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Obama's Speech

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He was elected President of Harvard Law Review = very very smart. You can disagree with his policies but I think that he has strong convictions. You don't get elected as president of Harvard Law Review and go into public policy unless you have strong convictions. He could have gone to Washington right away...he didn't. He seems like someone who would listen to an argument, and make up his mind based on the argument and his convictions. I would much rather have someone with strong convictions that I don't fully agree with (to an extent of course) than someone who is a figure head and is pushed through by the machine. Hillary was the machine, Obama is not, in my opinion. Basically I guess I can only sum it up with "Who is John Gault?"


Obama is John Gault?

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This country is in deep trouble. We need something new. Anybody who watched that speech and was not impressed is either lying to him/herself, or totally insane. The guy has accomplished more with his short life than anybody I have ever met. I have quite a few friends who are republicans and I think they are very intelligent. I don't know much about politics, apparently. All I know is that gas is triple what it was when GW took over, the deficit is ridiculous, we are fighting a war we shouldn't have started, and I make less money now than I did 8 years ago. If that makes GW a great president, then so be it. I think it's time to give somebody else a chance. McCain is insane, I think his first day in office he would push a button and make Vietnam go away.



Am I insane because I'm not impressed that Obama can read a speech? If you want to heap praise on somebody, find the guy who actually came up with the script. We'll see how he does without somebody telling him what to say.

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posts like this show everybody why you are one of the best posters on this board. I may not always agree with you, but you know how to lay out your arguement & bring it home. & I am not being a wiseass either, I really think your one of the best posters on this board.


BTW, I am voting for Obama also. The Republicans & Bush have had their chance for the last 8 years. Time for a change.



Using that logic I would expect you to vote Republican for all Senate and Congressional seats since the Democrats have been a total failure there.

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"War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself." -- John Stuart Mill

"I poop too much"

- Beavis

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Am I insane because I'm not impressed that Obama can read a speech? If you want to heap praise on somebody, find the guy who actually came up with the script. We'll see how he does without somebody telling him what to say.

Obama's a great thinker but he's never shown himself to be a doer. He's an intellectual and that's why the leftist love him.


While I'll never agree that Bush is as bad as the media makes him out to be, I think Bush's biggest downfall was his convictions in being a doer. When he set his mind that what he was doing is right, he did it and sometimes that didn't work out.


With Obama this country would be doing a lot of thinking and not much more. Not my cup of tee.

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Am I insane because I'm not impressed that Obama can read a speech? If you want to heap praise on somebody, find the guy who actually came up with the script. We'll see how he does without somebody telling him what to say.

He wrote it himself. It was mentioned during the pre- and post-speech analysis on every major network that covers such things.


Obama preps in solitude for speech



And, yes, you are insane.

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This country is in deep trouble. We need something new. Anybody who watched that speech and was not impressed is either lying to him/herself, or totally insane. The guy has accomplished more with his short life than anybody I have ever met. I have quite a few friends who are republicans and I think they are very intelligent. I don't know much about politics, apparently. All I know is that gas is triple what it was when GW took over, the deficit is ridiculous, we are fighting a war we shouldn't have started, and I make less money now than I did 8 years ago. If that makes GW a great president, then so be it. I think it's time to give somebody else a chance. McCain is insane, I think his first day in office he would push a button and make Vietnam go away.


Seriously? You really need to meet more people. I am not trying to be a smarta**, but what has he accomplished that is so great, really? I agree he is eloquent and can read a good speech, but what else. All I know is, if Obama wins, prepare to pay more in taxes, alot more.

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This country is in deep trouble. We need something new. Anybody who watched that speech and was not impressed is either lying to him/herself, or totally insane. The guy has accomplished more with his short life than anybody I have ever met. I have quite a few friends who are republicans and I think they are very intelligent. I don't know much about politics, apparently. All I know is that gas is triple what it was when GW took over, the deficit is ridiculous, we are fighting a war we shouldn't have started, and I make less money now than I did 8 years ago. If that makes GW a great president, then so be it. I think it's time to give somebody else a chance. McCain is insane, I think his first day in office he would push a button and make Vietnam go away.
I think you are insane for posting this.
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Obama's a great thinker but he's never shown himself to be a doer. He's an intellectual and that's why the leftist love him.


While I'll never agree that Bush is as bad as the media makes him out to be, I think Bush's biggest downfall was his convictions in being a doer. When he set his mind that what he was doing is right, he did it and sometimes that didn't work out.


With Obama this country would be doing a lot of thinking and not much more. Not my cup of tee.

I really like the first 4 words of your post, but you lose me after that.


So Bush's mistake was acting without thinking, but Obama thinks too much. Got it.

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He wrote it himself. It was mentioned during the pre- and post-speech analysis on every major network that covers such things.

That simply means he's more qualified to become the White House Press Secretary than leader of any country.

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Seriously? You really need to meet more people. I am not trying to be a smarta**, but what has he accomplished that is so great, really? I agree he is eloquent and can read a good speech, but what else. All I know is, if Obama wins, prepare to pay more in taxes, alot more.

Poor kid from mixed-race marriage goes to Harvard Law, becomes editor of Harvard law review, graduates with distinction, becomes a community organizer in low-income neighborhood, has taught Constitutional Law at a major law school for over a decade, has been a state legislator, a Senator, gave a Democratic Presidential Convention keynote address, and WON, not handed, WON a presidential primary to become the first ever person of color to be nominated for president by a major political party. I'd say he's got a pretty good deal of accomplishments on his resume.

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That simply means he's more qualified to become the White House Press Secretary than leader of any country.

The response was to the incorrect statement that he didn't write his speech. In my opinion, he's extremely qualified to be the leader of this country, and in fact has more legislative and legal experience than Ronald Reagan did when he took office.

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Am I insane because I'm not impressed that Obama can read a speech? If you want to heap praise on somebody, find the guy who actually came up with the script. We'll see how he does without somebody telling him what to say.


Bush could have the same script in front of him and would make a mockery of it. "Putting on the show" is a big part of being President. Sad but true: "Acting" presidential is almost more important in today's world. Bush's presence, public speaking, and general mannerisms are quite frankly, embarassing. Watching Bush speak at a podium next to a polished professional (say, like Tony Blair) is an absolute joke every time.


I agree, Obama hasn't done much other than make grand-scale promises to achieve end results, without much substance of a means to those ends. But he commands respect, and it will be a welcome change to respect the man in the White House again. I hate cringing when I hear that Bush is making an overseas trip to meet with [insert world leader here] because I'm nervous about HOW HE WILL REFLECT ON AMERICANS LIKE ME.


The big knock on Obama is lack of experience, especially on the world stage....Well, Bush surrounded himself with some of the most experienced leaders and politicians in the world- Cheney, Rumsfeld, Powell- and look how they bumbled their foreign policy for eight years. I'll take prudent judgement over the media talking point of "experience" any day. It is sickeningly overrated.


As for McCain, there's not much to say. People don't want to vote for Obama because of superficial reasons like "He attended a Muslim school?" That's fine, that's why we all get a vote. My superficial reason for not voting for McCain is age, and age alone. I do not want an 80-year old in the White House (which is what McCain would be if he spent 8 years in office) and I prefer that my President can put his own shirt on. McCain cannot.

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He wrote it himself. It was mentioned during the pre- and post-speech analysis on every major network that covers such things.


Obama preps in solitude for speech



And, yes, you are insane.



You really believe he sat down and wrote it himself without a room full of strategists analyzing every word? Come on man you can't be that naive.

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You really believe he sat down and wrote it himself without a room full of strategists analyzing every word? Come on man you can't be that naive.

Not naive at all. After all the coverage and scruitiny he received prior to and after, I'm shocked that anyone would think otherwise. Of course I'm shocked that anyone would believe he was a muslim, so maybe I shouldn't have been surprised.

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