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Wow...any balance MSNBC had left is gone, they are going after McCain this morning. Already have insinuated that McCain has no chance, and said he's overusing his POW record. Joe Scarborough had the REAL awkward moment by saying the convention should have "started with pictures of Katrina! This is a blood sport!"...to which everybody kinda just stared at him and they moved onto McCain's line about the POW camp on Leno last night being awkward.

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I almost nodded off during that Michelle Obama video....zzzzzzz.....



Listening to the radio on my way home yesterday a caller into the program said that Michelle reminded him of the wife of the black president on the show "The West Wing".


I never watched the show so I was curious to see if she was like Michelle O.

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What if they believe that Obama is an empty suit, a total know-nothing lightweight who doesn't have anywhere near the experience to handle any aspect of this job and it would be foolish and dangerous of our country to elect him? Ok to vote for McCain then? On Saturday that's pretty much exactly what the lifelong Dem who would have voted for Hillary told me.


That's the convienent excuse that some give, but I suspect they may have a problem with another aspect about him that they're not willing to say publicly. Any Democrat who agrees with Hillary on healthcare, taxes, foreign policy, education, and Supreme Court nominations, can't possibly believe that McCain would be a better partner with the Congress to get those policies enacted than Obama/Biden.



Listening to the radio on my way home yesterday a caller into the program said that Michelle reminded him of the wife of the black president on the show "The West Wing".


I never watched the show so I was curious to see if she was like Michelle O.


There never was a black president on 'West Wing'. The president was Martin Sheen, and at the end Jimmy Smits became the next president. Maybe they confused it with '24', where there were 2 different black presidents.

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Wow...any balance MSNBC had left is gone, they are going after McCain this morning. Already have insinuated that McCain has no chance, and said he's overusing his POW record. Joe Scarborough had the REAL awkward moment by saying the convention should have "started with pictures of Katrina! This is a blood sport!"...to which everybody kinda just stared at him and they moved onto McCain's line about the POW camp on Leno last night being awkward.


I found this video where Joe and Schuster really go at it. I'm not sure if this is what you were referring to. By the way how f-able is Mika Brzezinski!

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That's the convienent excuse that some give, but I suspect they may have a problem with another aspect about him that they're not willing to say publicly.


So not wanting a guy who four year ago was in the state legislature to hold the most powerful job in the world is a "convenient excuse", but you make a rather obvious hint that the real reason such "progressive" Democrats wouldn't vote for him is because he's black. :nana:


I think you got your sentence a little mixed up there Joe. So under your theory, anyone who closely shares Hillary's views, regardless of experience, would make a good POTUS? Run, Joe, Run.

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There never was a black president on 'West Wing'. The president was Martin Sheen, and at the end Jimmy Smits became the next president. Maybe they confused it with '24', where there were 2 different black presidents.



Thats what it was. The first Black Pres. from 24. :thumbsup:



Thanks Joe. Aparently the caller thought his wife was just like Michelle.

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So not wanting a guy who four year ago was in the state legislature to hold the most powerful job in the world is a "convenient excuse", but you make a rather obvious hint that the real reason such "progressive" Democrats wouldn't vote for him is because he's black. :thumbsup:


I think you got your sentence a little mixed up there Joe. So under your theory, anyone who closely shares Hillary's views, regardless of experience, would make a good POTUS? Run, Joe, Run.


Like the other thread about the threat to Obama says, there's alot of people who haven't accepted the possibility of a black president, including some older Democrats, even though they agree on the issues. It isn't like this guy was just working at a car wash, he knows the issues we face and how the process works, and was ahead of the curve on Iraq and Iran which showed good judgement. Most of the Democrats who ran in the primaries would be a better POTUS than McCain based on their policy positions and their temperment.

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Like the other thread about the threat to Obama says, there's alot of people who haven't accepted the possibility of a black president, including some older Democrats, even though they agree on the issues. It isn't like this guy was just working at a car wash, he knows the issues we face and how the process works, and was ahead of the curve on Iraq and Iran which showed good judgement. Most of the Democrats who ran in the primaries would be a better POTUS than McCain based on their policy positions and their temperment.


There's a lot of people who haven't accepted the possibility that most people want desperately for a black candidate to become president but that if he loses it is because they don't like his particular positions, judgement, character, or whatever. No, if he loses it must be because of race. Or spitefull feminism. Whatever.

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There's a lot of people who haven't accepted the possibility that most people want desperately for a black candidate to become president but that if he loses it is because they don't like his particular positions, judgement, character, or whatever. No, if he loses it must be because of race. Or spitefull feminism. Whatever.


His positions are Democratic Party positions, similar to Hillary's. His judgement on Iraq is where the Democratic Party is now, and he's a faithful family man of good character. I can understand Republicans opposing him, but not Democrats who supported Hillary. If they believed in Hillary and her judgement, then they should accept her word when she says she wants them to support Obama.

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His positions are Democratic Party positions, similar to Hillary's. His judgement on Iraq is where the Democratic Party is now, and he's a faithful family man of good character. I can understand Republicans opposing him, but not Democrats who supported Hillary. If they believed in Hillary and her judgement, then they should accept her word when she says she wants them to support Obama.


Maybe they know Hillary is lying and really wants Obama to lose so she can run in '12. Maybe they would rather have Hillary in '12 than Obama in '08.

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Maybe they know Hillary is lying and really wants Obama to lose so she can run in '12. Maybe they would rather have Hillary in '12 than Obama in '08.


Who gave you the notes for my strategy of derailing Kerry '04?


All the media at the time said it was because of my knee surgery that I didn't stump for that douchebag until 3 days before the election. Just as I told them to say so Hillary could run this year and I could start getting some DC interns -- most of these NYC ones are too ethnic for my taste. It kept Bush in my office for a little while longer, but it was better than not being able to run against the sitting-pres Kerry. Anyway, now that 'b.o.' is going to be nominated, don't expect me to do him many favors beyond token crap. Hillary in '12!

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Maybe they know Hillary is lying and really wants Obama to lose so she can run in '12. Maybe they would rather have Hillary in '12 than Obama in '08.


Which takes us back to my original statement that they're idiots if they're willing to squander the next 4 years for that reason.

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