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Biden is the man

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If I hear the "Biden works in DC but takes Amtrak back to Delaware every night" line one more time....


What the hell does that have to do with anything? Delaware is practically a suburb of DC!


"Scarppy kid from Scranton" is the line that gets me.


If McCain picks Romney, we'll be hearing something about how he's a "Son of Michigan" or some sh--. Obama's choice is a good one. It doesn't ruffle any big feathers and Obama can stand above the fray when Biden attacks McCain. (Similar to the Bush/Cheney relationship.)


McCain's up next. Lieberman is the most interesting choice. Romney's the easy pick. Ridge is somewhere between them. Not sure I've heard other realistic options.

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"Scarppy kid from Scranton" is the line that gets me.


If McCain picks Romney, we'll be hearing something about how he's a "Son of Michigan" or some sh--. Obama's choice is a good one. It doesn't ruffle any big feathers and Obama can stand above the fray when Biden attacks McCain. (Similar to the Bush/Cheney relationship.)


McCain's up next. Lieberman is the most interesting choice. Romney's the easy pick. Ridge is somewhere between them. Not sure I've heard other realistic options.


I hope not Romney....I know it'll make conservatives happy but think it'll scare off independents, and independents are where the election will be won.

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McCain's up next. Lieberman is the most interesting choice. Romney's the easy pick. Ridge is somewhere between them. Not sure I've heard other realistic options.


I think Romney would play into the Dem's out of touch/elitist narrative they're hammering McCain with now. Pawlenty and Portman are possibilities as well.

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I hope not Romney....I know it'll make conservatives happy but think it'll scare off independents, and independents are where the election will be won.


Lieberman is riskier and also turns off a lot of people (Jewish Democrat will alienate a lot of the more conservative Repubs). Ridge was governor of an important state and is somewhat left-leaning on social issues (pro-choice).


Still, I think it will be Romney. He fills in an important McCain weakness: the economy. And he gives him a chance at Michigan. If McCain wins Michigan, he probably wins. I don't like Romney either.

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I was hoping for Bobby Jindal but since he's out of the running, I like Pawlenty as the choice. McCain better be thinking about who he's grooming for the next election because he's a one term President if elected. I will be underwhelmed if it's Tom Ridge. I like Lieberman quite a bit, but he will hand Obama the election if he names Joe.

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I think Romney would play into the Dem's out of touch/elitist narrative they're hammering McCain with now. Pawlenty and Portman are possibilities as well.


Yep, and there is plenty of ammunition on him from Massachusetts. Interesting though, Romney isn't a shrinking violet and is smooth in his comebacks. He is hard to piss off and even when you do, he remains unflabble unlike McCain.

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If I hear the "Biden works in DC but takes Amtrak back to Delaware every night" line one more time....


What the hell does that have to do with anything? Delaware is practically a suburb of DC!


Well went twice in Del and it looks much more a part of the Philly metro area than a suburb of DC...

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Well went twice in Del and it looks much more a part of the Philly metro area than a suburb of DC...


Delaware is one of those states whose existence you have to be reminded of once in a while. "Oh yeah, Delaware. That's a state!"

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Hmm. I thought that was the point of this whole "election" thingy..receiving enough votes to win the Presidency. Sounds like pretty good strategy.


How about "I really don't believe this is the best thing for the country, but believe it's the best way for me to be elected President"?

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