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PC Run Amuck

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This happened at Yankee Stadium with Yankees fans, so I couldn't care less.


BTW, here's another video regarding the matter.


Some say he was cursing at officers, possibly drunk and disorderly, some say no. Who knows the truth?

According to Deadspin.com, he was a peaceful Red Sox fan-



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I can't watch videos at work, but I'm interested in what happened. Can someone please give me an exhaustive play-by-play? I'll need you to be very descriptive and colorful with your words as I am quite bored at the moment. Dazzle me. Go!

Click on the deadspin.com article I posted, it even has a short interview with the fan.

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Lesson of the day: When a NYC cop tells you to do something, don't give him any lip even if you think he's being an unreasonable fascist.


If the dude had to pee that bad, then how was he able to hold it for another 45 minutes to get to his GF's apartment?

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Lesson of the day: When a NYC cop tells you to do something, don't give him any lip even if you think he's being an unreasonable fascist.


If the dude had to pee that bad, then how was he able to hold it for another 45 minutes to get to his GF's apartment?


I don't care if they beat me into a pulp (more the better for effect)... If I want to get up and go to the head, I am. Cop or no cop.


Hope this spawns a lot of people going Yankee games do test this act!



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See the thing is... The guy made it too easy for the cops. As soon as they would have grabbed me (of course only in this situation were the other party was blantantly wrong)... I would have collapsed and fell down into a protective position... Let them beat me all they want... And as soon as they began to carry me away, that is the time to piss all over them.


Really... Get a few more people to do this on a regular basis... And I am sure King George (Steinbrenner) sees the errors of his way.


But... We are sheep in this country... Ya, pissing on them isn't too civil... But, the guy said he had to go... Some people piss their pants when they get scared.



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I'm sorry, i still see it as sacrilegious to play "God Bless America" during the 7th inning stretch, especially since you start the game with the "Star Spangled Banner". I believe that "Take me out to the Ballgame" is the only song that should be played during the 7th inning stretch


Figures, Yankees ruin another good thing in baseball

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