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The Temple of Obama or The Barackopolis

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Not sure what the hell people are talking about. Not only did that not look like a Greek or any other culture's temple, it seemed perfectly sized for the venue and looked pretty good on TV from all angles. Anything smaller would have looked stupid when placed in the context of over 75,000 people in an outdoor stadium. They pulled it off. He made a kick-ass speech. The backdrop looked great, and I believe this is yet one more weak attempt by the McCain people to make something out nothing.

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Not sure what the hell people are talking about. Not only did that not look like a Greek or any other culture's temple, it seemed perfectly sized for the venue and looked pretty good on TV from all angles. Anything smaller would have looked stupid when placed in the context of over 75,000 people in an outdoor stadium. They pulled it off. He made a kick-ass speech. The backdrop looked great, and I believe this is yet one more weak attempt by the McCain people to make something out nothing.


Easy to make a "kick-ass speech" in front of a teleprompter. Imagine what Hitler or Mussolini could have done with a teleprompter.


This guy is THE definition of an "empty suit." Not that McCain is much better, mind you, but Obama is all sizzle and no steak.

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Easy to make a "kick-ass speech" in front of a teleprompter. Imagine what Hitler or Mussolini could have done with a teleprompter.


This guy is THE definition of an "empty suit." Not that McCain is much better, mind you, but Obama is all sizzle and no steak.


A top quality for you is someone who can give a good speech without a teleprompter? So you're supporting Richard Simmons?

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Easy to make a "kick-ass speech" in front of a teleprompter. Imagine what Hitler or Mussolini could have done with a teleprompter.


This guy is THE definition of an "empty suit." Not that McCain is much better, mind you, but Obama is all sizzle and no steak.

You want to debate why you think he's an "empty suit," which is laughable considering the guy's background, then it's a topic for another thread. The topic of this thread was to snicker and point at the trappings behind Obama last night, which didn't look like a temple by any stretch. In fact, in comparison to the scale of the venue and the size of the crowd it looked perfect. Anything smaller would have looked puny in that setting, and having seen it in the context it was supposed to be seen I'm not sure what all the bluster was about.

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You want to debate why you think he's an "empty suit," which is laughable considering the guy's background, then it's a topic for another thread. The topic of this thread was to snicker and point at the trappings behind Obama last night, which didn't look like a temple by any stretch. In fact, in comparison to the scale of the venue and the size of the crowd it looked perfect. Anything smaller would have looked puny in that setting, and having seen it in the context it was supposed to be seen I'm not sure what all the bluster was about.


I think the papers had it right when they described it as more Vegas than Athens. Much ado about nothing, in the end.


But I did think it *did* look too puny. It looked more like a prop.

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I think the papers had it right when they described it as more Vegas than Athens. Much ado about nothing, in the end.


But I did think it *did* look too puny. It looked more like a prop.

They had to straddle a fine line. I think having it on the smaller side, rather than larger (which would have been quite accceptable, IMO) makes the McCain camp's attempt to ridicule it look stupid.

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Now I know where they put all the homeless people from Denver last night.


Well, the foreclosure debacle has also affected Colorado.



Large stadium with a spotlight on the podium. Lots of flags. Theatrics. Packed with an enormous throng of passionate supporters for the speaker.



Yep, reminds me of the good old rallies in Nuremberg.




Nice, the first Hitler reference of the day. :thumbsup:

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