!"?
Johnny Coli Posted September 3, 2008 Posted September 3, 2008 People do not like being condescended or talked down to. Or pandered or flat-out lied to, because that is what this is about. It's not about the media or the "angry left" tearing down a poor working mom. It's about a guy running on a country first platform that chose a evangelical woman to not only pander to the extremists in his party, but to try and dupe other women into voting for HIM. Not her. He clearly doesn't give a damn about her or her family. A leader doesn't do that. A leader doesn't choose to thrust a pregnant minor into the spotlight in order to grab votes. And a leader sure doesn't fly the father of the baby into St. Paul for a photo op. This is the guy you're proudly going to vote for. When you watch this poor woman get rushed out onto the stage tonight into an arena she has no business being in, remember that the words coming out of her mouth were written for someone else, and they just re-wrote them last night to make them "less masculine." That's the kind of leader you're proudly going to vote for. That's the kind of man he is.
DC Tom Posted September 3, 2008 Posted September 3, 2008 Nope. Just your basic sole practitioner, working for myself. It was a joke. You know...if Republicans don't like lawyers, but they're pro-corporations, then would they like corporate lawyers or not? Ah, screw it...
GG Posted September 3, 2008 Posted September 3, 2008 P.S. Some idiot on morning Joe from the Wall Street Journal just said the United States is made up a 100,000 small towns made up of 10,000 defense of Palin's experience as mayor. Oh really! that would put our small town population at 1 Billion and with our cities we would be close to the most populous country in the world. You sure his quote wasn't, "100,000 small towns made up of 10,000 people, OR LESS?"
DC Tom Posted September 3, 2008 Posted September 3, 2008 P.S. Some idiot on morning Joe from the Wall Street Journal just said the United States is made up a 100,000 small towns made up of 10,000 defense of Palin's experience as mayor. Oh really! that would put our small town population at 1 Billion and with our cities we would be close to the most populous country in the world. ...all desperately clinging to their guns and religion... I hope GG's right and you missed the "or less". If not...what a freakin' moron. Math skills, like that, the guy must work in mortgage trading.
YellowLinesandArmadillos Posted September 3, 2008 Posted September 3, 2008 Playing victim is extremely bad politics. Agreed, they will end up sounding like HRC and she lost to Obama. Besides, I hate to say, but I wish the Republicans would stop whining about the scrutiny, it is unbecoming.
YellowLinesandArmadillos Posted September 3, 2008 Posted September 3, 2008 ...all desperately clinging to their guns and religion... I hope GG's right and you missed the "or less". If not...what a freakin' moron. Math skills, like that, the guy must work in mortgage trading. Even if it is less, it is a gross over statement.
Kelly the Dog Posted September 3, 2008 Posted September 3, 2008 I like this one. Peggy Noonan and Mike Murphy, off camera saying the choice of Palin "political bullschitt", "cynical" and "gimmicky". Noonan also said "it's over" (meaning the race) and she's as conservative as it gets. Gotta love the Youtube age. Wall Street Journal columnist and former Reagan speechwriter Peggy Noonan and former John McCain adviser, Time columnist, and MSNBC contributor Mike Murphy were caught on tape disparaging John McCain's selection of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his Vice Presidential running mate. "It's over," Noonan said. When Chuck Todd asked her if this was the most qualified woman the Republicans could nominate, Noonan responded, "The most qualified? No. I think they went for this, excuse me, political bull sh-- about narratives. Every time the Republicans do that, because that's not where they live and that's not what they're good at, they blow it." Murphy characterized the choices as "cynical" and "gimmicky." Listen to them here: Politcal bullschitt
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