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Sarah Palin

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Looks like you have something in common with McCain spokesperson Tucker Bounds -


Exactly... I live in a small town in IL... It would be like me becoming village President (town of about 10,000) and then becoming Gov. of Illinois. That is exactly what Palin brings to the table.




Just what you the American people need... A douchebag like Palin or myself becoming Veep!



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Looks like you have something in common with McCain spokesperson Tucker Bounds -

You mean because I've been trying to?


No one is "qualified" to be the Vice President of the United States.


But you keep pretending that sending Washington Insiders up to continue their "work" is going to somehow "change" anything. Jesus Christ you people are dense. Spend some more time screaming about the other party and how bad they are while backing Senator "Done Nothing"/ Senator "Know Nothing".


4 years from now, regardless of which of these buffoons ends up in office, these United States will be worse off. The saddest part of it all is 40% of you will argue the opposite because that's what you've been trained to do. Now crank away at your music box, monkey. Your masters need to keep collecting the money.

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Exactly... I live in a small town in IL... It would be like me becoming village President (town of about 10,000) and then becoming Gov. of Illinois. That is exactly what Palin brings to the table.




Just what you the American people need... A douchebag like Palin or myself becoming Veep!




Are you competing with Molson for biggest idiot on the board? Why is Sarah Palin a "douchebag"? What has she done to warrant this kind of name calling? Seriously. I don't know the lady personally but from what I know she seems like an honorable person to me. Does running with McCain make her a douchebag?


You've got issues...

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Exactly... I live in a small town in IL... It would be like me becoming village President (town of about 10,000) and then becoming Gov. of Illinois. That is exactly what Palin brings to the table.




Just what you the American people need... A douchebag like Palin or myself becoming Veep!




Wasilla City Hall!

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You mean because I've been trying to?


No one is "qualified" to be the Vice President of the United States.


But you keep pretending that sending Washington Insiders up to continue their "work" is going to somehow "change" anything. Jesus Christ you people are dense. Spend some more time screaming about the other party and how bad they are while backing Senator "Done Nothing"/ Senator "Know Nothing".


4 years from now, regardless of which of these buffoons ends up in office, these United States will be worse off. The saddest part of it all is 40% of you will argue the opposite because that's what you've been trained to do. Now crank away at your music box, monkey. Your masters need to keep collecting the money.


Then how does McCain help your argument. As far as that goes, Obama isn't an insider. According to the his critics he keeps voting present, hardly a tactic of an insider.... maybe someone running for President. He has only been there a few years. McCain has been there since 1981. And although he has a track record of being a maverick on certain pork project issues, he is an insider all the way on big oil , health insurance, tax issues benefitting large corporations, drug and insurance cos.


I know, you don't support McCain, but your are defending his choice.


From a libertarian perspective, how do you feel about Palin's stance on religion in government, schools etc and including the abortion issue. And if you say leave it up to the States, as the GOP she say she believes, but her statements would be to outlaw it altogether doesn't that violate principal personal freedom libertarians espouse??

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Then how does McCain help your argument. As far as that goes, Obama isn't an insider. According to the his critics he keeps voting present, hardly a tactic of an insider.... maybe someone running for President. He has only been there a few years. McCain has been there since 1981. And although he has a track record of being a maverick on certain pork project issues, he is an insider all the way on big oil , health insurance, tax issues benefitting large corporations, drug and insurance cos.


I know, you don't support McCain, but your are defending his choice.


From a libertarian perspective, how do you feel about Palin's stance on religion in government, schools etc and including the abortion issue. And if you say leave it up to the States, as the GOP she say she believes, but her statements would be to outlaw it altogether doesn't that violate principal personal freedom libertarians espouse??



Come on only Darin thinks HE is a libertarian..... Darin is to libertarians what Mc Donald's is to cuisine!!!

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From a libertarian perspective, how do you feel about Palin's stance on religion in government, schools etc and including the abortion issue. And if you say leave it up to the States, as the GOP she say she believes, but her statements would be to outlaw it altogether doesn't that violate principal personal freedom libertarians espouse??


Article on the Libertarian perspective on Palin


Not sure I agree with it, but theres some info for you.

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You mean because I've been trying to?


No one is "qualified" to be the Vice President of the United States.


But you keep pretending that sending Washington Insiders up to continue their "work" is going to somehow "change" anything. Jesus Christ you people are dense. Spend some more time screaming about the other party and how bad they are while backing Senator "Done Nothing"/ Senator "Know Nothing".


4 years from now, regardless of which of these buffoons ends up in office, these United States will be worse off. The saddest part of it all is 40% of you will argue the opposite because that's what you've been trained to do. Now crank away at your music box, monkey. Your masters need to keep collecting the money.

How can no one be qualified? I just don't get that Republican talking point

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Article on the Libertarian perspective on Palin


Not sure I agree with it, but theres some info for you.

Interesting article, but it contradicts itself by equivocating on her stances. Excusing her on the abortion issue, on her stance on religion in schools and I love this remark.


When it comes to healthcare, Palin says she wants to "allow free-market competition and reduce onerous government regulation." These days, any mention of the "free market" that's not framed as a crass pejorative is a sign of progress.


Sure, sure. There is no such thing as a free market, especially in healthcare when insurance companies are protected from liability and are able to decide what and which doctor's practice where. Oligopolies are not free-market based, with our without government intervention. Anytime there is a concentration of power, free market principals go out the window.


Certain industries are more prone to it than others. On the education front, I agree, with the writer, Washington, the RW or the LW should not be dictating national or even state standards. Standardized testing has become and excuse to limit thinking and actually learning a subject.


I guess their response is that she is the best of the four choices, but I still think it is too carefully couched.

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That story looks a lot more like "a conservative trying to sell Palin to libertarians" than a "libertarian view of Palin"!


Yeah, I'd agree with this comment, which is why I separated myself a bit from the article by saying I didn't necessarily agree with it.

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Nice Time piece on her today.


Mayor Palin: A Rough Record


So, she's a book banner, too. Political hits, opportunism, evangelical zealot, secessionist, creationist, book banning. This Bush-Palin ticket is starting to sound like a real winner.


Stein says that as mayor, Palin continued to inject religious beliefs into her policy at times. "She asked the library how she could go about banning books," he says, because some voters thought they had inappropriate language in them. "The librarian was aghast." The librarian, Mary Ellen Baker, couldn't be reached for comment, but news reports from the time show that Palin had threatened to fire her for not giving "full support" to the mayor.


Love this part about how she stood aside while the religious zealots in her party wrote "Babykiller" on her husband's stepmom's campaign signs. She was backing the other candidate because Todd's stepmom was pro-choice.


A couple of people told me that they thought abortion was the reason for Palin not supporting her family member — Faye is, they say, pro-choice, not to mention a Democrat. A former city councilman recalls that it was a heated race, mainly because of right-to-life issues. "People were writing 'BABYKILLER' on Faye's campaign signs just a few days before the election." [Faye] Palin lost the race to the candidate that Sarah backed, Dianne Keller, who is still Mayor of Wasilla.


Nice values, there.

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Nice Time piece on her today.


Mayor Palin: A Rough Record


So, she's a book banner, too. Political hits, opportunism, evangelical zealot, secessionist, creationist, book banning. This Bush-Palin ticket is starting to sound like a real winner.




Love this part about how she stood aside while the religious zealots in her party wrote "Babykiller" on her husband's stepmom's campaign signs. She was backing the other candidate because Todd's stepmom was pro-choice.




Nice values, there.


I wonder is they were science books on the subject of evolution

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What I wonder is how the really religious right wing will feel about her daughter's pregnancy. I know some folk who won't be happy about it at all, would and in one instance have kicked their daughter out of the house and demanded that she get married right away. The old shot gun wedding approach. Not saying it is right, but I know folks with that type of mentality.

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