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Sarah Palin

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The last charasmatic "stupid, ignorant, empty suit" that held steadfast to his ideology and that the liberals and Democrats dogpiled at every turn won the Presidential election in one of the biggest landslides the Country every saw and then went on to be one of the greatest Presidents ever.


No saying Palin is going to turn into "Dutch"...probably not...but Im just watchin' the trend here.

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The last charasmatic "stupid, ignorant, empty suit" that held steadfast to his ideology and that the liberals and Democrats dogpiled at every turn won the Presidential election in one of the biggest landslides the Country every saw and then went on to be one of the greatest Presidents ever.


No saying Palin is going to turn into "Dutch"...probably not...but Im just watchin' the trend here.


Did Ronald Reagan make as awful of a first impression as Palin did? Dan Quayle is a better analogy.

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How are you going to explain this to your son?

I say "Son, there are some guys in this world who believe it's okay to beat women. They're actually moronic enough to justify their actions by saying that the beaten woman probably deserves what she's getting. They're easy to spot because of the consistent HAHAHAHAHA sound that emits from their ass while they try to explain their stupidity away by telling you afterwards that they were only joking. At four, you're already smart enough to know this is wrong, however never underestimate the mental midget."


So simple...even a four year old can figure it out.

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I say "Son, there are some guys in this world who believe it's okay to beat women. They're actually moronic enough to justify their actions by saying that the beaten woman probably deserves what she's getting. They're easy to spot because of the consistent HAHAHAHAHA sound that emits from their ass while they try to explain their stupidity away by telling you afterwards that they were only joking. At four, you're already smart enough to know this is wrong, however never underestimate the mental midget."


So simple...even a four year old can figure it out.


You left out "Son, I'm going on 50 years old and have almost 18,000 posts on a single message board. In fact, there are only 6 people who have wasted more time on this board than I have. I'd rather waste hour after hour posting anonymous right wing rants than spend any more time than you."

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You left out "Son, I'm going on 50 years old and have almost 18,000 posts on a single message board. In fact, there are only 6 people who have wasted more time on this board than I have. I'd rather waste hour after hour posting anonymous right wing rants than spend any more time than you."

In the end, I'm a father who takes care of his son every single day, and you're still a guy who says it's okay to beat women.


Gee, I feel so ashamed of myself.

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Here's the difference, Skippy. You really have no idea what my daily schedule is like.


On the other hand, everyone here knows that you think it's okay to beat women.


18,000 posts, making repeated obscure references to month old threads, "internet fighting" with someone half your age, man you are a bigger loser than I thought! When you were young is this how you envisioned your life? How disappointing. This board must be your only outlet. I feel sorry for you.

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18,000 posts, making repeated obscure references to month old threads, "internet fighting" with someone half your age, man you are a bigger loser than I thought! When you were young is this how you envisioned your life? How disappointing. This board must be your only outlet. I feel sorry for you.


You feel sorry for me because you think I'm a loser, and yet you think it's okay to beat a woman. That's kind of creepy.


I'll stop wasting bandwidth on this childish back-and-forth now, but remember...count to ten and take a breath before the first swing, okay Slugger?

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You feel sorry for me because you think I'm a loser, and yet you think it's okay to beat a woman. That's kind of creepy.


I'll stop wasting bandwidth on this childish back-and-forth now, but remember...count to ten and take a breath before the first swing, okay Slugger?


I love how your only comeback for being called an internet addicted middle aged loser is referencing an obscure two month old internet message board post.... that certainly doesn't strengthen your case that you're not an internet addicted middle aged loser!

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18,000 posts

Says the retard who has started over 100 threads in the past 8 months.


18,000 posts, making repeated obscure references to month old threads, "internet fighting" with someone half your age

That's your excuse for your laughable ignorance? Hope you can get a union job; you'll have a rough time getting by on your wits.

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