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Sarah Palin

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Palin is doing pretty well. She looks like a strong, confident, smart woman. Nothing exceptional or dynamic, however, not that she needs to be.


I agree. Very good speech. I can see why the people of Alaska like her.

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Let's see now:


She's from Alaska, the state with our largest energy reserves.

Her husband works for BP

She got the bill passed to allow TransCanada Alaska to build a 1,715-mile natural gas pipeline

McCain's ties to big oil have been well documented.

She has ZERO experience, so much for the "not experienced enough to lead argument".


This was a pander pick, good luck spinning it.


Edit: Did Rush and Shammity approve this pick? Better get that squared away because as stated before, "John McCain doesn't necessarily speak for the McCain campaign".

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Where he voted 150 times as "present" (= abstain). Great way to take a stand for your principles. He served 150 days as a US senator before he ran for Pres.


Great choice as we see all the libs crawling out from under their rocks to add their two cents today.


It's a great choice because it scares liberals, huh? Well I haven't spoken with any frightened liberals and I find it interesting that you applaud a choice made by the GOP which in your mind is intended to cast fear. They must be turning over a new leaf!

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Yeah, when one of the two major parties announces its vp pick it has a tendancy to do that. That said the pick arouses very little enthusiasm outside of the brain dead base.

You'd be surprised


A couple of the apolitical folks here at work heard about the pick and are interested. Some in the novelty of picking a woman and others just want to know if she's hot :thumbsup:

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Then how do you explain that I think "Barack" itself is a lousy name? BTW, Buffy, Trent and Chet are all lousy names, too. Just my opinion.

I agree with you that Barack is a pretty bad name but can also see how some people might like it. People in the science fiction crowd don't usually name their kids weird stuff based on their own hobbies but Barack is an exception. When that robot got out of the spaceship and said "Barack, Claatu, Niktu" it was a very moving scene. I think maybe his parents take movies a little bit too seriously but at least their heart was in the right place.

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Let's see now:


She's from Alaska, the state with our largest energy reserves.

Her husband works for BP

She got the bill passed to allow TransCanada Alaska to build a 1,715-mile natural gas pipeline

McCain's ties to big oil have been well documented.

She has ZERO experience, so much for the "not experienced enough to lead argument".


This was a pander pick, good luck spinning it.


One of her first acts as Gov was to raise taxes on the oil industry.

How are those Dem's working out for you in NY, Mike.

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Not only that, and not to sound chauvanistic, but Governor Palin's easy on the eyes, too.



But not on the ears. Migod is her voice grating! I lasted 2 minutes.



Anyways here's the scoop on her upcoming troopergate scandal. The Obama camp should have a field day with this.




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Today's Buffalo News front page leads off with Obama's historic speech. There goes that theory.

Additionally when Gustav hits America-particularly if it strikes near NOLA-the so called buzz invented by conservatives regarding Palin (nobody else really cares or is excited) will be blown right off the map. That's the nature of news cycles nowadays.


You mean the Buffalo News didn't have the Palin thing before it happened? Amazing. Do you work to be this dumb or is it natural? Get back to me tomorrow OK?


Watch her speak? I think my sock drawer might need rearranging at that time. But when she does speak I wonder if she'll talk about her recent ethics investigation.


Oh no. If that's the biggest skeleton in her closet, she's the cleanest candidate out there. How's Crazy Rev. Wright doing in Obama's closet?

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But not on the ears. Migod is her voice grating! I lasted 2 minutes.



Anyways here's the scoop on her upcoming troopergate scandal. The Obama camp should have a field day with this.





Did you read some of the new comments on that site?


One referred to her as "VCPILF" and another as a "Trophy" Candidate.


It also sounds like her ex brother-in-law is a real scumbag.


And I didn't find her voice to be grating, either.

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I listened on the radio. Wow, she sounded like a woman who just won the Publisher's Clearinghouse Sweepstakes. Better than Qualye, but not much. Limbaugh is praising it, saying McCain has taken the women's issues. Really? If she backs McCain's proposals, is that what working women want? Opposition to choice and equal pay legislation?


The more I think about it, the more I like this pick (for the Democrats). She's a woman who doesn't support policies Democratic women want. Hillary can go out and campaign against her with ease. And what kind of family values is it to transplant 4 kids, including a baby, to Washington to serve as VP? Which 3am call will she take first, the one about an attack, or the baby needing a diaper change? Do you really think someone with a baby makes a good potential president? I think some stay-at-home women may have a problem with that.

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One of her first acts as Gov was to raise taxes on the oil industry.

How are those Dem's working out for you in NY, Mike.


The State of Alaska will sue to challenge the recent listing of polar bears as a threatened species, Gov. Sarah Palin said Wednesday. She and other Alaska elected officials fear a listing will cripple oil and gas development in prime polar bear habitat off the state's northern and northwestern coasts.


Yeah, she's a real "maverick"


On your other point:


You mean that state that the Pataki drove into the toilet?


My wife worked for Senator Bruno. Perhaps you've heard of him? I could stories about your revered GOP that would make you puke in revulsion.


Dem's are no better or worse than Reps. It's a fact!

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I listened on the radio. Wow, she sounded like a woman who just won the Publisher's Clearinghouse Sweepstakes. Better than Qualye, but not much.



HA ha! :thumbsup: Yeah I listened to it on radio too, my ears are still ringing. I wonder if she was hopping up and down on stage like old Danny boy.


Pick is lame. All the dems gotta do is tie her with Stevens to discredit her. I'm sure there's a trail there in welfare state #1.

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Let's see now:


She's from Alaska, the state with our largest energy reserves.

Her husband works for BP

She got the bill passed to allow TransCanada Alaska to build a 1,715-mile natural gas pipeline

McCain's ties to big oil have been well documented.

She has ZERO experience, so much for the "not experienced enough to lead argument".


This was a pander pick, good luck spinning it.


Edit: Did Rush and Shammity approve this pick? Better get that squared away because as stated before, "John McCain doesn't necessarily speak for the McCain campaign".


What job does her husband have with BP?

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And it obviously completely undercuts their main criticism of Obama, that he is too inexperienced to be Commander-in-Chief.


As Taro_T posted above, I'm not so sure that it does completely undermine that argument.


The way her experience is an issue is if McCain's age catches up with him. I'm not sure that it'll be very easy for Obama to say "McCain's going to die in the White House, so you'll have an inexperienced person as #1 either way." Obama would also have to talk about his own inexperience at that point.

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You mean the Buffalo News didn't have the Palin thing before it happened? Amazing. Do you work to be this dumb or is it natural? Get back to me tomorrow OK?




Oh no. If that's the biggest skeleton in her closet, she's the cleanest candidate out there. How's Crazy Rev. Wright doing in Obama's closet?



You are a republicon simpleton who has been taken apart here before but does anybody expect the vp pick of one of the two parties not to be the number one story tomorrow? Jeezus, talk about stating the obvious!!

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