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Sarah Palin

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Ok, true a governor doesn't need to know a whole lot about International Policy. That is unless your state borders another country or two, and you are running for the second highest executive position in the country. :wacko:

Which side of Iraq touches Alaska? I'm quite sure if you asked Governor Palin about the issues of Alaska with Russia/Canada, she'd know quite a bit more than any of you.


And you're right, she should be completely up to speed on every issue, foriegn and domestic. You know, because there are no advisors and virtually everything is done off the cuff.

Let's vote for a candidate that doesn't know what her job responsibilties are :thumbsup:

That pretty much describes everyone who has ever run for the offices. But keep pretending you're smart when all you're really doing is pointing a wagging finger that you refuse to turn toward your own "candidates".

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Which side of Iraq touches Alaska? I'm quite sure if you asked Governor Palin about the issues of Alaska with Russia/Canada, she'd know quite a bit more than any of you.


And you're right, she should be completely up to speed on every issue, foriegn and domestic. You know, because there are no advisors and virtually everything is done off the cuff.


Then why the hell would McCain pick her? Does he seriously think she's the best person to take his place if he croaks?

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A leader of men? When? He was a fly boy. Those guys tend to be arrogant maverick pricks. It makes them good at what they do, but not leaders. My dad was a frogman and ordinance explosive expert during the time McCain served. My Dad served his team was a leader of Men. Yes, during the time McCain was a POW, where he served his fellow prisoners admirably, but calling him a "leader of men" a opposed to Obama a community organizer in the Southside ghettos of Chicago is a stretch.


"Leader of Men" What is that suppose to mean?

:thumbsup: OMG... Im with Darrin on this.... McCain is not even in my top 5 perfered nominee's...


But when was Obama faced with a decision that allowed him to leave his less fortunate behind and decided to stay back with his men, knowing full well that the consequences for that decision meant more torture.... and I am not talking about harry ried/fancy nancy type either.... but real blood curling torture... you are an idiot!


Holy shhhiittt

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re read the post and clarify your answers if you like...

Clarify my response to your post? I responded to the first part. I am in total agreement that people from small towns and with strong religious beliefs, Christians included, and love guns, should have a strong voice in national politics. Of course I do, and everyone should. That doesn't mean that ANYONE from a small town or with strong Religious beliefs or loves guns should be VP or is qualified.


The second part is just stupid, IMO. Sorry. I didn't even feel the need to answer it. No, Obama and Biden have no executive experience. That doesn't at all disqualify them from being President one bit. I think John McCain has fabulous credentials to become President and he has no business or executive experience either.

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A "community organizer" against an officer in the United States Navy? Jesus H. !@#$ing Christ where do you people come from?


The fact that you have to ask says a lot.


Yes, you have never done community organizing and McCain was a fly boy. It is different. I have done community organizing work and know what that leadership is like and have plenty of family that have served with Fly Boys and know a few fly boys myself, and I wouldn't call them leaders. Most are good people but they are more akin to race car drivers then leaders. More important to me is John McCain's service in the US Senate. That is where he learned to lead "men".... or not ...depending on your political view.

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:thumbsup: OMG... Im with Darrin on this.... McCain is not even in my top 5 perfered nominee's...


But when was Obama faced with a decision that allowed him to leave his less fortunate behind and decided to stay back with his men, knowing full well that the consequences for that decision meant more torture.... and I am not talking about harry ried/fancy nancy type either.... but real blood curling torture... you are an idiot!


Holy shhhiittt


Man, I am not debating that part of his experience... and it took guts, but up until then his qualification as a flyer didn't mean he was a leader of men. That part I admire about JM, but he still shows to much flyboy do it by himself mentality. That doesn't work as a President.


Carter was a case in point. He thought he was smarter than everyone else and ended up becoming a joke because he couldn't work with folks. McCain shows those same tendencies and that is not leadership.

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:thumbsup: actually its my fault for not using spell check you elitist scum bag :wacko: doesnt change the intent tho... does it?


No, but it makes it impossible to take you seriously. I mean "Opportonist Carrer Polititician"? That's brutal. Not to nitpick but "tho" is spelled "though".

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Wrong. McCain has been a leader of men.


I don't want anyone to misunderstand that as an endorsement because John McCain makes me ill.


Welcome to the media age, where no one is allowed to say "I don't know."



I had to bite didn't I? Nice set up. While I disagree with you, I don't think I could ever get you off your high horse on this one.

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Which side of Iraq touches Alaska? I'm quite sure if you asked Governor Palin about the issues of Alaska with Russia/Canada, she'd know quite a bit more than any of you.


If she doesn't know much about the situation in Iraq then she's admitting to being grossly deficient in her duties as Governor. She's openly stated she's the head of the National Guard for the State of Alaska. There are active guardsmen from Alaska serving in Baghdad. At one point there were as many as 700 guardsmen from Alaska in Iraq. If fact, they lost a helicopter crew in January 2006. That sounds like a fairly large deployment with serious consequences. The head of the Guard for a State doesn't know much about a war that's been going on for 5 years??? That's pretty frightening.



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Man, I am not debating that part of his experience... and it took guts, but up until then his qualification as a flyer didn't mean he was a leader of men. That part I admire about JM, but he still shows to much flyboy do it by himself mentality. That doesn't work as a President.


Carter was a case in point. He thought he was smarter than everyone else and ended up becoming a joke because he couldn't work with folks. McCain shows those same tendencies and that is not leadership.

you said..."Yes, during the time McCain was a POW, where he served his fellow prisoners admirably, but calling him a "leader of men" a opposed to Obama a community organizer in the Southside ghettos of Chicago is a stretch. "


Huge difference... Comparing a political community organizer who went home every night to his beautiful wife ... to a man who provided moral LEADERSHIP to his fellow POW's while under constant mental and physical torture is the true stretch...


I think you would be better off saying you made a mistake on this one and move on... I really dont think this is an argument you can win....


Carter was a joke for many more reasons.... I think you over generalize with your statements about "Flyboys"

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If she doesn't know much about the situation in Iraq then she's admitting to being grossly deficient in her duties as Governor. She's openly stated she's the head of the National Guard for the State of Alaska. There are active guardsmen from Alaska serving in Baghdad. At one point there were as many as 700 guardsmen from Alaska in Iraq. If fact, they lost a helicopter crew in January 2006. That sounds like a fairly large deployment with serious consequences. The head of the Guard for a State doesn't know much about a war that's been going on for 5 years??? That's pretty frightening.




I'll answer for Alaska Darin to save him some time- "But Alaska big"

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