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Del Rio on Agents

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Jaguars] Del Rio Blames Agent For Derrick Harvey Holdout




As the contract dispute between the Jacksonville Jaguars and rookie defensive end Derrick Harvey lingers, Jags coach Jack Del Rio has taken off the gloves and swung a bare-knuckled fist at Harvey’s agent. Several days ago, Del Rio pointed a finger at Ken Kremer of CAA during Del Rio’s weekly radio show. “Obviously, it has gone on quite a while and there’s a great deal of money that’s gone by right now,” Del Rio said. “Quite frankly, I think its more about the agent than the player. When you look at the numbers, it doesn’t make sense for anyone expect the agent building a client base for next year.”

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Right on the money. This is definitely more about Eugene Parker's ego than Peters. As we've seen with some of his other players, Steven Jackson and Devon Hester, he is willing to rip a team apart by holding his players hostage to get them a bigger payday.


The league needs to take a stance on this. If you are not in the final year of your contract, you must show up to play for your team. Or you will pay the consequenses (suspension, league fine, etc.).

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Right on the money. This is definitely more about Eugene Parker's ego than Peters. As we've seen with some of his other players, Steven Jackson and Devon Hester, he is willing to rip a team apart by holding his players hostage to get them a bigger payday.


The league needs to take a stance on this. If you are not in the final year of your contract, you must show up to play for your team. Or you will pay the consequenses (suspension, league fine, etc.).

Cue the whiners who will counter with, "but the teams can fire the players any time they choose" -- despite the fact that star players are never cut like this. Players cut are either underperforming their contracts or are aging superstars with heavily back-loaded deals -- situations the players completely understood going in.

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takes courage. del rio is a real man. the guy has always been a warior on adn off the field. what a guy. i mean, he has to retain an agent too -- for his deal to be a coach. and he knows managment must keep the peace with agent to get palyers signed, etc. del rio say SKREW YOU! i love it. he doesn't take any crap and his team has that same mentalit.y i like jouron, but his panzie defeatist attitude only emboldens guys like peters and parker -- who are preditor looking for an easy 'mark' parker is sitting behind a big oak desk soemwhere in arkansas right now thinking he has the bills by th eballs b/c brad morman is their only pro bowler in the past 5 yrs. thus, peters is god to mr, wilson, so parker thinks. old man wilson aint NO BAND LEADER!!!!!



Right on the money. This is definitely more about Eugene Parker's ego than Peters. As we've seen with some of his other players, Steven Jackson and Devon Hester, he is willing to rip a team apart by holding his players hostage to get them a bigger payday.


The league needs to take a stance on this. If you are not in the final year of your contract, you must show up to play for your team. Or you will pay the consequenses (suspension, league fine, etc.).

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Right on the money. This is definitely more about Eugene Parker's ego than Peters. As we've seen with some of his other players, Steven Jackson and Devon Hester, he is willing to rip a team apart by holding his players hostage to get them a bigger payday.


The league needs to take a stance on this. If you are not in the final year of your contract, you must show up to play for your team. Or you will pay the consequenses (suspension, league fine, etc.).


Parker isnt holding anyone hostage, he works for his clients and no matter what advice he gives them its their decision to not report

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takes courage. del rio is a real man. the guy has always been a warior on adn off the field. what a guy. i mean, he has to retain an agent too -- for his deal to be a coach. and he knows managment must keep the peace with agent to get palyers signed, etc. del rio say SKREW YOU! i love it. he doesn't take any crap and his team has that same mentalit.y i like jouron, but his panzie defeatist attitude only emboldens guys like peters and parker -- who are preditor looking for an easy 'mark' parker is sitting behind a big oak desk soemwhere in arkansas right now thinking he has the bills by th eballs b/c brad morman is their only pro bowler in the past 5 yrs. thus, peters is god to mr, wilson, so parker thinks. old man wilson aint NO BAND LEADER!!!!!


brad morman. really?

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takes courage. del rio is a real man. the guy has always been a warior on adn off the field. what a guy. i mean, he has to retain an agent too -- for his deal to be a coach. and he knows managment must keep the peace with agent to get palyers signed, etc. del rio say SKREW YOU! i love it. he doesn't take any crap and his team has that same mentalit.y i like jouron, but his panzie defeatist attitude only emboldens guys like peters and parker -- who are preditor looking for an easy 'mark' parker is sitting behind a big oak desk soemwhere in arkansas right now thinking he has the bills by th eballs b/c brad morman is their only pro bowler in the past 5 yrs. thus, peters is god to mr, wilson, so parker thinks. old man wilson aint NO BAND LEADER!!!!!


I always thought Jimmy Griffin was a idiot, defeatist panzie with bad English - you do a very good imitation. Maybe a bit overboard and exaggerated but recognizable.

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