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This offense is clickin right now on all 7 cylinders..


One of the dumbest things I've ever heard. Anybody know for sure who said that?

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OK seriously, now - is it ignorance, stupidity, laziness, what? How the :w00t: can you be a game announcer for the NFL and not spend 5 minutes looking at the roster and the pronunciation guide?


Frigging ridiculous that you can't pronounce the names of guys who have been in the league for a few years.



These guys probably sleeping off last night's "new stadium party" up until game time.


Normally I do not care about this stuff...but these guys flat out blow - poorly spoken, bad grammer, using slang, they simply appear unrehearsed and have not done their homework...I might email the fine folks at NFL TV this is so bad...


3 guys in a booth and not one of them can say the words "Colts" or "ask". Not to mention that it was patently obviusly that none of them bnothered to study the rosters for either team. During the starting lineups one of the idiots got to Darian Barnes, stammered and called him D. Barnes. Seriously? It's your job!


Given all of the mess they did a ncie job of breaking doen plays and showing you where something was good and bad, but for play by play they were atrocious.


Ya, why would you want people that actually go to school for broadcasting do this job when you can have guys that have scored a 1 on the wonderlic test in the booth?!

Sharpe. They were so bad it was kinda funny.

I agree. I found the dialogue entertaining, simply because it was so hilariously unrehearsed and raw.


Likes: three guys who played the game at a high level giving their perspective as to what is going on. All three made poignant and insightful comments during the game.


Dislikes: lack of personnel knowledge and "polish" behind the mic. Live play-by-play and analysis is much different than studio work, and it showed.


They were floored that Lorenzen started, it seems that the 10 minutes of prep they did was all on the normal 2nd stringer, they had no info on J-Load until the truck must have fed them something....

One of the dumbest things I've ever heard. Anybody know for sure who said that?


Not to beat a dead horse..but did anyone see the sports extra braodcast after the game ?

Steve Stepner was anchoring...this guy was just as bad if not worse than Marshall & co.

He reminded me of a kid in 1st grade reading his book report in front of his class...was painful to watch.


It may have just been me, but I got very tired hearing about who was not playing on the Colts D and how they don't care about preseason games, god forbid the other teams offense looks a little competent

I hope they dont 'axe' them back to do another game.

WOW, interesting view (avatar)!!!! It is really nice to see that you can branch out, not that boobage ever gets old, but you did find a nice substitute!

Guest dog14787
I'm probably in the minority, but I think Deion has actually sounded decent and has been the best of the three.


Course that's not saying much, and I'm used to his unintelligble garbage from the pregame shows, but still...


I thought Deion Sanders did OK, but I'm somewhat of a fan of Deions so maybe that had something to do with it.


I'll bet he had some good advice and encouraging words for our new playmaker, Mckelvin and I appreciate that :wallbash:

Guest dog14787

I used to complain about Steve Tasker allot, but lately, my opinion has changed.


I don't mind Tasker at all now, he's a good guy, knows his football ,easy to listen to, and does a nice job. :wallbash:


Okay, I'll add other examples of incompetence to the long list:


Around the end of the first quarter they actually praised the Bills (specifically Jauron) for calling running plays that would wear down the defense and really pay dividends at the end of the game. :wallbash:


Then, at the end of the half, they seemed to have a Jauron-bashing script that they read , even thoug the game in no way supported the attacks they had lined up.



Okay, to offset the crap.... how nice was it to hear an announcer take some time to detail this about a Bills drive: 18 play, 93 yards, taking 10 minutes with us 4 for 4 on 3rd down! Of course the real credit goes to the offense, not the offensive announcing....

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