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Obama's Speech

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What people should be taking home from this moment is that a minority kid who grew up with simple means worked his butt off and is now the elected candidate of a major political party to run for the highest office in the United States. That is what is happening right now. It should give people pause to reflect on how great this country is. Last night was very, very significant in the history of this country.


And you don't have to be rich. The Obamas aren't nearly as wealthy as the people they have had to run against, and are running against right now. The money he's running with is from campaign contributions and party money. As far as I know, and I'll have to check so I could be wrong, but I don't believe they've used any of their money.


He makes a hell of a lot more than McCain does! And before you object, remember that Cindy and John are pre-nuped and have separate finances. Her financing his campaign would not be the same as his spending his own money (or Obama spending Michelle's), it would be like an outside contributor writing a really big check - it would show up as a campaign contribution and subject to those limits. In fact, when he had to borrow 3 million to keep his campaign afloat, rather than get money from Cindy he had to take out a loan on his life insurancewith his donor lists as collateral.


So you looking at a guy with an annual income of 4 million dollars the past few years versus a guy with an income of $330k.

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really. i'm have no motive to post it. it was just very impressive. not tking sides. and i agree, good to see the political scene so fresh. i look forward to mccain showing some fire too. this is great theater.


Stay in School..........or go back

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Man, I may have to rethink his fiscal policy. He's thrifty. The guy knows how to have seven or eight houses on 330K.


That's because he doesn't own any of them!


Cindy owns 7, and one is in a family trust (I assume they both contribute, but I don't know that).

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i dont care what party u r. that speech tonight was a masterpiece. im to young to remember jfl or mlking or abe lincoln's speeches. but damn, obama was incredible tonight. wow...that was great entertainment....

The speech was just that, a speech. There is a monumental difference between pontificating on what you are going to do and actually doing it. If there's one thing politicians are good at, it's making speeches. Oh wait....a great big 'ol sloppy exception for Dubya.

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From a legacy of political dynasties taken to absurd extremes in the form of a half wit like Dubya? Yeah, I'm down with that kind of change...


And that's where he messes up. He says we need change in this country. But where we need change is in Washington.

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Oh I'm so glad all of you people who don't like Obama are not in charge.


For the life of me I cannot understand your logic. It seems to me like pure "I'm republican, he's a democrat" ignorance.


I am pro-life, anti-gun control, anti-gay and lesbian marriage in philosophy. As well as agreeing with republicans on many other issues. I fully disagree with Obama on these three issues. But Bush seems have gone over the deep end, and they seem to me to go beyond republican philosophy into some sort of power hungry, "rich people are better than poor people" power trip. To add to that, I honestly, seriously, from the bottom of my heart and would bet money on it, think that George Bush has an IQ below 100 and may suffer from mild retardation.


McCain does not seem to me to be with the times. He does not keep up with technology and science. He does not have vision on the future of the planet. He does not see the urgency of curbing global warming. He does not seem to approach issues with intellectual honesty.


What I mean to say is, I'm am 100% willing to look past a few differences with Obama to gain the vision and passion that he has. He is going to revolutionize Washington. His passionate hate of the corruption which plagues our government excites me to no end. His intellectual approach to foreign affairs and global issues is 100% awesome. Think about it: How much will it help to spread democracy in Iraq, when they see we've gone from George Bush to Barack Obama. It's a compete 180, how can they not stop and think, maybe democracy is not so bad.


Barack Obama has foresight and vision to see the long term problems of this country and planet. He has the mental capabilities to approach issues in a scientific and intelligent manner. He has the honesty to carry out his plans and not let the power corrupt him or those around him.


Barack Obama is just light years ahead of McCain in terms of their qualifications to be the President of the United States of America.








... well this is my 1 in 100 posts that I actually put effort into. Now I'll watch it go unnoticed and unappreciated.

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Oh I'm so glad all of you people who don't like Obama are not in charge.


For the life of me I cannot understand your logic. It seems to me like pure "I'm republican, he's a democrat" ignorance.


I am pro-life, anti-gun control, anti-gay and lesbian marriage in philosophy. As well as agreeing with republicans on many other issues. I fully disagree with Obama on these three issues. But Bush seems have gone over the deep end, and they seem to me to go beyond republican philosophy into some sort of power hungry, "rich people are better than poor people" power trip. To add to that, I honestly, seriously, from the bottom of my heart and would bet money on it, think that George Bush has an IQ below 100 and may suffer from mild retardation.


McCain does not seem to me to be with the times. He does not keep up with technology and science. He does not have vision on the future of the planet. He does not see the urgency of curbing global warming. He does not seem to approach issues with intellectual honesty.


What I mean to say is, I'm am 100% willing to look past a few differences with Obama to gain the vision and passion that he has. He is going to revolutionize Washington. His passionate hate of the corruption which plagues our government excites me to no end. His intellectual approach to foreign affairs and global issues is 100% awesome. Think about it: How much will it help to spread democracy in Iraq, when they see we've gone from George Bush to Barack Obama. It's a compete 180, how can they not stop and think, maybe democracy is not so bad.


Barack Obama has foresight and vision to see the long term problems of this country and planet. He has the mental capabilities to approach issues in a scientific and intelligent manner. He has the honesty to carry out his plans and not let the power corrupt him or those around him.


Barack Obama is just light years ahead of McCain in terms of their qualifications to be the President of the United States of America.








... well this is my 1 in 100 posts that I actually put effort into. Now I'll watch it go unnoticed and unappreciated.


Sorry, did you just say something? :devil:

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Oh I'm so glad all of you people who don't like Obama are not in charge.


For the life of me I cannot understand your logic. It seems to me like pure "I'm republican, he's a democrat" ignorance.


I am pro-life, anti-gun control, anti-gay and lesbian marriage in philosophy. As well as agreeing with republicans on many other issues. I fully disagree with Obama on these three issues. But Bush seems have gone over the deep end, and they seem to me to go beyond republican philosophy into some sort of power hungry, "rich people are better than poor people" power trip. To add to that, I honestly, seriously, from the bottom of my heart and would bet money on it, think that George Bush has an IQ below 100 and may suffer from mild retardation.


McCain does not seem to me to be with the times. He does not keep up with technology and science. He does not have vision on the future of the planet. He does not see the urgency of curbing global warming. He does not seem to approach issues with intellectual honesty.


What I mean to say is, I'm am 100% willing to look past a few differences with Obama to gain the vision and passion that he has. He is going to revolutionize Washington. His passionate hate of the corruption which plagues our government excites me to no end. His intellectual approach to foreign affairs and global issues is 100% awesome. Think about it: How much will it help to spread democracy in Iraq, when they see we've gone from George Bush to Barack Obama. It's a compete 180, how can they not stop and think, maybe democracy is not so bad.


Barack Obama has foresight and vision to see the long term problems of this country and planet. He has the mental capabilities to approach issues in a scientific and intelligent manner. He has the honesty to carry out his plans and not let the power corrupt him or those around him.


Barack Obama is just light years ahead of McCain in terms of their qualifications to be the President of the United States of America.








... well this is my 1 in 100 posts that I actually put effort into. Now I'll watch it go unnoticed and unappreciated.


I agree that he seems like the smarter of the two candidates. I want to see McCain answer the question of why he chose this strange women as his running mate. Was she really the best person out there? From what I've seen on tv the McCain camp just can't answer those simple questions

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As well as agreeing with republicans on many other issues. I fully disagree with Obama on these three issues. But Bush seems have gone over the deep end, and they seem to me to go beyond republican philosophy into some sort of power hungry, "rich people are better than poor people" power trip. To add to that, I honestly, seriously, from the bottom of my heart and would bet money on it, think that George Bush has an IQ below 100 and may suffer from mild retardation.


You honestly, seriously think that someone can be mildly retarded and become the President of the United States?


McCain does not seem to me to be with the times. He does not keep up with technology and science. He does not have vision on the future of the planet. He does not see the urgency of curbing global warming. He does not seem to approach issues with intellectual honesty.


While he personally might not use it, he does have a technology platform and will have plenty of advisers who know what they are doing. I don't think it is a big issue that he doesn't use the internet or computers much.


I do prefer Obama's platform on technology over McCain's, but I'm not that concerned that McCain doesn't use computers himself - most candidates aren't intimately familiar with every little aspect that they'll govern over (how could they be?).


To say he's not concerned about Global Warming reeks of being uninformed about him, as he's been one of the Republicans who has agreed with the Global Warming issue, and perfers a cap and trade system.


What I mean to say is, I'm am 100% willing to look past a few differences with Obama to gain the vision and passion that he has. He is going to revolutionize Washington.


By doing what, exactly? Neither Obama or McCain are going to revolutionize Washington based upon the platforms they've given out.


His passionate hate of the corruption which plagues our government excites me to no end.


Is this a true passion, or is this a way to get elected?


His intellectual approach to foreign affairs and global issues is 100% awesome. Think about it: How much will it help to spread democracy in Iraq, when they see we've gone from George Bush to Barack Obama. It's a compete 180, how can they not stop and think, maybe democracy is not so bad.


Is it really a complete 180? At this point, everyone is essentially saying the same thing.


Barack Obama has foresight and vision to see the long term problems of this country and planet. He has the mental capabilities to approach issues in a scientific and intelligent manner. He has the honesty to carry out his plans and not let the power corrupt him or those around him.


More good PR from the Obama camp. It's pretty hard for any of us to judge the actual "foresight and vision" or "mental capabilities" of a candidate compared to other candidates

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