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The "Improbable Dream" Comes True for Sox

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...and I repeat, BUT...The Curse has NOT been broken! Only by winning the Series will the Red Sox break The Curse forever!


What a potential 2-for-1 treat for Red Sox Nation: (a) breaking The Curse, and (B) a shot at payback at their ol' buddy, Roger Clemens, provided the 'Stros win tonight's Game 7 in St. Looie.


But Sox fans will always have the last four nights--and last night especially--to savor. To beat the Yanks the way they did. What gumption. And what great starting pitching by Schilling and Lowe in 6 & 7 to get it done.


It should be a terrific Series.


Mebbe this will be the year for Boston to break its Curse. Our Curse, namely Wide Right, still hangs over us Bills fans like a freakin' albatross. That won't be lifted until Our Heroes WIN IT ALL!

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