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Micheal Moore

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You are calling me a lier. For saying what? Someone who would defend Michael Moore is calling me a lier. Well that says it all for me.


All anyone needs to do is look at your posts. They'll get it no matter how much you try to deny it.


"I really didn't say everything I said."

— Yogi Berra, in The Sporting News, discussing his famous sayings

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Can anyone really tell me what's wrong with this statement:


"It makes no sense to spend billions of dollars to rebuild a city that's seven feet under sea level....It looks like a lot of that place could be bulldozed." –House Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.), Aug. 31, 2005


Are you saying it makes sense that other Americans have to pay for other Americans to live in a city that is not viable as a place for habitat? Why should that trickle down taxation and inflation be my problem or your problem?


If it's no problem to you don't complain about oil, food, or rising costs of living.

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Can anyone really tell me what's wrong with this statement:


"It makes no sense to spend billions of dollars to rebuild a city that's seven feet under sea level....It looks like a lot of that place could be bulldozed." –House Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.), Aug. 31, 2005


Are you saying it makes sense that other Americans have to pay for other Americans to live in a city that is not viable as a place for habitat? Why should that trickle down taxation and inflation be my problem or your problem?


If it's no problem to you don't complain about oil, food, or rising costs of living.


I agree Californians shouldn't be bailed out when an earthquake strikes and people who live in the trees of California shouldn't be helped when their houses burn down and Buffalo should never get federal help when a huge snow storm hits after all these people know the dangers of where they live and it's not viable for habitat when these things happen. Since N.O. survived for hundreds of years before Katrina they should have known it wasn't viable for habitat.

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I agree Californians shouldn't be bailed out when an earthquake strikes and people who live in the trees of California shouldn't be helped when their houses burn down and Buffalo should never get federal help when a huge snow storm hits after all these people know the dangers of where they live and it's not viable for habitat when these things happen. Since N.O. survived for hundreds of years before Katrina they should have known it wasn't viable for habitat.



Throw in Florida and the Carolina coast because of Hurricane's and the midwest because of drought and, and Nevada because of the lack of water...and, and


There is no good answer on any of these things.

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I agree Californians shouldn't be bailed out when an earthquake strikes and people who live in the trees of California shouldn't be helped when their houses burn down and Buffalo should never get federal help when a huge snow storm hits after all these people know the dangers of where they live and it's not viable for habitat when these things happen. Since N.O. survived for hundreds of years before Katrina they should have known it wasn't viable for habitat.


There's also a big difference between those in California who can afford to live elsewhere and those in New Orleans who cannot.

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There's also a big difference between those in California who can afford to live elsewhere and those in New Orleans who cannot.


Another insightful post from Molten...This one's a classic! RI Bills fan, why don't you add this gem to your sig. line? :thumbsup:

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Michael Moore is a big blowhard. He is what he is...and from what I understand, he has championed the cause of union workers while treating people who work for him like gum on the bottom of his shoe.


I suppose that you can get away with just about anything as long as you have the right politics...and it ain't Republican.

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Michael Moore is a big blowhard. He is what he is...and from what I understand, he has championed the cause of union workers while treating people who work for him like gum on the bottom of his shoe.


I suppose that you can get away with just about anything as long as you have the right politics...and it ain't Republican.


I've never heard about his maltreatment of his workers. Link?

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I agree Californians shouldn't be bailed out when an earthquake strikes and people who live in the trees of California shouldn't be helped when their houses burn down and Buffalo should never get federal help when a huge snow storm hits after all these people know the dangers of where they live and it's not viable for habitat when these things happen. Since N.O. survived for hundreds of years before Katrina they should have known it wasn't viable for habitat.

So let's hear about all those good, God-fearing Midwesterners who get slammed along the Missouri / Mississippi Rivers every few years? Granted a few towns have moved, but people continue to rebuild in the flood plain. They get aid, and sympathy. Why should they be treated any better? What's so much better about people from, say, Kansas, than people from Louisiana?

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As if any rational person didn't know this already? They guy is a lying hack, and unfortunately there are people that are either too dumb, too affected, or too mentally challenged to see it, and are willing to fork over their hard earned dollars to him for apparently no reason other than BushBad.

Can we not pin these attitudes on any one individual, and just say "partisan politics is for retards"?

Normally I would agree, but not so here. Micheal Moore is way, way, beyond merely being "partisan". He is no different than PT Barnum, and unfortunately, as evidenced by this thread, there is still no shortage of suckers in the USA.

Wow, that is a statement is obviously being taken out of context. I'm pretty sure that Moore and Carter do not wish for death of innocent people (especially Carter). Now, Moore can be a P.O.S. but I see this as a misinterpreted statement

Wrong. As evidenced by the following:


“I was just thinking, this Gustav is proof that there is a God in heaven,” Moore said. “To just have it planned at the same time, that it would actually be on its way to New Orleans for Day One of the Republican convention, up in the Twin Cities, at the top of the Mississippi River.”


There's your context. Therefore, nobody is taking Moore's drivel out of context. Only somebody below the 3rd grade reading level could possibly "misinterpret" what he is saying. Sorry but using the "out of context" defense doesn't work here. I wonder how many people know anymore what the concept of "out of context" actually means... :thumbsup: ...because I keep hearing it from every tool there is. I'm sure the Jerry Springer crowd thinks it means "way to get out of saying stupid crap". Is that what you are going for here?

So let's hear about all those good, God-fearing Midwesterners who get slammed along the Missouri / Mississippi Rivers every few years? Granted a few towns have moved, but people continue to rebuild in the flood plain. They get aid, and sympathy. Why should they be treated any better? What's so much better about people from, say, Kansas, than people from Louisiana?

They shouldn't. Common sense(rare these days everywhere but especially in California) dictates that you should build your house in a good spot, and that you buy a lot of insurance if you want to risk not putting your house in a good spot. Perhaps the Midwesterners you are talking about aren't God-fearing after all? I'm not much of a Bible guy but isn't this pretty famous? These instructions are pretty clear:


"And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand:

And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it." Matthew 5-7


Of course, then again, most of that has to do with not worrying about stuff like this because God will take care of you anyway. Too bad some people have deemed themselves God, and decided that the instrument of their "power" is the US Government. More government = more "god". How ironic. :worthy:

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Wrong. As evidenced by the following:


“I was just thinking, this Gustav is proof that there is a God in heaven,” Moore said. “To just have it planned at the same time, that it would actually be on its way to New Orleans for Day One of the Republican convention, up in the Twin Cities, at the top of the Mississippi River.”


There's your context. Therefore, nobody is taking Moore's drivel out of context. Only somebody below the 3rd grade reading level could possibly "misinterpret" what he is saying. Sorry but using the "out of context" defense doesn't work here. I wonder how many people know anymore what the concept of "out of context" actually means... :thumbsup: ...because I keep hearing it from every tool there is. I'm sure the Jerry Springer crowd thinks it means "way to get out of saying stupid crap". Is that what you are going for here?


Hey dimwit did you watch the actual conversation in it's entirety that I posted? Obviously not. If you had you would have heard Moore say he hopes nobody gets hurt. Also did you read through the quoted Republican politicians made about Katrina. I guess you didn't pass third grade yet. :worthy:


So do your research before posting lies. :worthy:

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Look at you all getting bent out of shape over something some liberal film maker said, treating it like lockerroom material before a big game - how pathetic!


If there actually is a God who cares at all about what happens in this country or even on this planet, he certainly doesn't seem to be a big fan of the South or Midwest. That always struck me as rather ironic - the insistance of those who are to be saved that God is on their side in the face of hurricanes, floods and tornadoes right where they live year after year after year.


As demonstrated earlier in this thread, there was no shortage of comments from the right about wicked New Orleans and NYC being punished during Katrina and 911. Hopefully the government response is better this time if things get bad again.

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Look at you all getting bent out of shape over something some liberal film maker said, treating it like lockerroom material before a big game - how pathetic!


If there actually is a God who cares at all about what happens in this country or even on this planet, he certainly doesn't seem to be a big fan of the South or Midwest. That always struck me as rather ironic - the insistance of those who are to be saved that God is on their side in the face of hurricanes, floods and tornadoes right where they live year after year after year.


As demonstrated earlier in this thread, there was no shortage of comments from the right about wicked New Orleans and NYC being punished during Katrina and 911. Hopefully the government response is better this time if things get bad again.


I'm neither religious nor conservative (tho the Lefties here may disagree since I'm not one of "them")


Just because I'm not religous doesn't mean that I don't believe in God. It's got nothing to do with Katrina or any natural disasters punishing the "wicked"


My belief in God stems from a quote from Benjamin Franklin...

Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy



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Wow, that is a statement is obviously being taken out of context. I'm pretty sure that Moore and Carter do not wish for death of innocent people (especially Carter). Now, Moore can be a P.O.S. but I see this as a misinterpreted statement


FOX Misrepresent someone's words? nooooo. Really??? They usually just make stuff up, so I am surprised.

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