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(OT) Boston v. NY Game 7 thread


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Come on vince, I love ya, but the Sox fans were throwing stuff on the field every game at Fenway.


But let's not lump all us Yankee fans together. Some of us indeed have class ;)



tough thing about playoffs , baseball like hockey , football, often tickets are taken up by non fans more corporate types , often the stadiums are not like they are during the normal season , the regular fan are not able to get tickets

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Yea no other fans do that right? Ujacka$$ i mean Udonkey. At least they werent throwing things on the field!!



I meant it in a good way, douchebag. I'd be going absolutely apeshit if I were in Boston tonight.

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What homerun balls? All fans do that for opposing homeruns man you know that by now i hope! Now batteries and trash nah i dont think i saw them throwing that on field for god calls by umps



I'm not going to defend what happened at The Stadium. I said it when it happened that it made me ashamed to be a Yankee fan for a moment.


But in Fenway they were throwing EVERY ball, even foul balls onto the playing field. It was annoying. And they were only doing it when they were losing. So, each team's fans are guilty ;)

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tough they about playoffs , baseball like hockey , football, often tickets are taken up by non fans more corporate types , often the stadiums are not like they are  during the normal season , the regular fan isnt there.....



Great point. It's one of the shames of all professional sports.


Just like the Superbowl. What is the breakdown of real fans compaired to people there just to be "social"?

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I know it's not over 'til it's over but this is a Red Sox- like choke job by the Yankees. To be fair though this has been more due to what the Sox have been able to get done rather than the countless ways the Yankees have choked. The Yankees really miss the character guys like O'Neill, Petitte, Wells, Leyritz, Brosius etc. from the recent past. These teams of the past few years probably have more raw talent than the WS teams did but they lack the intangible qualities that those teams had that made them so successful. Great job by the Sox, enjoy your first trip back to the World Series since '86.

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This Yankee team is a rotisserie team come to life.


What they are missing are the players who played roles, but were huge in winning titles...like Scott Brosius and Paul O'Neill.


Sure, Sheffield, A-Rod and Mussina are great players...but whose roles did they take? The Yankees of 2004 just don't have the role players who are important on just about every single championship team.


Despite what some fans think, you NEED the players who do the dirty work, but who don't necessarily get the hype, in order to be successful.



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I know it's not over 'til it's over but this is a Red Sox- like choke job by the Yankees.  To be fair though this has been more due to what the Sox have been able to get done rather than the countless ways the Yankees have choked.  The Yankees really miss the character guys like O'Neill, Petitte, Wells, Leyritz, Brosius etc. from the recent past.  These teams of the past few years probably have more raw talent than the WS teams did but they lack the intangible qualities that those teams had that made them so successful.  Great job by the Sox, enjoy your first trip back to the World Series since '86.



Hmmm...good post. ;)



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I'm in shock at how this is going.  Boston is making history, really something amazing.  People have been watching baseball since the beginning of the 20th century and NEVER seen this, tonight we are all seeing something we will probably NEVER see again.


Truly amazing.



BF, it really IS historic. For the Sox to resurrect themselves from virtually morbidity (down 4-3 entering the 9th of Game 4) to be at this point (up 8-1 in the 4th of an improbable Game 7) is amazing.


3-up, 3-down for the Yanks. 8-1 Sox after 4.


Incredible in that if the Sox get 15 more outs and win tonight, they will be the first in MLB history to come all the way back from 0-3, and the 3rd in pro sports history to achieve the feat (following '42 Leafs in the Stanley Cup finals and the '75 Islanders in the SC quarterfinals).


I'm waiting for the day when some NBA team pulls this feat--that will be a first.

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