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The Catholic Church has been responsible for SO many reprehensible acts throughout its history, yet it is no big deal when someone has attended Catholic school. However, Obama went to a Muslim school and everyone jumps on that. Yes, we were attacked by radical Muslim terrorists, yes they believe in Islam, but is it the same Islam that Obama was taught in school?


He was poor growing up, wasn't he? Would you send your child to a Jewish school, or a Catholic school, or a Muslim school if that was were the best educational opportunities lay at the best price? Or would you send him or her to the public school so that he could develop the opposite of the tolerance I am sure he learned in the Muslim school?


Edit: Remember rural Kansas during the 60s/70s not the most tolerant place around.


The Catholic Church does not teach or preach the hatred of other religions to the point of death. All the founding of great institutions from hospitals to universities are a product of the Catholic Church. While I agree that it's members can and have been vicious, it's no comparison to the teaching of tenets of belief that lead one to act in those ways. The Catholic Church condemns homosexuality and pedophilia, and anyone who does so does not act in the name of the Church but their own personal viciousness. The same cannot be said of Islam which explicitly states infidels are to die. Of course it depends on what type of Muslim you are as they are vast in their beliefs.


The issue of Obama specifically is that he doesn't have patriotic qualities such as not wearing a US flag pin or put his hand on his heart during the pledge of allegiance and he was part of a church that taught all Christian ethics are about the retribution of the black man over the white man. Black liberation theology is marxism with racism. To say that Rev. Wright was his mentor is the same thing as saying that a racist anti-American man was your mentor and spiritual leader. If any other of the candidates had such close affiliations with Wright the media would have destroyed them. Well Hannity tried at least... LOL


Also, the term tolerance is used way too loosely. Who cares if someone is intolerant if it's their belief as long as that belief doesn't harm others or that belief does not teach to harm others? Maybe your intolerance of their intolerance is the same hypocritical circle. I don't care if some redneck was racist, or that some of the homeboys in Compton are racist as long as they teach to act on it but use it as segregation teachings, not that I agree with it personally, but we cannot police everyone's level of tolerance as a litmus to their lives, unless they run for PUBLIC office.

The Catholic Church does not teach or preach the hatred of other religions to the point of death. All the founding of great institutions from hospitals to universities are a product of the Catholic Church. While I agree that it's members can and have been vicious, it's no comparison to the teaching of tenets of belief that lead one to act in those ways. The Catholic Church condemns homosexuality and pedophilia, and anyone who does so does not act in the name of the Church but their own personal viciousness. The same cannot be said of Islam which explicitly states infidels are to die. Of course it depends on what type of Muslim you are as they are vast in their beliefs.


The Crusades? The Inquisition? You are comparing homsexuality to pedophilia? I don't care what your beliefs are, but one is two conscenting adults, while the other can permanently scar a child. So when the Church sent out the troops to invade a nation for a grrrraaailll to bring eternal life, that was actually people acting independently of the Church? No.


So you conceed that a vast majority of Islam may likely be peaceful? Vast beliefs sure, so let's lump them all together, excellent idea!


The issue of Obama specifically is that he doesn't have patriotic qualities such as not wearing a US flag pin or put his hand on his heart during the pledge of allegiance and he was part of a church that taught all Christian ethics are about the retribution of the black man over the white man. Black liberation theology is marxism with racism. To say that Rev. Wright was his mentor is the same thing as saying that a racist anti-American man was your mentor and spiritual leader. If any other of the candidates had such close affiliations with Wright the media would have destroyed them. Well Hannity tried at least... LOL


Yes, patriotism is wearing a flag pin, not an ideological way of thinking. I'm not even addressing this anymore, sorry I want to, but I really don't want to say anything mean.


As far as the church he attended, and Rev. Wright, I think that it brings questions up that need to be answered, but there are many reasons to choose someone as your mentor. You can addimently disagree with someone on certain topics, and still respect the means by which they got where they got to. He doesn't necissarily have to agree with everything or even anything, if he respects the way he is able to help the community he works with.


Also, the term tolerance is used way too loosely. Who cares if someone is intolerant if it's their belief as long as that belief doesn't harm others or that belief does not teach to harm others? Maybe your intolerance of their intolerance is the same hypocritical circle. I don't care if some redneck was racist, or that some of the homeboys in Compton are racist as long as they teach to act on it but use it as segregation teachings, not that I agree with it personally, but we cannot police everyone's level of tolerance as a litmus to their lives, unless they run for PUBLIC office.


I doesn't matter, I agree. If you want to approve of having a nation full of people with a moral level of 2 or if you're lucky 3 that's fine. However, I don't. And how does it harm people? Children have the potential to reach a level of morality that is different than their parents. When parents poison them with immoral retoric, I feel that is damaging their ability to attain self-actualization, and borders on child abuse.

The Crusades? The Inquisition? You are comparing homsexuality to pedophilia? I don't care what your beliefs are, but one is two conscenting adults, while the other can permanently scar a child.


I guess you proved you are clueless. The Crusades weren't about killing infidels, but about defending, not being an aggressor to the Holy Land. There were abuses, but they were condemned by the Church. The Inquisition was an interior action of prosecuting formal heretics who claimed to be Catholic, not the prosecuting of material heresy (Protestants) or declared infidels. The Inquisition didn't condemn other religions to death, but Catholics who committed heresy. It was seen as treason after the Moor invasion. You should learn history before making such statements.


93% all the cases of abuse by clergy were homosexual in nature, not pedophilia. Pedophilia is before the age of puberty. The myth is that most of the abuse was pedophilia, when it fact it was homosexual aggression in most cases. I've very familiar with the crisis, I fought against it and the hierarchy who covered it up.


So when the Church sent out the troops to invade a nation for a grrrraaailll to bring eternal life, that was actually people acting independently of the Church? No.


So you conceed that a vast majority of Islam may likely be peaceful? Vast beliefs sure, so let's lump them all together, excellent idea!


What you posted is so stupid I don't know where to start. I never lumped in all Islam, but about militancy taught directly in the Quaran about killing infidels. Are you stupid enough to think the Crusades were about a grail? Where did you learn history? Indiana Jones University?


More seriously, it was you, not me, that was equivocating Catholic schooling with the schooling of Muslims. Catholic schools have no history of pumping out young kids who want to kill other faiths at very young ages and taught so by the schools, and even to the point of having a military training in school to kill such infidels. Your equivocation is out of line. You were comparing the improprieties of Catholics with the schooling, and then likening it to Muslims which do have a history of training for violence. If you think the Crusades in principle were evil, you should learn what happened that prompted them, namely Jews and Christians killed in such masses that the blood was said to have been ankle level in the streets.


As far as the church he attended, and Rev. Wright, I think that it brings questions up that need to be answered, but there are many reasons to choose someone as your mentor. You can addimently disagree with someone on certain topics, and still respect the means by which they got where they got to. He doesn't necissarily have to agree with everything or even anything, if he respects the way he is able to help the community he works with.


I would never choose someone as a spiritual mentor who believed in spiritual insanity. If Wright was his financial mentor you might have a point, but Wright was his spiritual director. Wright admits his theology and spirituality is black liberation theology.


When parents poison them with immoral retoric, I feel that is damaging their ability to attain self-actualization, and borders on child abuse.


I agree, but it shouldn't be legislated, but a private moral hazard that should rightfully not be tolerated in public.

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