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Notre Dame to Improve Its History...


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"I fully intend to be the primary architect of Notre Dame history's return to prominence and relevance," Weis said. "I inherited a program that had only won 11 national championships between 1924 and 2005. I promise you that, by this time next year, the Fighting Irish will have won at least 10 more in that same time period."




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Hilarious...funny thing is, that week was probably the highlight of Weis' career so far. It has steadily gone downhill since then. This year has the potential to be excellent though if the sophomores are mature enough. Or it could be an average year. One thing is certain, the talent is back. #1 recruiting class this year and the most talent since Holtz's days.

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Hilarious...funny thing is, that week was probably the highlight of Weis' career so far. It has steadily gone downhill since then. This year has the potential to be excellent though if the sophomores are mature enough. Or it could be an average year. One thing is certain, the talent is back. #1 recruiting class this year and the most talent since Holtz's days.


Expect the Irish to be somewhat improved this year...it is plausible that they could contend for a national title as early as next season. Charlie Weis has to prove he is a leader of men.


The recruiting is no longer a problem, because Weis reinstituted the recruiting system (visiting coaching camps and high schools all over the Midwest) that was left to wither and die after Holtz left. The former ND AD said that last year's 3-9 season was a "seam year". We'll see.


An example: Ohio State hasn't had a "seam year" yet this century. Their last non-bowl year was 6-6 in 1999.

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If you hate ND, then check out this article. Did Weis, ND's BoT, ND alumni and ND fans all bang this dude's wife?




Not Weis' biggest fan


The recruiting will tell, and we will know how good a coach Weis really is in the next 2 1/2 years, but don't ever expect haters in the sports media to apologize.


I'm still waiting for the reporters here in Cleveland to apologize to Bill Belichick for the way they treated him when Belichick was coaching the Browns.


Hmm...OK, bad example. :blink:


How about Joe Torre? There were many in the media who thought Torre was an average manager...at best. Then he practically fell into the Yankees' job, and now he's a Hall of Famer. I haven't heard a single reporter apologize to Torre for the way he was maligned prior to 1995.

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It's a shame the Coast Guard Academy doesnt have a team, Notre Dame could schedule them too.




From the article:


Weis said that, while he certainly inherited a good history when he took the coaching job in South Bend, he wants to make that history a great one.



1887: University board approves the Athletic Department's request for a new sports team, and Notre Dame football is officially born on the playing fields of South Bend, IN, the same year as future Notre Dame coach Lou Holtz is born in West Virginia


1943: With the boys fighting World War II overseas, the women of Notre Dame take the reins of the football team and pummel the notorious draft-dodging Michigan Wolverines to bring home another national title to South Bend


1970: Notre Dame turns down offers from the ACC, the Big Ten, and the National Football League, electing to remain a Division I independent


2005: The Oct. 15 victory of the Fighting Irish over #1 ranked USC, 27-31, is marred somewhat when Trojan Matt Leinart, who attempts to run the ball into the end zone in a last-second quarterback sneak, gets hit by the entire Notre Dame defense and is killed instantly as time runs out



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The recruiting will tell, and we will know how good a coach Weis really is in the next 2 1/2 years, but don't ever expect haters in the sports media to apologize.


I'm still waiting for the reporters here in Cleveland to apologize to Bill Belichick for the way they treated him when Belichick was coaching the Browns.


Hmm...OK, bad example. :thumbsup:


How about Joe Torre? There were many in the media who thought Torre was an average manager...at best. Then he practically fell into the Yankees' job, and now he's a Hall of Famer. I haven't heard a single reporter apologize to Torre for the way he was maligned prior to 1995.


Or as his former boss, Bill Parcells, once said so famously, "You are what your record says you are."


So far, the coach has done little to add to the mythology of Notre Dame football, and a lot to harden the myth of his own genius



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If you hate ND, then check out this article. Did Weis, ND's BoT, ND alumni and ND fans all bang this dude's wife?


:lol: :lol:


Not Weis' biggest fan



It does read a bit like a vendetta piece, but it's hard to dispute any of the claims made in the article.


Weis is an extremely arrogant man. You can't state at your opening press conference that your team will have an "X's and O's advantage" over every team in the country, just because you've arrived. Last time I checked, football is still a game, and there are some EXTREMELY talented coaches in the NCAA ranks. Geniuses work for NASA, they don't stand on a sideline while 20-year old kids tackle each other.


And when you are a pompous prick, and your best "win" is a loss, and you've been handsomely rewarded for that "win," it's hard to feel sorry for the guy.


Not to harp on the spygate thing, but I can't believe that wasn't investigated further. The NFL seemed to say, "OK, we've confirmed they were cheating, they've been punished, that's the end of it." In my opinion, it should've gone a level deeper. The guy who was taping- what did he do with the tapes? Who did he give them to? Were they discussed in meetings and gamplanning sessions? Was Weis and Belichek and Brady in on these meetings? It's possible the the supposed abilities of someone like Charlie Weis (and the reason he got hired for BIG money) were based on false pretenses and illegal activities.


Anyways, ND needs to perform this year. They have a CAKE schedule, with Pitt probably being the 2nd best team they will play behind USC. As it stands right now, the Irish will probably be favored in 9 of their games...And with that "X's and O's advantage" (wink wink) they should have no trouble.

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