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Is McCain as shallow as George W. Bush?

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The "extreme" part comes in in the rhetoric. Numerically, you may be right. In terms of volume, the extremes are the loudest. It's why people like me - who don't toe either party line - get lumped in alternately with "neo-cons" and "socialists". The rhetoric is overwhelmingly divisive.


Plus...I think most people here underestimate their own extremism. Coli's the only one I know who's openly proud to be a raging liberal. Reactionary conservatives...maybe Wacka, certainly Rich in Ohio (though he hasn't been here for years) and SD Jarhead. But most of the people here who think they're "-leaning" are probably deluding themselves. Hell, even I, as an "objective centrist", probably don't even see my own extreme centrism...


Or maybe I don't even know what I'm talking about...it's late and I'm tired. :thumbsup:

yeah, you're probably right on the money. I was thinking to myself people don't realize how far to one side or the other they really are, or at least how they appear to others, hence your delusional comment.


I just don't understand the venomous side of people on the board. Not only do they have to disagree and criticize the other side, but they're compelled to ridicule and beat them to a pulp.

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Couldn't accept or choose to ignore because it was such an incredibly stupid statment?


It must be so lonely here on the left....



Pasta Joe




Gene Frenkle

Steeley Dan


JK/molson/eliott/whatever else he posts under




Bishop Head

Johnny Coli

Fuzzy Dunlop



We'll stop there with just the full blown left wingers. We could just as easily put together a list of center-left posters.



**my apologies to anyone omitted or misclassified as I didn't conduct extensive research** :thumbsup:

wow, I didn't make the cut :lol:

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I agree, wearing a gray shirt is the absolutely the same thing as brainlessy regurgitating this lame excuse for Bush's response to Katrina. It's just a coincidence that this same weak justification can be found on thousands of right wing blogs. "But I ain't done read dem there blogs". Well OK but it seems like Fox News certainly got the "topped vs breach" memo as well (Not only can I use Google but I can also use LexisNexis!)


"Well, there were news cameras there much of the time, and what the A.P. claimed we learned was that the president had been warned a day ahead of time that the levees stood a good chance of being breached. What, in fact, he was warned was that the levees could be topped." - Brit Hume Fox Sunday Roundtable 3-5-06


"Over top means that the water goes over the top, as the word implies. Breaching means that they actually fail, there's a hole in the levee, and a breach is obviously far worse." - WH Spokesman Trent Duffy, Fox Special Report w/ Brit Hume 3-2-06


"Some news organizations reported that the tapes showed Mayfield warning that the levees could be breached by the storm, but on the clip released by AP, Mayfield's warning is only about whether flood water could top the levees." - Mike Emmanuel, Fox Special Report w/ Brit Hume 3-2-06


Wow, you're using the exact same talking point as a White House spokesman! At least you chose to parrot the view of an impartial observer like Trent Duffy! Just in case you forgot here is your own definition of talking point-


I'm sure you never noticed this full court press by conservative blog, television, and talk radio to advance this "topped vs breached" talking point, did you?

Congratulations. You've successfully proven that other people think "breached" and "topped" are two different things, something I still believe. (It helps that some levees were breached without ever being topped, as I pointed out a couple pages back.) This is the same thing as proving that other people can and do wear gray shirts to where I work. Wow.


It doesn't prove that I'm only saying what I'm saying because I got the idea from Brit Hume or whoever. It doesn't necessarily make it a "talking point" since the whole point of the debate is accuracy in understanding what the President was warned of (i.e. the opposite of saying two different things are the same to help fit the "Bush didn't care" narrative). It doesn't make what I'm saying wrong. It just proves that other people have made the same arguments.


Please keep burning calories on this. I'm sure you're just a Google or LexisNexis search away from finally finding the quote or link that validates all the nonsense you've been spewing for a few pages now.

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I just don't understand the venomous side of people on the board. Not only do they have to disagree and criticize the other size, but they're compelled to ridicule and beat them to a pulp.


I can't speak for others...but for me, it's an exercise in social darwinism. People want to try and have reasonable discussions, I'm nice. People want to spout off mindless nonsense like JK...let the beatings commence. :thumbsup:


I'll even treat the same person differently in different threads. Right here you and I are having a personally reasonable discussion...but I'm sure you've got an inane post somewhere else that I could respond to by pointing out that you should grow in the ground head-first like a turnip... :lol:

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I find your new line of blather amusing, but I confess I'm a bit confused on something: What's your point?

He successfully proved that Brit Hume and I agreed on something. And therefore it's a "talking point." And therefore I'm a hack who gets all his ideas from the RNC. :lol:


And he pointed out that I wasn't the first person to use the term "DiMaggio-like."


I think the Underpants Gnomes had better reasoning for their plans. (Yes, that's a South Park reference. I admit I did not invent the Underpants Gnomes and therefore may be a hack. :thumbsup: )

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He successfully proved that Brit Hume and I agreed on something. And therefore it's a "talking point." And therefore I'm a hack who gets all his ideas from the RNC. :lol:


And he pointed out that I wasn't the first person to use the term "DiMaggio-like."


I think the Underpants Gnomes had better reasoning for their plans. (Yes, that's a South Park reference. I admit I did not invent the Underpants Gnomes and therefore may be a hack. :thumbsup: )


I think I once heard Brit Hume use the Underpants Gnomes talking point, too...

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He successfully proved that Brit Hume and I agreed on something. And therefore it's a "talking point." And therefore I'm a hack who gets all his ideas from the RNC. :thumbsup:


And he pointed out that I wasn't the first person to use the term "DiMaggio-like."


Please read your own defintion of talking point again please. You also agree with the WH spokesperson and about a million other right wing bloggers.

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What was it? Gay porno or something? I see the word pixy.


Creepy looking dude in a Peter Pan costume. It's G rated and safe for work.


We were on the topic of you being a newbie. Just thought I'd introduce you to a TSW tradition (linking a pic of the Pixy dude in the middle of a legit thread and waiting to see who fell for it)

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Creepy looking dude in a Peter Pan costume. It's G rated and safe for work.


We were on the topic of you being a newbie. Just thought I'd introduce you to a TSW tradition (linking a pic of the Pixy dude in the middle of a legit thread and waiting to see who fell for it)


I thought it might have been to one of those shock sites. I heard there's one that makes your computer screen start flashing while a voice repeats "I'm looking at gay porn" over and over again.

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The thing he got wrong is thinking this board is massively slanted to the right. It's just massively slanted to the extremes...and it's normal psychology to perceive the other extreme as somehow being more prevalent than your own. The board's just a microcosm of the nation as a whole in that regard.


It's also normal to notice comments a person makes that you disagree with while not giving much credence to the ones you agree with (making people lump people into one extreme when they are more centrist).

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It's also normal to notice comments a person makes that you disagree with while not giving much credence to the ones you agree with (making people lump people into one extreme when they are more centrist).


It's also pretty normal to notice when someone rephrases exactly what you already said, and wonder what the !@#$'s wrong with them.



So what, precisely, IS the !@#$ wrong with you? :thumbsup:

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It's also pretty normal to notice when someone rephrases exactly what you already said, and wonder what the !@#$'s wrong with them.



So what, precisely, IS the !@#$ wrong with you? :wallbash:


:wallbash: :wallbash: I like claiming good points as my own.


In all seriousness, I misread what you said. My bad.

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I can't speak for others...but for me, it's an exercise in social darwinism. People want to try and have reasonable discussions, I'm nice. People want to spout off mindless nonsense like JK...let the beatings commence. :wallbash:


I'll even treat the same person differently in different threads. Right here you and I are having a personally reasonable discussion...but I'm sure you've got an inane post somewhere else that I could respond to by pointing out that you should grow in the ground head-first like a turnip... :wallbash:

again, I agree totally. You will "selectively lambaste" posters.


My only problem is that the tit for tat nukes most of the rational discussion after that.


I've definitely got a few of those inane posts going for me... :wallbash:

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Please read your own defintion of talking point again please.

Please read it yourself please.

A "talking point" is basically where you oversimplify a complex situation, purposely leave out information, or flat out lie as part of a concise little slogan that you can repeat over and over to score political points.

Let's see, drawing a distinction between two different things -- topping and breaching -- is not an oversimplification (if anything, going out of your way to confuse the two would be an oversimplification). It's not leaving out information (again, that would be calling two different things the same). And I don't see how you could say I'm lying.


But, yeah, good job bringing that definition up from a couple days back. Really lends a lot of support to your Google crusade to prove that I'm stealing my posts from Brit Hume or Rush Limbaugh or whoever you come up with next. :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:


You also agree with the WH spokesperson and about a million other right wing bloggers.

I "agree with a WH spokesperson" on something???? Oh goodness, there's your smoking gun right there. :wallbash:


It's a spokesperson's job to talk about political matters so there will be times when they say something I agree with. Yeah, even the ones that are Democrats. (Pretty sure I could find quotes that I agree with from anyone.) And it's OK for "millions" of people to agree on something, especially if it has a valid point.


So, uh, anyways.....good job Googling up that stuff about Brit Hume, proving that I used to listen to "Baurle and the Bulldog" on WGR, and finally stating that "millions" of people agree with my "hack" point. Fine work, as always. It's been a very productive couple of days for you. :wallbash:

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I really didn't think it was possible for one person to be so full of sh-- that his !@#$ becomes a low pressure relief valve piped directly into his computer screen, but once again you've proven me wrong.

Is that really the best you have?

ALL HAIL! Alaska Darin, Lord Emperor of the Internet Tough Guys. LOL!

I'm pretty sure if I did a search on your PPP "body of work", we'd find that you're quite hypocritical on this point.

And the best part is; you probably believe the crap you spew is educational for us poor liberal morons living here on the other side of the computer glass.

Oh look, another Liberal telling someone else how they think. That's such a new tactic.


Here's what I think: It's fun to point out how idiotic liberal politics and the constant historical failures of the ideology. Some people play golf. I bash stupid people. Doesn't matter whether it's on the internet or face-to-face. It is what it is.

Get a life, AD. Maybe if you walk slowly away from your computer your incessant need to dispense shitstorms of faux-libertaian wisdom onto the heathen population of the inter-tubes will slowly subside.

You know, I sit in a little room every day of my whole life waiting for validation from people just like you. Because life for me is all about the judgment of others and being the most popular, "swellest" guy ever.


Really, you should keep pretending I somehow give a flying rat's ass about your opinion of me and that you have a clue about my life.

Try it man. I'm willing to sacrifice my amusement for your health and well being.

And people think I'm a narcissist?

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