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Is Palin more qualified to be VP than Obama is to be Pres.

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And president of harvard law review.On the senates foreign relations committee. Obama is a pretty sharp guy, you have to admit that


Sure he is, but I know scores of sharp guys. Being president of a college newspaper and spending half a term in the Senate hardly makes one qualified for the Presidency.


I just find it hysterical that the left wing loonies here are all in such high spirits bashing a Governor when they are all supporting this lightweight. :beer:





p.s. nice bounce!

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Sure he is, but I know scores of sharp guys. Being president of a college newspaper and spending half a term in the Senate hardly makes one qualified for the Presidency.


I just find it hysterical that the left wing loonies here are all in such high spirits bashing a Governor when they are all supporting this lightweight. :beer:





p.s. nice bounce!

I'm no left wing loonie. McCain, who I was once supporting, is the one that statred this experience thing and then he turns around and picks this person with much less experience than Obama. And someone with a million other problems. McCain is the one that looks inexperienced by chosing the mommy that like mooseburgers

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Sure he is, but I know scores of sharp guys. Being president of a college newspaper and spending half a term in the Senate hardly makes one qualified for the Presidency.


I just find it hysterical that the left wing loonies here are all in such high spirits bashing a Governor when they are all supporting this lightweight. :beer:





p.s. nice bounce!


Served in the Illinois State House, opposed a popular war, and only served one term in Congress. Barack Obama? No, Abraham Lincoln. I guess you don't think he was a good president.

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Almost as much as being a "community organizer". :beer::thumbsup:



Hail the Messiah!!

I am sure it involved way more than 8,000 people in a town like Chicago.


He was/is a lawyer, as much as you like to denigrate the profession, it takes quite a commitment to become one, organizational ability and intelligence and knowledge of the law. Hmmm, what is a better qualification for President????


In fact, over half of our Presidents were lawyers, starting with John Adams and including Abraham Lincoln and Bill Clinton. A number of others took law classes but did not finish including Teddy Roosevelt. http://www.abavideonews.org/ABA296/resouce3.htm

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I'm no left wing loonie. McCain, who I was once supporting, is the one that statred this experience thing and then he turns around and picks this person with much less experience than Obama. And someone with a million other problems. McCain is the one that looks inexperienced by chosing the mommy that like mooseburgers


I wasn't suggesting that you were part of the looney tunes crowd....just referencing the recent mood here (they always work themselves into a frenzy just before another Dem blows the election).


And as far as her having less experience that Obama; that's very debatable. Not to mention fairly irrelevant since she is nominated for VP and he for President. So if you weight those accordingly (which would be a factor about about 10), anyone who professes to be turned off by her experience is full of sh-- if they are planning to vote for Obama.

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I wasn't suggesting that you were part of the looney tunes crowd....just referencing the recent mood here (they always work themselves into a frenzy just before another Dem blows the election).


And as far as her having less experience that Obama; that's very debatable. Not to mention fairly irrelevant since she is nominated for VP and he for President. So if you weight those accordingly (which would be a factor about about 10), anyone who professes to be turned off by her experience is full of sh-- if they are planning to vote for Obama.

I think it's rather easy to argue that being a Columbia University and Harvard Law School graduate and President of the Harvard Law Review, State Senator for eight years, a US Senator for slightly less than 4 years, being on the foreign relations committee, teaching Constitutional Law at one of the best law schools in the country for 12 years, winning the Democratic nomination for President over Hilary Clinton with 18 million votes is far more experience and preparation than a BA in Journalism from Idaho, six years as Mayor of Wasilla, two years of the Oil and Energy Conservation Commission (which is under-rated experience I think), and slightly less than 2 years as Governor of Alaska is.


Besides, it's not really the argument that if Obama is prepared to be President, then Palin is too -- the argument becomes, if Palin is prepared to become President, then most all of McCain's experience is now obsolete because experience obviously doesn't account for much, according to McCain himself.

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I am sure it involved way more than 8,000 people in a town like Chicago.


He was/is a lawyer, as much as you like to denigrate the profession, it takes quite a commitment to become one, organizational ability and intelligence and knowledge of the law. Hmmm, what is a better qualification for President????


In fact, over half of our Presidents were lawyers, starting with John Adams and including Abraham Lincoln and Bill Clinton. A number of others took law classes but did not finish including Teddy Roosevelt. http://www.abavideonews.org/ABA296/resouce3.htm

And he eschewed the opportunity to join a private practice and make big bucks, instead taking his Ivy League degree and using it to help the community he lived in. What a novel idea. But, don't waste your breath here. These people don't care if soldiers die...if children starve...or anything else as long as their taxes don't go up.

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I think it's rather easy to argue that being a Columbia University and Harvard Law School graduate and President of the Harvard Law Review, State Senator for eight years, a US Senator for slightly less than 4 years, being on the foreign relations committee, teaching Constitutional Law at one of the best law schools in the country for 12 years, winning the Democratic nomination for President over Hilary Clinton with 18 million votes is far more experience and preparation than a BA in Journalism from Idaho, six years as Mayor of Wasilla, two years of the Oil and Energy Conservation Commission (which is under-rated experience I think), and slightly less than 2 years as Governor of Alaska is.


Besides, it's not really the argument that if Obama is prepared to be President, than Palin is too -- the argument becomes, if Palin is prepared to become President, then most all of McCain's experience is now obsolete because experience obviously doesn't account for much, according to McCain himself.

McCain just pulled one of the biggest political screw ups ever. I just can't see him recovering from this even if he gets rid of her. He still made this terrible decision and must now go down fighting with it

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McCain just pulled one of the biggest political screw ups ever. I just can't see him recovering from this even if he gets rid of her. He still made this terrible decision and must now go down fighting with it


Funny, his screw up has the Obama camp in such a tizzy that they are bashing a teenage girl for getting pregnant.

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Almost as much as being a "community organizer". :D:lol:



Hail the Messiah!!


I'm still waiting for your response. Here, I'll repeat the question-


Can you tell me anything about Sarah Palin's "executive experience" or "commander and chief experience"? Why should a 19 month governor of a idiosyncratic state with a population of only 600K become next in line to be POTUS? Name one thing she did that was exceptional. Don't bother responding if you're just going to say "What am Obama be doing that am be exceptional"?

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Funny, his screw up has the Obama camp in such a tizzy that they are bashing a teenage girl for getting pregnant.

Nope. Not "bashing" this poor unfortunate girl. Just pointing out that it's very relevent in defining where the Bush McCain-Palin ticket stands with respect to teen pregnancy.


McCain fought money on teen pregnancy programs

Republican John McCain, whose running mate disclosed that her unmarried 17-year-old daughter is pregnant, has opposed proposals to spend federal money on teen-pregnancy prevention programs and voted to require poor teen mothers to stay in school or lose their benefits.




McCain's record on issues surrounding teen pregnancy and contraceptives during his more than two decades in the Senate indicates that he and Palin have similar views. Until Monday, when the subject surfaced in a deeply personal manner, teen pregnancy and sex education were not issues in the national political campaign.


Palin herself said she opposes funding sexual-education programs in Alaska.


"The explicit sex-ed programs will not find my support," she wrote in a 2006 questionnaire distributed among gubernatorial candidates.


Palin's daughter is just another unfortunate statistic that would be an all-to-common result if fundamentalist evangelicals get their way.


I like this part of the article:

McCain's position on contraceptives and teen pregnancy issues has been difficult to judge on the campaign trail, as he appears uncomfortable discussing such topics.


Probably should have vetted your VP pick, then. :D

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I must admit, I must have missed the Obama campaign has said anything other than family and especially children should be left alone.



You haven't missed anything. All the Tighty Righties are on the defensive like they've never been before. They realize that McCain has screwed the pooch and are overly protecting Palin.

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You haven't missed anything. All the Tighty Righties are on the defensive like they've never been before. They realize that McCain has screwed the pooch and are overly protecting Palin.


I love it! Rather than nominate Tom Ridge, which would have been a total game changer, McCain just threw some red meat to his base! Good work Johnny!

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