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Sarah Palin

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Looks like both VP picks are meant to draw voters from the other party


Palin, a woman, is meant to attract Hillary voters

Biden, well he has what blzrul often refers to as "Republican hair"


I think she does alot more than that.


- She invigorates grass-roots 'values voters' in the Republican party and everywhere through the example of her own family life, in a way that a congressional voting rating does not.


- She re-ignites the idea of a McCain candidacy being about good government and fighting waste, special interests and corruption. It's always been central to his message, but he's been unable to get any traction this time around (maybe because it's old news to the press).

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Please, please, please, please let your above quote be a Dem talking point. That would HAND the election to McCain.


You proved yourself a racist a few months ago. But now, and I wonder if blzrul agrees with me, you have shown you are a sexist pig.


Let's see, I supported Hillary but I'm sexist, and I support Obama but I'm racist. That makes alot of sense. :thumbsup:


It's a legitimate question to ask if a woman with 4 kids, one a baby with Down's Syndrome, can really devote the proper time and energy needed to take care of them AND be the leader of the free world. I'll be interested in hearing her response, as I'm sure it's a question other women will ask. They know better than most men how hard being the primary caregiver is.

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I listened on the radio. Wow, she sounded like a woman who just won the Publisher's Clearinghouse Sweepstakes. Better than Qualye, but not much. Limbaugh is praising it, saying McCain has taken the women's issues. Really? If she backs McCain's proposals, is that what working women want? Opposition to choice and equal pay legislation?


The more I think about it, the more I like this pick (for the Democrats). She's a woman who doesn't support policies Democratic women want. Hillary can go out and campaign against her with ease. And what kind of family values is it to transplant 4 kids, including a baby, to Washington to serve as VP? Which 3am call will she take first, the one about an attack, or the baby needing a diaper change? Do you really think someone with a baby makes a good potential president? I think some stay-at-home women may have a problem with that.


Yeah, there are no women in this country who are against choice. That's why the Democrats are so eager for it to be decided by popular vote instead of in the Supreme Court. They also are against the idea of women with children in politics, for the reasons you cited. It's a Man's job.


Good luck with your spin.

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- She re-ignites the idea of a McCain candidacy being about good government

Isn't part of 'good government' hiring the best, most qualified people you can find?


Buzzzzz. Sorry John....but we do have a few nice parting gifts for you, including eight sets of the home version of Jeopardy!

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- She re-ignites the idea of a McCain candidacy being about good government and fighting waste, special interests and corruption. It's always been central to his message, but he's been unable to get any traction this time around (maybe because it's old news to the press).


I'm sorry but someone from an "oil state" married to man working for BP has to do a lot to convince me of this point.

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I think she does alot more than that.


- She invigorates grass-roots 'values voters' in the Republican party and everywhere through the example of her own family life, in a way that a congressional voting rating does not.


- She re-ignites the idea of a McCain candidacy being about good government and fighting waste, special interests and corruption. It's always been central to his message, but he's been unable to get any traction this time around (maybe because it's old news to the press).

Brilliant strategy by the McCain campaign to move the focus of the election to women's issues, where he clearly has the upper hand over Obama.



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For McCain this pick was a home-run. This was the move he needed to make him look young and appealing to different spectrums. Basically it's one more reason why my GOP friends will say he's really a conservative. I know better and any true conservative that votes for the GOP, with the exception of Ron Paul, is a mere neo-con

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The State of Alaska will sue to challenge the recent listing of polar bears as a threatened species, Gov. Sarah Palin said Wednesday. She and other Alaska elected officials fear a listing will cripple oil and gas development in prime polar bear habitat off the state's northern and northwestern coasts.


Yeah, she's a real "maverick"


On your other point:


You mean that state that the Pataki drove into the toilet?


My wife worked for Senator Bruno. Perhaps you've heard of him? I could stories about your revered GOP that would make you puke in revulsion.


Dem's are no better or worse than Reps. It's a fact!


At the end of the day, she represents the people of Alaska. While I am on the side of the bears on this one, even I could see how Alaskan's might argue that it would harm the state economically.


She is not considered a friend of big oil, as a perusal of her history indicates. She increased taxes on oil, and resigned a job to protest ethics poblems in the overseeing of the industry - taken all together, she comes off to me not as a Republican oil-can-do-no-wrong nor as a Democrat oil-is-the-enemy, but as someone simpy trying to find the best solution for her state, and not in ethier sides pocket. Sadly, that *does* make her a maverick these days.

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I'm waiting for a reporter to ask her if she ever thought about aborting her newborn son Trig (he has Downs Syndrome for those of you who didn't know).


Also Trig is named after his great uncle.

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I'm waiting for a reporter to ask her if she ever thought about aborting her newborn son Trig (he has Downs Syndrome for those of you who didn't know).


Also Trig is named after his great uncle.


Please explain why this is an issue for someone seeking the secondest most powerful position in the world.

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Half of the Republican party right now is going "WHO"?


For six months we've been hearing about the "experience needed to lead". You're really going to tell me that if something unfortunate does happen to Sen. McCain that you're comfortable with a completely inexperienced unknown taking over the reigns.


I am more comfortable with someone taking over who has been mayor of a tiny 9,000 person city and a governor for a mere two years than with either of the candidates on the Democratic ticket, neither of whom have ever been responsible for supervising more than 10 people outside of their campaign staff, and neither of whom have ever had to balance a budget, meet payroll, or deal with government crises. Anyone can write legislation to give people rebate checks, cut taxes, and start pre-school programs. Being an executive requires a different kind of managerial experience.


Frankly, outside of the National Security issue, I think she is the most qualified on *either* ticket despite her limitations.

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