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Obama's Muslim Schooling

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The Catholic Church has been responsible for SO many reprehensible acts throughout its history, yet it is no big deal when someone has attended Catholic school. However, Obama went to a Muslim school and everyone jumps on that. Yes, we were attacked by radical Muslim terrorists, yes they believe in Islam, but is it the same Islam that Obama was taught in school?


He was poor growing up, wasn't he? Would you send your child to a Jewish school, or a Catholic school, or a Muslim school if that was were the best educational opportunities lay at the best price? Or would you send him or her to the public school so that he could develop the opposite of the tolerance I am sure he learned in the Muslim school?


Edit: Remember rural Kansas during the 60s/70s not the most tolerant place around.

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I simply fail to see how continuing to be ignorant about the Muslim religion is helpful on the world scale and in the fight against terrorism. A rudimentary understanding of the religion's teachings should be looked at as a positive for a potential American leader, not as something suspicious. A fanatic in ANY religion is dangerous. A person who can understand various points of view and beliefs is educated.


I'm not necessarily surprised that people are making a much bigger deal out of Obama's schooling that it really is. Of course, nothing surprises me here, in the country that had Nobel Peace Prize winner Nelson Mandela on the terrorist watch list.

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I simply fail to see how continuing to be ignorant about the Muslim religion is helpful on the world scale and in the fight against terrorism. A rudimentary understanding of the religion's teachings should be looked at as a positive for a potential American leader, not as something suspicious. A fanatic in ANY religion is dangerous. A person who can understand various points of view and beliefs is educated.


I'm not necessarily surprised that people are making a much bigger deal out of Obama's schooling that it really is. Of course, nothing surprises me here, in the country that had Nobel Peace Prize winner Nelson Mandela on the terrorist watch list.


Wow, didn't even think of it that way, thank you! Excellent point, and I will try and credit you whenever I bring that up.

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Oh yee of no sense of humor. I'm sorry to burst your bubble Muhammed :thumbsup:


I believe my sarcastic response back would indicate a sense of humor, no? And comparing Obama's name to Osama Bin Laden is so played out, it isn't funny anymore; with smatterings of racism and bigotry thrown in for good measure.

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My father was an anti-Catholic but he sent my step-brother to a Catholic school in Rochester so he could get the "best" education. Years later he was busted for domestic violence...against a child. I don't blame the Catholics for that, I blame the parents.

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Neo-Nazis, Rush Limbaugh, and sheep? What does Obama have to do with New Zealand?


Those sheep better not come here! We got too many damn sheep here already. Man we better develop a means to detect those damn sheep, cause when they shave they sure look like goats to me. Facial recognition software is the answer!

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Those sheep better not come here! We got too many damn sheep here already. Man we better develop a means to detect those damn sheep, cause when they shave they sure look like goats to me. Facial recognition software is the answer!
Ah that explains it...you're a Kiwi..Sorry..didn't mean to pick on your girlfriend. :thumbsup:
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