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For the 3rd time (I believe) in US history, and the first time in 40 years, a public school district has lost accreditation...





is this where justnzane is teaching? :rolleyes:

Youch! My girlfriend's brother is a cop in Clayton county. It's a mess down there.


(by the way, there's some nutjob who calls himself "the gringo" making comments in there. It's not me)

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Just goes to show you how poorly that district (and a lot of other districts are run). Administrators that suck at their jobs are often moved around from school to school and never fired for being incompetent.

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yeah, as you go anywhere south of midtown atlanta, its just a goat!@#$ for any sort of administration. school district, county boards, city/town boards, etc


And as you go north of Midtown Atlanta, you get this.

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For the 3rd time (I believe) in US history, and the first time in 40 years, a public school district has lost accreditation...





is this where justnzane is teaching? :rolleyes:

nah i am in Douglas. But I think it is funny, because I turned down Clayton, because I thought their system was sh-------. Good thing I had some good vision there, or else, I'd be screwed out of benefits which I start getting on Tuesday.

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Oh well, sucks for the kids. Just so long as no teacher pensions, tenure rules or Big-Ed Bureaucracy jobs were lost. :sick:

it is a guarantee that some of those are lost after this. I guess they had 5 years worth of chances to clean up their act. This county lost and will lose all premier talent athletes that are hoping for college scholarships. If Clayton County had kept their accreditation, all of the student athletes who transferred would have to sit for the year.

In addition, all of the college bound seniors that are supposed graduate this upcoming spring may have to take a GED just to get a state recognized diploma.


FWIW, my county and other ones have been getting an influx of new students from that county that is just amazing to see. My classes are bigger than I had originally expected, but C'est la vie

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it is a guarantee that some of those are lost after this. I guess they had 5 years worth of chances to clean up their act. This county lost and will lose all premier talent athletes that are hoping for college scholarships. If Clayton County had kept their accreditation, all of the student athletes who transferred would have to sit for the year.

In addition, all of the college bound seniors that are supposed graduate this upcoming spring may have to take a GED just to get a state recognized diploma.


FWIW, my county and other ones have been getting an influx of new students from that county that is just amazing to see. My classes are bigger than I had originally expected, but C'est la vie



Do they let them do that? I know here we were unable to pay the tuition for my kids to go to other schools, like we could do back up north. Or, are people actually moving into your district now that Clayton has gone to hell?

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Do they let them do that? I know here we were unable to pay the tuition for my kids to go to other schools, like we could do back up north. Or, are people actually moving into your district now that Clayton has gone to hell?

A bit of both i think. that and some fraudulently saying they live in a certain address to get their kids to be in a certain district.

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Oh well, sucks for the kids. Just so long as no teacher pensions, tenure rules or Big-Ed Bureaucracy jobs were lost. :thumbsup:

I don't feel too bad for the kids there. They are one of my customers and I was told that I could not use the restrooms unescorted because one of the kids would "accuse you" of looking at them or touching them inappropriately. Apparently they do it all the time just because they can. Real stellar group of kids...

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Isn't that the city where the judge was shot dead cause the assailant was guarded by a 60-year-old, obese, diabetic woman of the Cletus and Tubbs Nighttime Discount Security Force?



Paging General Sherman... :worthy::worthy::thumbsup:



Yup. And wasn't the criminal not wearing cuffs because the 'tards in charge didn't want him to 'look guilty' to the jury? :devil:

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