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I am sick and tired of watching able bodied folks where I work push the handicapped button to automatically open exit doors. Ferchrissakes people, open the friggin doors the old fashioned way. A push or pull aint gonna kill you. Every stinkin time I'm goin in or out some lazy mofo has to STOP to push the button, then WAIT until the door opens and finally they can walk through. Meanwile I'm standing behind your lazy waffle butt waitin and waitin. Those buttons get more action than Willis at Dave & Buster's. Then, when someone actually needs them...guess what? They don't fuggin work because all you lazy suckers have worn the damn thing out!


Opening a door aint gonna kill ya. :wallbash:

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hmmmm just one?


Yesterday we are driving to wal-mart to look for some shelves for the wall, these 4 people from NJ roll up in a new looking Audi, not one looks over the age of 30 and pull into the handicap space and walk into the store.... it took all my strength and willpower not to punch one to make him handicapped so he would then need the spot :wallbash::wallbash:

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hmmmm just one?


Yesterday we are driving to wal-mart to look for some shelves for the wall, these 4 people from NJ roll up in a new looking Audi, not one looks over the age of 30 and pull into the handicap space and walk into the store.... it took all my strength and willpower not to punch one to make him handicapped so he would then need the spot :wallbash::wallbash:

You're all talk.


I'd bet your GF was more likely to kick some azz there. :wallbash:

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I find that hard to believe, considering how she wanted to kick that scalper's azz in the Tower City walkway back in June...



yea you should see her when people ask us for spare change when we are walking around Buffalo...... get a job man, my spare change pays for my vacations!

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And then they get on the elevator to go up one floor.


Speaking of those people here's one that drives me crazy. There's a weight management center on the 2nd floor of the building I work in. You know, if you took the stairs more often, you might not have to go to that weight management center as often.

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And then they get on the elevator to go up one floor.


Speaking of those people here's one that drives me crazy. There's a weight management center on the 2nd floor of the building I work in. You know, if you took the stairs more often, you might not have to go to that weight management center as often.



well that would just make sense! :angry:

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Or worse, we have folks here at the entrance where there is 4 seperate doors. They will wait until you open it for them as you enter/exit and then scoot through. Again too difficult to open the damn thing themselves. Hell and then half the time they don't even say thanks.


I've learned to barely open the door where I can squeeze through.

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Things that annoy me:


* People with "religious fish" on their cars that cut me off and generally pay no attention to their fellow man while driving.


* People with all of those 'in memory of' stickers on their cars. It seems to be a fad around here. I think that's very disrespectful. It was nice when it was random, but I can't go to the store without seeing three of them. They're getting to the point where they're mostly about sympathy, "In Memory of Great Great Grandpa, 1879 - 1961."


* Idjiots that don't understand the concept of alternate-merge.


* Idjiots that can't wait until the two lanes finally merge so they skip across that shrinking white "triangle" in order to get over "faster."


* Guys that run past me on the escalator in order to get to work faster and wind up waiting next to me when waiting for the next elevator.


* Those mother f&*%ing bluetooth ear pieces. News flash: YOU ARE NOT THAT IMPORTANT. STOP WITH THE HEAD FLASHING. Those tool masters look at you funny when you look up as if they were actually talking to the person in front of them.


* The Carolina Hurricanes.


* The "tie over the shoulder while I eat a burger" trick. Here's a tip: DO NOT EAT LIKE A FAT SLOB!


* I debated putting a generalized group here in order to solicit laughter.. something like "Southerners" but I decided against it. Would have been kind of funny.


Ok, time for a McVallium.

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I hate when people are exiting a confined space, specific examples being a revolving door or an escalator, and as soon as they get out/off, they simply stand right there scratching their ass, figuring out where to go next. Nothing makes you appear so self-absorbed than having a complete disregard for the five people behind you who are then forced to use cat-like reflexes to avoid bumping into you. This usually happens at airports, bringing the luggage into the equation as well. What a disaster.


Get thru the revolving door, take 10 steps or so to clear the walkway for those behind you, and THEN scratch your ass and figure out where you need to be.

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Or worse, we have folks here at the entrance where there is 4 seperate doors. They will wait until you open it for them as you enter/exit and then scoot through. Again too difficult to open the damn thing themselves. Hell and then half the time they don't even say thanks.


I've learned to barely open the door where I can squeeze through.

I will hold open the door for someone entering behind me. If I don't get a "Thank You" they get a loud "You're Welcome", I then scoot through the second door.



I am very very greatly saddened that nobody called me out on my speeling of Peeve in the title. That was gonna be my second rant!

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I will hold open the door for someone entering behind me. If I don't get a "Thank You" they get a loud "You're Welcome", I then scoot through the second door.



I am very very greatly saddened that nobody called me out on my speeling of Peeve in the title. That was gonna be my second rant!

This is the new kinder and gentler vabills. I would never do that (anymore). :angry:

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I hate when people are exiting a confined space, specific examples being a revolving door or an escalator, and as soon as they get out/off, they simply stand right there scratching their ass, figuring out where to go next. Nothing makes you appear so self-absorbed than having a complete disregard for the five people behind you who are then forced to use cat-like reflexes to avoid bumping into you. This usually happens at airports, bringing the luggage into the equation as well. What a disaster.


Get thru the revolving door, take 10 steps or so to clear the walkway for those behind you, and THEN scratch your ass and figure out where you need to be.

This happens a lot at Wegmans. People walk through the doors and immediately stop and look around as if they have no idea where they are and how they got there.

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I run into the Supermarket yesterday to pick up some lunch meat and a loaf of bread. I go to the self checkout lane as those are always the quickest. This store has two of them. Lane 1 has a lady in her fifties who is checking out an ENTIRE cart full of sh--. I counted twelve bags when she was done checking herself out. Lane 2 contained another lady in her fifties with about 20 items who was seriously challenged by the entire self check out process. When she finally figured it all out and has everything scanned and bagged, she pulls out her checkbook. A special F_CK YOU goes out to both of these ladies wherever they are...

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I run into the Supermarket yesterday to pick up some lunch meat and a loaf of bread. I go to the self checkout lane as those are always the quickest. This store has two of them. Lane 1 has a lady in her fifties who is checking out an ENTIRE cart full of sh--. I counted twelve bags when she was done checking herself out. Lane 2 contained another lady in her fifties with about 20 items who was seriously challenged by the entire self check out process. When she finally figured it all out and has everything scanned and bagged, she pulls out her checkbook. A special F_CK YOU goes out to both of these ladies wherever they are...

All self-checkout lanes should have an item limit and be cash/credit/debit only.

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When I hold the door and don't get a "thank you" I get really steamed. I won't do the "YOUR WELCOME" because I find it abrasive and in some ways as rude as the contrary.


Same principle applies to people who don't give me the wave when I let them in and out of tight spots on the road. I have been known to honk at those a-holes, though.




For the last four months I've biked to and from work, and let me tell you, car drivers HATE BIKERS. I know because I used to be on the other side and now freely admit that my anger with cyclists was born from plain old ignorance.


Nevertheless, it peeves me greatly when drivers become visibly and sometimes even audibly upset with a biker because said biker rolls a stop sign. So to all you non-bikers out there listen up:


A bike does not start and stop as easily as a car. For bikers' saftey, it's in our best interest to keep peddling in order to keep pace with traffic. Also, it's sometimes difficult to ride in a straight line when starting from a dead stop- also a safety hazard.


So motorists please note: a biker is like a wild animal, they are 1000 times more scared of you than you are of them. They ride with their own safety in mind and rarely go against a car, truck, or bus to get somewhere faster. If you approach a four-way stop at the same time as a bicyclist, let the cyclist go. The worst thing in the world you can do is start, stop, start again, then sit in the middle of the intersection, forcing the cyclist to ALSO stop and go around you to try and get home. And if this worst case scenario DOES happen, don't get all hot and bothered. Don't yell at me through your windshield because I guarntee you- for the sake of my own life- I was well aware of the scenario without your help.

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I am very very greatly saddened that nobody called me out on my speeling of Peeve in the title. That was gonna be my second rant!



I really hate when people will start a rant about pet peeves and they have no idea how to spell Peeve....... two E's not an E and an A :angry:

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