VABills Posted August 29, 2008 Posted August 29, 2008 Oh, I get what you mean now. That you have no idea what the word "hypocritical" means. "a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings " " a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion "
nobody Posted August 29, 2008 Posted August 29, 2008 I have real problems with Mrs. Palin's judgment. Seriously. She named her five kids "Bristol, Willow, Piper, Track and Trig". They all sound like ski resorts - maybe that is where they were all conceived.
blzrul Posted August 29, 2008 Posted August 29, 2008 McCain has said that the duties of a VP are to inquire as to the health of the president and to break ties in the Senate. Is she really the best person the Repubs have to be a heartbeat away from the presidency? In the event McCain wins, I would be much more comfortable with people like Ridge, Huckabee, or even Kay Bailey Hutchinson. If McCain was younger or healthier it would be more acceptable. It looks like a clear pander to the Hillary holdouts. Obama passed the first major decision he had to make, I don't think McCain has. Hutchinson would have been a GREAT choice. She's been known to hit her staffers. I'd love to see her and McCain whacking each other with their walkers.
ieatcrayonz Posted August 29, 2008 Posted August 29, 2008 This really makes it interesting but ultimately the Hail Mary is going to be easily intercepted far short of the goal line. You can't even stay away from references to Trent's arm strength in a politics thread? I'll bet anything this chick wears gloves being from Alaska and all. That will get the balcony fashion vote.
Kelly the Dog Posted August 29, 2008 Posted August 29, 2008 "a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings "" a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion " Neither of which have anything remotely to do with my statement. It is my stated belief and feeling that a human should give their kids a decent name. I have never said anything to the contrary. I have zero idea what virtue and religion have anything to do with this.
VABills Posted August 29, 2008 Posted August 29, 2008 You can't even stay away from references to Trent's arm strength in a politics thread? I'll bet anything this chick wears gloves being from Alaska and all. That will get the balcony fashion vote. Of course all the people from Buffalo won't vote for her, because she wears gloves. We of course know that Trent is terrible in gloves, hence they will relate the two. BTW, I questions Edwards parents judgement. How dare they name their kid Trent. And you parents, I mean come on, naming their kid "ieatcrayonz". While prophetic, really, I do question them.
VABills Posted August 29, 2008 Posted August 29, 2008 Neither of which have anything remotely to do with my statement. It is my stated belief and feeling that a human should give their kids a decent name. I have never said anything to the contrary. I have zero idea what virtue and religion have anything to do with this. Sure it does. You question one person on their odd childrens names, but not the other. That's contradictory and hence hypocritical. Whether you like the name or not.
buckeyemike Posted August 29, 2008 Posted August 29, 2008 Watching the rally online right now, on Yahoo through the ABC News feed. The crowd sang "Happy Birthday" acapella and spontaneously to Senator McCain. Twice. This is the happiest I've ever seen McCain. BTW, his daughter is kind of a hottie. I really like the pick of Sarah Palin. I've only heard of her in the last three weeks, but as McCain said, she may be just what we need. She is a reformer, fighting the entrenched GOP bureaucracy of Alaskan government. Not only that, and not to sound chauvanistic, but Governor Palin's easy on the eyes, too. We will see what happens. 67 days to go.
Kelly the Dog Posted August 29, 2008 Posted August 29, 2008 Sure it does. You question one person on their odd childrens names, but not the other. That's contradictory and hence hypocritical. Whether you like the name or not. No, I judged all of them equally, as anyone can plainly see. I judged Sarah (and her husband) bad, Obama (and Michele) good, Obama's parents bad.
Southern McButterpants. Posted August 29, 2008 Posted August 29, 2008 You can tell it was a good pick. Townhall and Free Republic are elated . . . Meanwhile, the Libtards are freakin' out. (See BH and PJ on this board) . . and others. . . . Daily KOS
/dev/null Posted August 29, 2008 Posted August 29, 2008 Not only that, and not to sound chauvanistic, but Governor Palin's easy on the eyes, too. That seems to be the consensus here at work When I told my boss who McCain picked, his first question was "Is she hot?". Then he went and Googled her. Not her politics or anything, just to see what she looked like
VABills Posted August 29, 2008 Posted August 29, 2008 No, I judged all of them equally, as anyone can plainly see. I judged Sarah (and her husband) bad, Obama (and Michele) good, Obama's parents bad. Yeah and if you were a rich republican, you would like names like Buffy, Trent, Chet, etc... and not like the others. I am not saying you're the only hypocrite, but your judgement is based less on the true nature of the name and rather on your like of the parents and their politics, IMHO.
buckeyemike Posted August 29, 2008 Posted August 29, 2008 BTW, Alaska Darin is not online right now to tell us about Sarah Palin, but I expect he soon will be. I figure he'll be excited. I did a search of her name on this site...the oldest entry is about two weeks old. Don't forget that most people in Alaska are Republicans. It takes someone who can handle cold weather, a bit of self-reliance, and even hardship to live on The Last Frontier.
Kelly the Dog Posted August 29, 2008 Posted August 29, 2008 Yeah and if you were a rich republican, you would like names like Buffy, Trent, Chet, etc... and not like the others. I am not saying you're the only hypocrite, but your judgement is based less on the true nature of the name and rather on your like of the parents and their politics, IMHO. Then how do you explain that I think "Barack" itself is a lousy name? BTW, Buffy, Trent and Chet are all lousy names, too. Just my opinion.
nobody Posted August 29, 2008 Posted August 29, 2008 She's giving a very good speech. She'll hold her own against Biden.
Kelly the Dog Posted August 29, 2008 Posted August 29, 2008 Palin is doing pretty well. She looks like a strong, confident, smart woman. Nothing exceptional or dynamic, however, not that she needs to be.
ieatcrayonz Posted August 29, 2008 Posted August 29, 2008 Don't forget that most people in Alaska are Republicans. It takes someone who can handle cold weather, a bit of self-reliance, and even hardship to live on The Last Frontier. Plus they have a long border with Canada which would put stress on anyone. She probably named her kid Trig to leave the Canadians in an even more perpetual state of confusion.
Wacka Posted August 29, 2008 Posted August 29, 2008 Don't any of you people take a fleeting glance at facts prior to posting? Obama has over 12 years of legislative experience as a state legislator and a Senator of Illinois. High level experience? Are you serious? Where he voted 150 times as "present" (= abstain). Great way to take a stand for your principles. He served 150 days as a US senator before he ran for Pres. Great choice as we see all the libs crawling out from under their rocks to add their two cents today.
/dev/null Posted August 29, 2008 Posted August 29, 2008 Looks like both VP picks are meant to draw voters from the other party Palin, a woman, is meant to attract Hillary voters Biden, well he has what blzrul often refers to as "Republican hair"
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