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Any Bills fan rooting for the Red Sox is NUTS!


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As a person who lives in this hell hole of New England I have to tell you that most Pats/redsox/celtic fans are the biggest aholes alive and to see so many of you pulling with them makes me sick. im no yankee fan by any means but let me ask all of you this question?



If the Bills had ever won a superbowl and had a baseball team on the verge of going to the world series,,,,do you think that pat fans would be pulling for us?


ARE YOU INSANE.....they hate us and love to see us miserable! Thats why you should NEVER ROOT FOR ANY BOSTON SPORT!


There are no bigger pr@#@ks in sports than New England fans....BELIEVE ME!!! They are the bottom feeders of teh world when it comes to taunting other teams fans!



:I starred in Brokeback Mountain: SOX NATION AND TAkE BRADY WITH YOU!

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That is harsh but, I hate to say it is probably true.


You just described my brother-in-law (born and raised MA) to a tee.


Now my other one (born and raised Northern VT) is different... He still roots for Bledsoe and likes to see Buffalo succeed.


I guess it is a hurried life down there? Everytime I go there, I marvel in the meaness.

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As a person who lives in this hell hole of New England I have to tell you that most Pats/redsox/celtic fans are the biggest aholes alive and to see so many of you pulling with them makes me sick. im no yankee fan by any means but let me ask all of you this question?

If the Bills had ever won a superbowl and had a baseball team on the verge of going to the world series,,,,do you think that pat fans would be pulling for us?


ARE YOU INSANE.....they hate us and love to see us miserable! Thats why you should NEVER ROOT FOR ANY BOSTON SPORT!


There are no bigger pr@#@ks in sports than New England fans....BELIEVE ME!!! They are the bottom feeders of teh world when it comes to taunting other teams fans!

:I starred in Brokeback Mountain: SOX NATION AND TAkE BRADY WITH YOU!


Rudy I grew up in Buffalo.....but my whole family is from Boston...I'm not screwed up it was the way i was raised...I love my Sox....hate the Pats, Celtics and Bruins

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As a person who lives in this hell hole of New England I have to tell you that most Pats/redsox/celtic fans are the biggest aholes alive and to see so many of you pulling with them makes me sick. im no yankee fan by any means but let me ask all of you this question?

If the Bills had ever won a superbowl and had a baseball team on the verge of going to the world series,,,,do you think that pat fans would be pulling for us?


ARE YOU INSANE.....they hate us and love to see us miserable! Thats why you should NEVER ROOT FOR ANY BOSTON SPORT!


There are no bigger pr@#@ks in sports than New England fans....BELIEVE ME!!! They are the bottom feeders of teh world when it comes to taunting other teams fans!

:I starred in Brokeback Mountain: SOX NATION AND TAkE BRADY WITH YOU!



I completely agree

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As a person who lives in this hell hole of New England I have to tell you that most Pats/redsox/celtic fans are the biggest aholes alive and to see so many of you pulling with them makes me sick. im no yankee fan by any means but let me ask all of you this question?

If the Bills had ever won a superbowl and had a baseball team on the verge of going to the world series,,,,do you think that pat fans would be pulling for us?


ARE YOU INSANE.....they hate us and love to see us miserable! Thats why you should NEVER ROOT FOR ANY BOSTON SPORT!


There are no bigger pr@#@ks in sports than New England fans....BELIEVE ME!!! They are the bottom feeders of teh world when it comes to taunting other teams fans!

:I starred in Brokeback Mountain: SOX NATION AND TAkE BRADY WITH YOU!



Wow, how enlightened of you to quantify a half dozen states in one single pass.

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Dude, thats pretty harsh to characterize an entire region like that.



It is pretty harsh.


There is some truth to it. In general the bad people really make the region look nasty. Ask most throughout the country and you will hear the same thing. Everytime I travel to MA... Things seem to be such a struggle... I always leave acting nicer and friendlier to compansate for at least one bad incident. For crying out loud people can't slow down... They even have to stack "stormtroopers" in work zones... I guess that is true everywhere... I just really notice it more when I travel there. Just like the effing north side here.


Just drop the neutron bomb on the place and repopulate it... ;):)

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You guys should know every region has its share of bad apples and they tend to stick out and be more noticeable than the good fans.




Ya... That is why Foxboro Mike changed his screen name and you never did?


Don't get me wrong TH. I like the region, I have family there. I choose to vacation there every year... Thought about living there is out of the question.

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Guest rudycat is garbage

the original poster is oozing with class. your getting all upset over a kids game(incredible).believe me,the bills certainly have there share of utter scum(youself for instance).all teams do.


were you always a bills fans,or one of those ppl that completely changed allegiances from the pats to the bills once that overrated interception/sack dispencer(bledsoe) got traded to buffalo??

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It is pretty harsh.


There is some truth to it.  In general the bad people really make the region look nasty.  Ask most throughout the country and you will hear the same thing. Everytime I travel to MA... Things seem to be such a struggle... I always leave acting nicer and friendlier to compansate for at least one bad incident.  For crying out loud people can't slow down... They even have to stack "stormtroopers" in work zones... I guess that is true everywhere... I just really notice it more when I travel there.  Just like the effing north side here.


Just drop the neutron bomb on the place and repopulate it... :)  :D




You know, some idiots say stuff like that about New York. And then bad things happen and they're sorry for ever thinking about it. There are nasty people here in the city, in Boston, everywhere. I prefer to look for the good in humanity. Your quote here is really unfortunate and uncalled for. This is about baseball, for crying out loud.


Why not look at a guy like Johnny Damon who is every bit the heart-and-soul, REAL baseball player that Jeter is (IMHO they are very much alike) and be happy for him? Guys like that are what make the game for me these days. I am only sorry to see the good guys like Jeter and Olerud not get the opportunity as well -- but they've had theirs.

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You know, some idiots say stuff like that about New York.  And then bad things happen and they're sorry for ever thinking about it.  There are nasty people here in the city, in Boston, everywhere.  I prefer to look for the good in humanity.  Your quote here is really unfortunate and uncalled for.  This is about baseball, for crying out loud.


Why not look at a guy like Johnny Damon who is every bit the heart-and-soul, REAL baseball player that Jeter is (IMHO they are very much alike) and be happy for him?  Guys like that are what make the game for me these days.  I am only sorry to see the good guys like Jeter and Olerud not get the opportunity as well -- but they've had theirs.




Don't get me wrong... I am very happy for them! I wish them all the luck. I am just busting on you guys... It is so EASY!


I apologize for being weak...


I guess for you it is still a gentlemens game.


I view it as pure entertainment. A make believe word. This includes the Bills also.


Want heartbreak? Triumphant success stories... Look at the average person's life.


I go both way in sports... Like and leave it.


Again sorry for the ball busters.



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