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Sarah Palin

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All I said was ..."nice bounce for Obama :thumbsup: " I thought he was going to head out of the DNC with a double digit lead.. some thought 15pts +.... Are you saying McCains choice for VEEP erased such expectations? :wallbash:


Instead of koolaid maybe you should have an adult beverage... :flirt: .. cheers!


Who do you think pisses off the "Republican political establishment" more?




Mikey Moore



I bet the 1st three piss em off more but i could be wrong :wacko:

The average bounce, according to Gallup itself, is 5-7 points.


Obama's bounce was 8 points according to Gallup.


In the Rasmussen, it was 5 points. McCain already cut the Rasmussen bounce by a point, in the last day, yesterday.


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The average bounce, according to Gallup itself, is 5-7 points.


Obama's bounce was 8 points according to Gallup.


In the Rasmussen, it was 5 points. McCain already cut the Rasmussen bounce by a point, in the last day, yesterday.


Thank for the clarification. And it is a surprise that Palin is giving McCain some short term energy? Duh!

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FWIW, I would take Rasmussen as more accurate than Zogby, and for whatever reason Rasmussen also shows a more conservative slant in their polls compared to ABC et al.


And less movement overall, which I believe is more accurate.


I am sorry, I just don't believe in these short term aberrations (bounces) in the first place. Give me a trend line and if a couple of significant things happening, usually on the ground, not in the press, they show up a couple of weeks later in the polls. Which is why McCain has been closing. While Obama was recuperating from its primaries and to an extent mending fences with HRC folks, the McCain campaign unencumbered and has been more aggressive on the ground. That is what is really being missed by the press and showing up in the polls. Obama seems to be returning to ground and things have stabilized. Now lets see where all this goes.

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On Fox News this morning, John McCain said something like, "Oh, for sure" when asked whether Sarah Palin would be more prepared to step in as President than Tom Ridge or Joe Lieberman. And McCain said he had been "following her career for many, many years". I guess being mayor of a town of 5000-6000 people in Alaska and then an appointed member of the Oil and Gas Conservation Commission really gets McCain's attention. He also said that she is his soul mate. Apparently, the closer you are to Russia, the easier it is to realize these things after 1-2 meetings.


She was also, btw, his second choice, according to several reports. He wanted Lieberman. They tested it amongst the Republican rank and file. Some major members through a fit, so he had to not take him. Plus no one on his staff recommended Palin even though they all liked her. He was the only one that thought she should be the choice, and they were shocked. This was reported on various morning shows, and no one, even the Republicans, denied it. I expect it will come out more public soon enough.

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And less movement overall, which I believe is more accurate.


I am sorry, I just don't believe in these short term aberrations (bounces) in the first place. Give me a trend line and if a couple of significant things happening, usually on the ground, not in the press, they show up a couple of weeks later in the polls. Which is why McCain has been closing. While Obama was recuperating from its primaries and to an extent mending fences with HRC folks, the McCain campaign unencumbered and has been more aggressive on the ground. That is what is really being missed by the press and showing up in the polls. Obama seems to be returning to ground and things have stabilized. Now lets see where all this goes.

Could it be that you dont believe in this bounce because it is far less than hoped for?? :wacko::thumbsup:

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On Fox News this morning, John McCain said something like, "Oh, for sure" when asked whether Sarah Palin would be more prepared to step in as President than Tom Ridge or Joe Lieberman. And McCain said he had been "following her career for many, many years". I guess being mayor of a town of 5000-6000 people in Alaska and then an appointed member of the Oil and Gas Conservation Commission really gets McCain's attention. He also said that she is his soul mate.


She was also, btw, his second choice, according to several reports. He wanted Lieberman. They tested it amongst the Republican rank and file. Some major members through a fit, so he had to not take him. Plus no one on his staff recommended Palin even though they all liked her. He was the only one that thought she should be the choice, and they were shocked. This was reported on various morning shows, and no one, even the Republicans, denied it. I expect it will come out more public soon enough.

Yes those people in small towns clinging to their Bibles and guns clearly have no business in NATIONAL politics...


Tell me again what business or executive position has either OBAMA or BIDEN had? Enlighten me on the struggles Obama had with the Chicago Democrat Party Machine? :thumbsup:

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Could it be that you dont believe in this bounce because it is far less than hoped for?? :wacko::thumbsup:


No... never have. They are always short term anyway and mean little in November. Problem is Kerry did, sat on his laurels and went wind surfing. I knew at that point he had lost the election, so no and I am glad it is small because regardless Obama needs to keep working if he wants to win.

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Yes those people in small towns clinging to their Bibles and guns clearly have no business in NATIONAL politics...


Tell me again what business or executive position has either OBAMA or BIDEN had? Enlighten me on the struggles Obama had with the Chicago Democrat Party Machine? :thumbsup:

I really don't think I can respond to anyone who is bowing "I am not worthy" to himself.

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:thumbsup: meant to bow to the temple of OBAMA..... sorry can you respond to the rest of my reply?

I surely think people from small towns with strong religious foundations and fervent support for the second amendment should have a place in national politics. I'm not sure about clinging to their Bibles, no. I don't think someone clinging to their Bibles should be VP.


I also don't think that ANYONE that is a journalism major, and has had a year and a half of governorship of a state with 670,000 people in it, which would be the 17th largest city in the US, should be in the most important position in the entire world. And for the candidate for that position to say she is the most qualified person for it, which he just did. A person, Palin, who said flat out, "I haven't thought much about Iraq". A person who six weeks ago, said "What exactly does the VP do?"

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I don't think someone clinging to their Bibles should be VP.


Wow Kelly, according to this theory, I cannot be Vice President.


I have 14 years experience as a lawyer and 11 years of running a small business. That's my experience.


I'm not running for office (yet), but if I were, considering my devout Christian beliefs, how would I fare?

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I surely think people from small towns with strong religious foundations and fervent support for the second amendment should have a place in national politics. I'm not sure about clinging to their Bibles, no. I don't think someone clinging to their Bibles should be VP.


I also don't think that ANYONE that is a journalism major, and has had a year and a half of governorship of a state with 670,000 people in it, which would be the 17th largest city in the US, should be in the most important position in the entire world. And for the candidate for that position to say she is the most qualified person for it, which he just did. A person, Palin, who said flat out, "I haven't thought much about Iraq". A person who six weeks ago, said "What exactly does the VP do?"

LOL.... OBAMA/ELITIST :thumbsup:

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I surely think people from small towns with strong religious foundations and fervent support for the second amendment should have a place in national politics. I'm not sure about clinging to their Bibles, no. I don't think someone clinging to their Bibles should be VP.

Nah, instead you'll support someone who clings to socialism and pandering. You're way better than those people. :thumbsup:

I also don't think that ANYONE that is a journalism major, and has had a year and a half of governorship of a state with 670,000 people in it, which would be the 17th largest city in the US, should be in the most important position in the entire world. And for the candidate for that position to say she is the most qualified person for it, which he just did. A person, Palin, who said flat out, "I haven't thought much about Iraq". A person who six weeks ago, said "What exactly does the VP do?"

Yeah, because population is what everything is about. There are almost no challenges in Alaska that are like the rest of America because we have so few people and everything here is obviously a really simple undertaking. But Governor Palin is the ignorant one, right Pete? Got any other really bankrupt arguments filled with soundbytes for us?


And throughout American history, the most complete answer to the question of "What exactly does a VP do?" is: Not a whole hell of a lot.


But you keep clinging to that cheerleader thing you've got going with Obama/Biden. Because they're way different than the rest of the Washington bureaucrats.

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Wow Kelly, according to this theory, I cannot be Vice President.


I have 14 years experience as a lawyer and 11 years of running a small business. That's my experience.


I'm not running for office (yet), but if I were, considering my devout Christian beliefs, how would I fare?

I said someone with strong religious beliefs SHOULD be there. That means someone who is a strong Christian with a strong belief in the Bible SHOULD be there. Someone who SHOULDNT be there is someone CLINGING TO THEIR BIBLES, which I equated to having that always rule their lives and all decisions.

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Yes those people in small towns clinging to their Bibles and guns clearly have no business in NATIONAL politics...


Tell me again what business or executive position has either OBAMA or BIDEN had? Enlighten me on the struggles Obama had with the Chicago Democrat Party Machine? :thumbsup:


What has that got to do with political leadership. I know many executives and businessmen who couldn't/can't handle the give and take of politics. You have to have a thick skin, a quiet ego and an even temper. Something hard for anyone to be able to handle. Being a good businessman means you take the bull by the horns and go after it.


In politics you have to bring everyone along with you and those that disagree with you, you make sure they stay even closer, giving all praise and credit when it was your idea in the first place.


How about the same for McCain and Palin. McCain did PR work for his father-in-law and Palin was a soccer mom before getting politically involved. Not that there is anything wrong with either.


All were involved in Politics early in their careers and I believe that at least is a better qualifier for President... working with people.

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