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We Pay, China Benefits


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So thanks to the blood, sweat and tears of American soldiers and their families, not to mention everyone's tax dollars, Iraq can sign a nice, fat juicy contract with China.


Yes, THAT China, the one that we should probably be watching carefully. Yup.


It's not that I want the oil - I think that finding / buying more oil is like enabling an alcoholic - but I have to admit is really pisses me off that the Repigs have spent all this money since 2003, thousands of dead and maimed young people, Iraq has an $80b surplus plus now $3b in revenue from China.


Doesn't seem right to me. But by all means vote Repig in 2008 just to watch with horrid fascination just how bad it can get.

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So thanks to the blood, sweat and tears of American soldiers and their families, not to mention everyone's tax dollars, Iraq can sign a nice, fat juicy contract with China.


Yes, THAT China, the one that we should probably be watching carefully. Yup.


It's not that I want the oil - I think that finding / buying more oil is like enabling an alcoholic - but I have to admit is really pisses me off that the Repigs have spent all this money since 2003, thousands of dead and maimed young people, Iraq has an $80b surplus plus now $3b in revenue from China.


Doesn't seem right to me. But by all means vote Repig in 2008 just to watch with horrid fascination just how bad it can get.


You've got to be kidding me. Does everyone completely forget Clinton's treatment of China? You really think voting Democrat is a change?

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You've got to be kidding me. Does everyone completely forget Clinton's treatment of China? You really think voting Democrat is a change?


Why? Is Bill Clinton/Hillary running? What's it been almost ten years. This should rank up there with saying the H word on the internet... :worthy:B-)


I thought you were smarter than that DC. Me, you could expect it... I am just a slob.



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Why? Is Bill Clinton/Hillary running? What's it been almost ten years. This should rank up there with saying the H word on the internet... :thumbsup::wacko:


I thought you were smarter than that DC. Me, you could expect it... I am just a slob.




My point being that there's four presidential terms of favorable economic policy towards the Chinese from both sides of the aisle, thus the original "Repigs suck because of..." post was asinine. Put either party in power, the policy doesn't change. Thanks for missing it, slob. :P



Furthermore...isn't the Iraqi ability to shop around on the open market and sign economic deals with other countries a sign that we're not, in fact, the imperialistic nation we're made out to be? Or are we going to complain because we can't even do imperialism right?

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My point being that there's four presidential terms of favorable economic policy towards the Chinese from both sides of the aisle, thus the original "Repigs suck because of..." post was asinine. Put either party in power, the policy doesn't change. Thanks for missing it, slob. :thumbsup:



Furthermore...isn't the Iraqi ability to shop around on the open market and sign economic deals with other countries a sign that we're not, in fact, the imperialistic nation we're made out to be? Or are we going to complain because we can't even do imperialism right?


The point is:


a) This deal is enabled by the US. I guess the dead soldiers would be THRILLED that they died so Iraq could sell to China. I bet they'll all be thrilled when Iraq sells to, oh maybe Cuba perhaps (wingnuts sh-- their pants over Cuba for some reason, hence I use it as an example).

b) Your boy Bush tried to soften the idea of "war" by claiming that the Iraqi profits would help pay us back for that and the reconstruction. I'm still waiting. Since Iraq is now recovered to the point where they can make these deals, it's time to set a payback schedule. Maybe tie it to our withdrawal schedule. Yeah - pay us, and we'll get the !@#$ out of your country.


The American people are subsidizing Iraq's ability to sell to our, if not "enemies", our "watchlist". That's what I have a problem with. The Bushistas are great at sabre-rattling - even a token "HEY you owe us some $$$" would be appropriate. But of course that's the hallmark of bullies - they back off pretty fast when called. And of course somewhere in there is obscene profit for some oil companies who are, after all, in the White House and running (ruining) the country.

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The point is:


a) This deal is enabled by the US. I guess the dead soldiers would be THRILLED that they died so Iraq could sell to China. I bet they'll all be thrilled when Iraq sells to, oh maybe Cuba perhaps (wingnuts sh-- their pants over Cuba for some reason, hence I use it as an example).

b) Your boy Bush tried to soften the idea of "war" by claiming that the Iraqi profits would help pay us back for that and the reconstruction. I'm still waiting. Since Iraq is now recovered to the point where they can make these deals, it's time to set a payback schedule. Maybe tie it to our withdrawal schedule. Yeah - pay us, and we'll get the !@#$ out of your country.


The American people are subsidizing Iraq's ability to sell to our, if not "enemies", our "watchlist". That's what I have a problem with. The Bushistas are great at sabre-rattling - even a token "HEY you owe us some $$$" would be appropriate. But of course that's the hallmark of bullies - they back off pretty fast when called. And of course somewhere in there is obscene profit for some oil companies who are, after all, in the White House and running (ruining) the country.


Yeah? Iraq's a soverign nation. Are you arguing they shouldn't be because we fought a war there?


Never mind it was a stupid war to begin with...are you arguing for the very same imperialistic attitude that you decried the war as being? Or are you merely saying the Bush is an idoit because he actually recognizes that a soverign Iraq is the only viable end-goal (probably the ONE thing he actually got right in his whole Iraq policy) and refuses to act imperialistically?


Really...we're now seeing the ONLY outcome that provides for any measure of long-term stability and success in this ill-begotten adventure, and you have a problem that we're NOT being imperialistic?

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Why? Is Bill Clinton/Hillary running? What's it been almost ten years. This should rank up there with saying the H word on the internet... :thumbsup::wacko:


I thought you were smarter than that DC. Me, you could expect it... I am just a slob.



There are many many old hippies among the democratic leadership. The Chinese are commies. Hippies are commies except with a bad smell. I think the somewhat cleaned up hippies that are today's democrats will do whatever China says since commies are commies despite the odor differences. Republicans will probably give China whatever they want too. They will do it in an effort to steal as much money as possible as rapidly as possible and say they are being capitalists even though they are helping commies.


What I don't get is why democrats complain when republicans help commies. Why do they care as long as the commies get help? I get why the republicans complain when the democrats help commies because it deprives the fake capitalist republicans the chance to steal a lot of money.

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So thanks to the blood, sweat and tears of American soldiers and their families, not to mention everyone's tax dollars, Iraq can sign a nice, fat juicy contract with China.


Yes, THAT China, the one that we should probably be watching carefully. Yup.


It's not that I want the oil - I think that finding / buying more oil is like enabling an alcoholic - but I have to admit is really pisses me off that the Repigs have spent all this money since 2003, thousands of dead and maimed young people, Iraq has an $80b surplus plus now $3b in revenue from China.


Doesn't seem right to me. But by all means vote Repig in 2008 just to watch with horrid fascination just how bad it can get.


I agree the Repigs shouldn't be elected (sans Ron Paul who was against the war), but do you vote Dem? Dems caused most of our deficit which we get from China and force us to placate to them. Dumbocrats want us to fund every country for aid with or without a dictator, cause massive deficit spending, and then blame China for taking advantage of us when we don't have the money. The Repigs aren't any better anymore.


But blame the Repigs and not the Dumbocrats. You should realize the dumbocrats ideas are bankrupting us faster than Bush ever could.

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My point being that there's four presidential terms of favorable economic policy towards the Chinese from both sides of the aisle, thus the original "Repigs suck because of..." post was asinine. Put either party in power, the policy doesn't change. Thanks for missing it, slob. :worthy:



Furthermore...isn't the Iraqi ability to shop around on the open market and sign economic deals with other countries a sign that we're not, in fact, the imperialistic nation we're made out to be? Or are we going to complain because we can't even do imperialism right?



I told you I was a slob! I am supposed to miss it!



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The point is:


a) This deal is enabled by the US. I guess the dead soldiers would be THRILLED that they died so Iraq could sell to China. I bet they'll all be thrilled when Iraq sells to, oh maybe Cuba perhaps (wingnuts sh-- their pants over Cuba for some reason, hence I use it as an example).

b) Your boy Bush tried to soften the idea of "war" by claiming that the Iraqi profits would help pay us back for that and the reconstruction. I'm still waiting. Since Iraq is now recovered to the point where they can make these deals, it's time to set a payback schedule. Maybe tie it to our withdrawal schedule. Yeah - pay us, and we'll get the !@#$ out of your country.


The American people are subsidizing Iraq's ability to sell to our, if not "enemies", our "watchlist". That's what I have a problem with. The Bushistas are great at sabre-rattling - even a token "HEY you owe us some $$$" would be appropriate. But of course that's the hallmark of bullies - they back off pretty fast when called. And of course somewhere in there is obscene profit for some oil companies who are, after all, in the White House and running (ruining) the country.


Funny how the left has been insisting for years that this was an imperialist war to seize Iraq's oil for our oil companies. And when that turns out not to be the case, the administrations leadership is faulted.... I'm looking forward to the mea culpa's.

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Funny how the left has been insisting for years that this was an imperialist war to seize Iraq's oil for our oil companies. And when that turns out not to be the case, the administrations leadership is faulted.... I'm looking forward to the mea culpa's.



I still think it is the case even more... They are just making money off it because THEY CAN.


Still very much true.

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