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obama really messed up not picking hillary, mccain won the election picking a woman.

Are you implying that McCain only picked his running mate based on her gender? In your opinion does that reflect more on the depth of his character, or more on his ability to be a world leader?

obama really messed up not picking hillary, mccain won the election picking a woman.


Rookie mistake, robert. :thumbsup:


There is a forum set up for topics such as this; Politics, Poll, and Pundits.

Ooooo, how cute! You just celebrated your 26 hr aniversary on TBD!


And you just passed two years, and failed to stay on topic. At least he has an excuse.

lol, good to see that McCain is sticking to his party's #1 creed of "we dont give a sh-- what happens after we die"


if he checks out early.... think about it.

No problem. I hear Dianne Keller's available to be VP once Sarah moves up...


Um... No. McCain picked a 44 year old unexperienced Governor from of all places Alaska who is under investigation in her own state. This pick looks shallow and like a shot to try and get some of the women in this country which will fail. Comparing this women to Hillary Clinton makes absolutely no sense what so ever. Nothing in their careers or beliefs mirror one another and it's pathetic that Republicans took this route. The woman is a life long NRA member for god's sake. How in the world will she pick up more of the liberal female vote in this country?


There were two picks that would have made plenty more sense. You figure it out.


I'm curious as to what the reaction will be from those Conservative / Republican men who can't support the idea of a woman as president. Will they now stay home on election night?

I'm curious as to what the reaction will be from those Conservative / Republican men who can't support the idea of a woman as president. Will they now stay home on election night?


They will be as befuddled as all those Democrats that reflexively vote woman/minority regardless of the positions.


The question is: which party has more?


As a woman I am insulted. I didn't support Hillary and although my mom had five children etc etc yak yak I am not blindly going to vote for McCain because he has selected a female running mate.


Anything that's good about her is NOT enough to cancel out McCain.


She is a very attractive woman though, and I am sure the rednecks might like her.


Regarding the hardened evangelicals? They're going to be suspicious because instead of stayin home with those babies she's wearing the britches in the fambly.


One thing is for sure, Alaska will end up looking like West Texas if she and McCain get in, what with all the drillin and all.


McCain's risking it all that American's don't bother to scratch the surface and look for the substance. And given that George W. Bush served two terms, he could well be right.


People should also keep in mind that in the current political landscape (Assuming that Obama carries Gore's states + Kerry's NH) offers McCain no margin of error. If Obama wins just Colorado he's president. If Obama wins just Virginia he's president. If Obama wins just Nevada there's a tie (no clue what happens then). If Obama wins just Ohio he's president. If Obama wins just Missouri he's president. If Obama wins just Florida he's president. I don't know how Palin can help secure all of these states.

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