MattM Posted August 31, 2008 Posted August 31, 2008 In years past Rochester transit used to run buses between Roch and the stadium, but apparently this year they aren't due to some dispute with Laidlaw. Anyone know of any other bus companies that are making that run? Muchas gracias in advance.....
Original Byrd Man Posted August 31, 2008 Posted August 31, 2008 I believe Laidlaw challenged RTS's right to shuttle to RWS with the federal Govt., and I read and article that said the fed trans commission had ruled RTS was guilty of unfair competetion as they are non profit. I checked around and the only ride I could find was an ad by Laidlaw for service to and from, but I would walk before a ride a freakin school bus an hour and 1/2 each way. If they think they will have a thriving business at this I would like to have a little of what ever they are on. Car pool anyone????
BillsVet Posted August 31, 2008 Posted August 31, 2008 In years past Rochester transit used to run buses between Roch and the stadium, but apparently this year they aren't due to some dispute with Laidlaw. Anyone know of any other bus companies that are making that run? Muchas gracias in advance..... New regulations from the Federal Transit Administration prevent publicly subsidized transit organizations from competing with private companies such as First Student (formerly Laidlaw) and serving a specific group of people like those going to RWS. The main reason is that publicly funded transit can severely underbid private companies, especially considering the former don't have to pay taxes like the latter does. RTS was fortunate a federal judged ruled in February in their favor, as their routes to provide this service to the city school district were specifically designed for the school kids and not really public. First Student took the matter to court, but ultimately was found not to have the resources to do what RTS does for the city school district. The downside is, no further routes for events like the Lilac Festival, Bills training camp, to RWS, and anything which caters mainly to a segment of the populus are permitted. The rules are ambiguous, and unfortunately I haven't heard of anyone from the private sector willing to do this service. If there is, they can't possibly do it for what RTS used to charge.
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