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Bingo. Big reason why I stopped coaching my son in baseball and a HUGE reason why I refuse to help coach in football. The politics in little league is just insane. Rules being bent all over the place and nobody wants to do anything about. Plus every kids parent thinks that there son should be playing this position and that they are super stars. For some reason I don't remember it being this way when I was a kid playing 20 years ago.

Kids under 10 should not play in any organised competition anyway, at those ages they should play for fun and only for fun with the least possible adult interaction and coaching; Let them play games the way they are supposed to be played: with the least possible rules and the most possible fun. All the best moments i've had playing sports as a child had no adult involved at all (soccer games at the mid morning and mid afternoon breaks in the schoolyard, tennis games on the plaza in front of my neighbor's, bicycle rides in the countryside, baseball games with neighbors in the field behind my parents', ski with my cousins and friends...). The only organised sports i played then (2 years of soccer as a 8-9 year old) in fact it made me stop playing soccer for about a decade as it became no fun with coaches on the sidelines yelling to us what do every second of play....

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Bingo. Big reason why I stopped coaching my son in baseball and a HUGE reason why I refuse to help coach in football. The politics in little league is just insane. Rules being bent all over the place and nobody wants to do anything about. Plus every kids parent thinks that there son should be playing this position and that they are super stars. For some reason I don't remember it being this way when I was a kid playing 20 years ago.


Everybody thinks their kid is a lot better than they actually are. :lol: Just let the coach coach. There is no conspiracy against your kid. :lol:


here's a link about this i found kind of interesting, which isn't mentioned in the other articles i have seen. the kid does play in a higher age bracket but he doesn't dominate the way he does in this league..



here's a link about this i found kind of interesting, which isn't mentioned in the other articles i have seen. the kid does play in a higher age bracket but he doesn't dominate the way he does in this league..



Your linky no worky - too many http's.


Try this LINK.

here's a link about this i found kind of interesting, which isn't mentioned in the other articles i have seen. the kid does play in a higher age bracket but he doesn't dominate the way he does in this league..



Interesting read, BTW.

Interesting read, BTW.



I fixed it, you were just too fast.


I think it is interesting, now it doesn't seem to be so much about the fact that they want the kid to move up but that the parents dont want him going anywhere because he won't be the star on the older team..... fuggin parents feeding their ego through the kids



I fixed it, you were just too fast.


I think it is interesting, now it doesn't seem to be so much about the fact that they want the kid to move up but that the parents dont want him going anywhere because he won't be the star on the older team..... fuggin parents feeding their ego through the kids



That definitely flips around opinion on who is in the right on this one.


The original article didn't mention that the pitcher was a mid-season addition. So it does look like the league is actually a developmental league and it was/is trying to keep the skill levels comparable across the age groups.


I wonder what other details are missing out of this version of the story.

That definitely flips around opinion on who is in the right on this one.


The original article didn't mention that the pitcher was a mid-season addition. So it does look like the league is actually a developmental league and it was/is trying to keep the skill levels comparable across the age groups.


I wonder what other details are missing out of this version of the story.



Yea it's amazing how much more of this story has come out, originally it was boo hoo they won't let my kid pitch and dominate these kids in a DEVELOPMENTAL league, but it changes the whole outlook knowing the kid was a mid season addition and that he also already plays in an older age group

Yea it's amazing how much more of this story has come out, originally it was boo hoo they won't let my kid pitch and dominate these kids in a DEVELOPMENTAL league, but it changes the whole outlook knowing the kid was a mid season addition and that he also already plays in an older age group

I don't think he plays in an older age group in the other league, but he plays against a higher caliber of competition.


It now is looking like that defending league champ team grabbed the other Pony league ringer, so this team grabbed a ringer of their own. Heck of a way to teach sportsmanship to 8-10 year olds. :rolleyes:

I don't think he plays in an older age group in the other league, but he plays against a higher caliber of competition.


It now is looking like that defending league champ team grabbed the other Pony league ringer, so this team grabbed a ringer of their own. Heck of a way to teach sportsmanship to 8-10 year olds. <_<



Yea good point, i thought it said other age group, so at least he is playing in a more competitive league, just not dominating it... we all know how parents can be, always trying to look better at the expense of the kids



Yea good point, i thought it said other age group, so at least he is playing in a more competitive league, just not dominating it... we all know how parents can be, always trying to look better at the expense of the kids




It's the same in girl's softball. I know. I actually remember having to get two get two forms of ID for my child to participate at the start of little leaugue and then all over again for All-Stars, in the same season. Natually, we couldn't seem to find her birth certificate, so we had to go purchase another one. Bear in mind, this child doesn't work, doesn't vote, does not drive, is not in the military. So paranoid are the the organizers about cheeting, which means it probably is going on. Well, takes one to know one, I guess.

I fixed it, you were just too fast.

You still suck. <_<


It's the same in girl's softball. I know. I actually remember having to get two get two forms of ID for my child to participate at the start of little leaugue and then all over again for All-Stars, in the same season. Natually, we couldn't seem to find her birth certificate, so we had to go purchase another one. Bear in mind, this child doesn't work, doesn't vote, does not drive, is not in the military. So paranoid are the the organizers about cheeting, which means it probably is going on. Well, takes one to know one, I guess.

You can thank the Chinese gymnastics team for that. :rolleyes:

You still suck. <_<



You can thank the Chinese gymnastics team for that. :rolleyes:



yea i know , i do suck i am a horrible person and shouldn't be able to post, all because i am horrible and posting links and the great Wolf caught me......... Kiss my a@ss punk :devil::devil:

That definitely flips around opinion on who is in the right on this one.


The original article didn't mention that the pitcher was a mid-season addition. So it does look like the league is actually a developmental league and it was/is trying to keep the skill levels comparable across the age groups.


I wonder what other details are missing out of this version of the story.


That fact makes a huge difference. Before it sounded like the kid had played all eight games and suddenly there was a problem. The midseason replacement fact changes almost everything.


The organizing body that doesn't want him pitching anymore is not the "Satanic Summer League"; it's a group of volunteer parents who clumsily tried to clean up a gaping inequity between Scott -- a midseason import to his team, by the way -- and most of the other kids in what is clearly a developmental, low-wattage, newbie-strewn kid baseball enterprise.




First, age is an almost useless calculator of youth sports talent. The more significant factors, by far, are physical size and coordination, level of interest and overall competitiveness. The behemoths standing alongside the Lilliputians at the Little League World Series were actually on the same team, but some kids grow bigger and faster than others. After that, it's about intensity, know-how and love of the game.



I have two friends with kids that are 13. One of the kids is about 4 1/2 feet tall the other is five eight.


Why, when the LJB organizers realized that Scott, as a pitcher, was a comical mismatch against the competition, were their offers to move him to a higher age group rejected by the boys' parents, who are now suing for relief and emotional distress?


You have got to be :rolleyes: kidding me!!!! :devil:


This whole thing is being handled in exactly the wrong way by the adults. Great way to teach kids about sportsmanship and how to handle problems in a mature way. Aye Yi Yi!!! <_<

That fact makes a huge difference. Before it sounded like the kid had played all eight games and suddenly there was a problem. The midseason replacement fact changes almost everything.


The organizing body that doesn't want him pitching anymore is not the "Satanic Summer League"; it's a group of volunteer parents who clumsily tried to clean up a gaping inequity between Scott -- a midseason import to his team, by the way -- and most of the other kids in what is clearly a developmental, low-wattage, newbie-strewn kid baseball enterprise.




First, age is an almost useless calculator of youth sports talent. The more significant factors, by far, are physical size and coordination, level of interest and overall competitiveness. The behemoths standing alongside the Lilliputians at the Little League World Series were actually on the same team, but some kids grow bigger and faster than others. After that, it's about intensity, know-how and love of the game.




This whole thing is being handled in exactly the wrong way by the adults. Great way to teach kids about sportsmanship and how to handle problems in a mature way. Aye Yi Yi!!! <_<



According to some, they think it is the right way, let me sue, get some money and then things will be alllll better


yea i know , i do suck i am a horrible person and shouldn't be able to post, all because i am horrible and posting links and the great Wolf caught me......... Kiss my a@ss punk :rolleyes:<_<

A little slow on the uptake, but you're finally catching on. Good for you.


I'd check your Corolla for key marks the next time you're in C-Town... :devil:


This country is f'd up. This country is going down the shi**er...


yeah, because some little league in Podunk, Nowheresville wants to ban a kid because he throws to fast means the country is going straight to hell.


Talk about overused phrases. Get over yourselves. Every time a strange story comes out from Whogivesashitsville, there's always the few of you ready to denounce the whole nation.

A little slow on the uptake, but you're finally catching on. Good for you.


I'd check your Corolla for key marks the next time you're in C-Town... <_<



why not? i got dings and dents all over it from ignorant people anyways.... just add on, at least make it look nice --- i think the drivers side needs it more than the passenger side does


This country is f'd up. This country is going down the shi**er...


yeah, because some little league in Podunk, Nowheresville wants to ban a kid because he throws to fast means the country is going straight to hell.


Talk about overused phrases. Get over yourselves. Every time a strange story comes out from Whogivesashitsville, there's always the few of you ready to denounce the whole nation.

way to have the broader implications fly right over (through?) your head...do you really need things spelled out for you?


Even with all that new information, I'll still stick by my comment that the kids had absolutely nothing to do with any of this. Stupid parents need to stop interfering with everything.

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