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The world goes on

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While America talks amongst itself feeling good itself about the nomination of a black man and a white woman for high office, the rest of the world goes on...




Whoever wins in November is going to have to deal with that mess :wallbash:

Oi Vey! :oops: Can't we all just get along for half a second.


I think that the Israelis are just as messed up and militant as the Iranians. I just wonder if it is our job anymore to keep the peace.

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Oi Vey! :oops: Can't we all just get along for half a second.


I think that the Israelis are just as messed up and militant as the Iranians. I just wonder if it is our job anymore to keep the peace.

yeah much better to let israel which is a nuclear nation deal with it themselves. :wallbash:

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It's not.


I'll see that and raise you a "... and never should have been."


That said, and the reality of the USA's role in the world being what it is, it continually amazes me that some people spend so much money and time for a chance to take a bite out of the sh-- sandwich that is global (and national is no less a ka-ka side dish) politics. I guess the explanation is that most action in politics seems to be driven by a dislike of a slightly worse alternative --- yet another area where marginal differences/gains mean everything in the moment and in history mean jack squat.

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