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Stargate Atlantis Canceled


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Wow ... felt like I just got hit by a ton of bricks. I can't take this crap from NBC Universal anymore. First SG1, now this. I don't even want to watch any new shows anymore because 90% get canceled and the 10% that don't simple suck.


I can't image not having a Stargate show to watch.

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"The crew will travel to the far reaches of the universe, connecting with each of the previously launched Stargates, thus fulfilling the Destiny's original mission. Challenges will arise though as the ship comes into range of Stargates placed centuries ahead of the Destiny and the crew is unable to control the ship's navigational schedule. If someone is left behind, there is no way to go back for them, adding to the drama of encountering new races, enemies and adventures."


And they have an easy way of ditching characters.

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