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RNC Thread

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Here's the stage



Let's see....we've got


- Hurricane Gustav and Hannah (how will this affect the convention?)

- Exciting pick of Gov Palin

- 50,000 protesters expected

- Bush/Cheney speaking Monday (bet McCain wishes he could un-invite)


This should be a wild ride....


This is the place to talk all about the 2008 Republican Convention!

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Monday is a good da for them to have Cheney and Bush talk. A lot of people will be having cookouts, driving home from the long weekend, and will miss it. Actually perfect timing for them to talk.


The rove machine seems to have a pretty good handle on the timing thing. Palin the morning after the messiah speaks, and now the messiah wasn't barely a 2 sentence blurb the next day on all the TV stations. Bush/Cheney when a large portion of the country can't/won't watch.

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Yea. If TV was around in the 30's, FDR wouldn't have stood a chance of getting elected.

I saw Doris Kearns Goodwin on Charlie Rose this week. And she said that on the way up to the stage for FDR's famous speech in 1936 the stage kind of collapsed, and he literally fell over. But then they got him up there and there wasn't one word of it in all of the reports and newspaper articles the next day.

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We cracked up at the last Repig convention where the trotted out all the African-Americans on stage...but when you looked in the audience you could see nary a one. They do take pandering to new heights.


Does this convention culminate Thursday, like the Dems? They're doomed if so, Thursday is NFL season opener. Who the hell is gonna watch Puddin-face McCain when you can watch ... I think Wash v Giants...?

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We cracked up at the last Repig convention where the trotted out all the African-Americans on stage...but when you looked in the audience you could see nary a one. They do take pandering to new heights.


Does this convention culminate Thursday, like the Dems? They're doomed if so, Thursday is NFL season opener. Who the hell is gonna watch Puddin-face McCain when you can watch ... I think Wash v Giants...?


I'll be watching the game, I've got Portis and Cooley on my team.

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Nice to see the the flag waving Republican's aren't worried about silly Constitutional ideas like free speech. Only those elitist democrats that do that kind of thing right?




While I am all for through wrenches into conventions to see how folks really react. These folks can be really scary, the kind that sniper shooter Malvo trained with in Seattle.

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I wonder how far they have to drive around that bridge that fell into the Mississippi? It would seem to me that they wouldn't want to call attention to the failing infrastructure of our country's transportation system (while we spend the $$ on war) by being anywhere near something like that. I'm only surprised they didn't have the chutzpah to have it in New Orleans. Fact is given Gustav, I sorta wish they had. It would be FUNNY to see those fat ole white boys standing on rooftops screaming for help. Oh yes, it would.

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