Alaska Darin Posted August 26, 2008 Posted August 26, 2008 Nice try Brain Freeze, you can't even figure out who you're talking to when you start ranting, When did Wacka start posting under names like Bishop Hedd and Joey Balls? And even at that you had to go back over two years to come up with less than 10 times that you said anything to Wacka. And Wacka posts more stupidly partisan crap by himself in a single day than 90% of the board does in a year. Ooh, another cold "joke". You are really gifted. There's a Wacka reference in each of those threads and I'm quite sure most of them aren't flattering. And I could care less whether you or any of the other hacks are keeping score. Yeah, yeah, SnR ain't a registered Republican, big deal. If he's had an original thought that somehow managed to percolate to the surface of his brain, he didn't bother posting it here. When he manages to come up with any idea that wasn't spoon fed to him by talk radio, I'll apologize for thinking he's Wacka's dumber brother, but I'm not gonna hold my breath waiting for that to happen. Hi pot! This is kettle! So take your "I hate all partisans equally" nonsense and stick it where the sun don't shine. I guess you told me. So now let's go back to the original premise that you couldn't acccept, there are easily three times as many partisan RNC "Talking Heads" on this board as there are partisan DNC "Lemmings." So? Most of you liberals only want to whine amongst yourself so you feel really smart. Generally the backbone of jellyfish. The best part is how you all seem to think anyone who hates liberals is automatically a Republican, Neocon, or whatever new thing your masters dream up. It's just impossible for you to understand that the lemming ideology is so disgustingly unpalatable that we'd waste way more time on it than joining in when you start regurgitating your talking points. But really, go ahead and find all the positive comments I've made on the current administration and the Republican party. There's a few years of history here for you to choose from. If I'm such a "Republican" or "Righty", it shouldn't be too hard for you to make your case with something that's actually substantial. Of course, you won't do it (because you can't). Instead, you'll go back to your turtle act of showing up every once in awhile to toss a little crap and then run off like the B word you are. All the while patting yourself on the back because you think you finally stood up for something. That is the only comment I made until you started ranting at me about something someone else posted. You want to try to debunk that? Or would you rather continue making yourself look stupid by ranting like an idiot and making asinine claims that anyone who's been on this board for more than ten minutes can see right through? Reading comprehension problem? I already admitted I looped you in as someone else. I'm crushed by that. Just devastated. You know, because I have a problem openly admitting I was wrong. I love how you seem to believe I give credence to yours or anyone else's "abilities". Laughable. Now run along and get with the rest of the lemmings to trumpet your tired ideology and then act all surprised when it continues to fail as it has throughout history.
KD in CA Posted August 26, 2008 Posted August 26, 2008 So now let's go back to the original premise that you couldn't acccept, there are easily three times as many partisan RNC "Talking Heads" on this board as there are partisan DNC "Lemmings." Couldn't accept or choose to ignore because it was such an incredibly stupid statment? It must be so lonely here on the left.... RIDickHead Pasta Joe blzrul oliver pBills Gene Frenkle Steeley Dan EII JK/molson/eliott/whatever else he posts under TPS justnzane Boatdrinks Bishop Head Johnny Coli Fuzzy Dunlop Exit58 We'll stop there with just the full blown left wingers. We could just as easily put together a list of center-left posters. **my apologies to anyone omitted or misclassified as I didn't conduct extensive research**
SilverNRed Posted August 26, 2008 Posted August 26, 2008 Would you like to come clean about how the "topped" vs "breached" argument is a widely circulated talking point or am I going to have to expose you again? I really don't want to. "Topped" and "breached" are two different things. This does get a mention in Popular Mechanics as well. Of course, I'm sure you're extremely well-read on the subject but I'll post this anyway: FLOODWALLS WERE BUILT PROPERLY MYTH: "Perhaps not just human error was involved [in floodwall failures]. There may have been some malfeasance."--Raymond Seed, civil engineering professor, UC, Berkeley, testifying before a Senate committee, Nov. 2, 2005 REALITY: Most of the New Orleans floodwall failures occurred when water up to 25 ft. high overtopped the barriers, washing out their foundations. But three breached floodwalls--one in the 17th Street Canal and two in the London Avenue Canal--showed no signs of overtopping. Accusations of malfeasance were born after the Army Corps of Engineers released seismic data suggesting that the sheet-pile foundations supporting those floodwalls were 7 ft. shorter than called for in the design--a possible cause for collapse. In December 2005, PM watched Corps engineers pull four key sections of the 17th Street Canal foundation out of the New Orleans mud. The sections were more than 23 ft. long--as per design specifications. "I had heard talk about improper building before the sheet-pile pull," the Corps' Wayne Stroupe says. "But not much since." FOUNDATION FAILURE The cause of breaches on the 17th Street and London Avenue canals remains a mystery. Over-dredging in the 17th Street Canal may have removed lining sediments near the floodwall's sheet-pile wall, allowing water to percolate through deep levee soils. Swimming pools and other structures built too close to the barrier may have compromised its integrity by compressing its foundation. If levees can be breached without being topped, it stands to reason that they are two different things. I appreciate you attempting to call everything a talking point now that you've been embarassed by the topic. Why don't you go Google some more random crap and post the links here to "prove" where I get my ideas from? Because it was really impressive when you did that yesterday. Very convincing.
RI Bills Fan Posted August 26, 2008 Posted August 26, 2008 Ooh, another cold "joke". You are really gifted. There's a Wacka reference in each of those threads and I'm quite sure most of them aren't flattering. And I could care less whether you or any of the other hacks are keeping score. Hi pot! This is kettle! I guess you told me. So? Most of you liberals only want to whine amongst yourself so you feel really smart. Generally the backbone of jellyfish. The best part is how you all seem to think anyone who hates liberals is automatically a Republican, Neocon, or whatever new thing your masters dream up. It's just impossible for you to understand that the lemming ideology is so disgustingly unpalatable that we'd waste way more time on it than joining in when you start regurgitating your talking points. But really, go ahead and find all the positive comments I've made on the current administration and the Republican party. There's a few years of history here for you to choose from. If I'm such a "Republican" or "Righty", it shouldn't be too hard for you to make your case with something that's actually substantial. Of course, you won't do it (because you can't). Instead, you'll go back to your turtle act of showing up every once in awhile to toss a little crap and then run off like the B word you are. All the while patting yourself on the back because you think you finally stood up for something. Reading comprehension problem? I already admitted I looped you in as someone else. I'm crushed by that. Just devastated. You know, because I have a problem openly admitting I was wrong. I love how you seem to believe I give credence to yours or anyone else's "abilities". Laughable. Now run along and get with the rest of the lemmings to trumpet your tired ideology and then act all surprised when it continues to fail as it has throughout history. I really didn't think it was possible for one person to be so full of sh-- that his !@#$ becomes a low pressure relief valve piped directly into his computer screen, but once again you've proven me wrong. ALL HAIL! Alaska Darin, Lord Emperor of the Internet Tough Guys. LOL! And the best part is; you probably believe the crap you spew is educational for us poor liberal morons living here on the other side of the computer glass. Get a life, AD. Maybe if you walk slowly away from your computer your incessant need to dispense shitstorms of faux-libertaian wisdom onto the heathen population of the inter-tubes will slowly subside. Try it man. I'm willing to sacrifice my amusement for your health and well being.
SilverNRed Posted August 26, 2008 Posted August 26, 2008 Yeah, yeah, SnR ain't a registered Republican, big deal. If he's had an original thought that somehow managed to percolate to the surface of his brain, he didn't bother posting it here. When he manages to come up with any idea that wasn't spoon fed to him by talk radio, I'll apologize for thinking he's Wacka's dumber brother, but I'm not gonna hold my breath waiting for that to happen. Yeah, and this is from the retard who posted this yesterday: As it stands today according to 3/4 of this board Obama is a Muslim Socialist Terrorist who wants to raise taxes on what is left of America after he and his wife betray the country to AQ during his Inaguration Speech, but only after he takes his oath of office on the Quran, and chooses the best looking blonde female interns for his harem. Just to make sure you aren't completely making sh-- up (ironically, in an attempt to prove how smart you are), why not post some examples of "3/4ths" of the board saying Obama is a "Muslim Socialist Terrorist" who wants to take the oath on the Quran and will use the White House to steal all the blonde women away. I know you wouldn't want to break your DiMaggio-like streak of posts that are completely void of facts and/or insight, but it might be a fun exercise for you anyway.
RI Bills Fan Posted August 26, 2008 Posted August 26, 2008 Yeah, and this is from the retard who posted this yesterday: Just to make sure you aren't completely making sh-- up (ironically, in an attempt to prove how smart you are), why not post some examples of "3/4ths" of the board saying Obama is a "Muslim Socialist Terrorist" who wants to take the oath on the Quran and will use the White House to steal all the blonde women away. I know you wouldn't want to break your DiMaggio-like streak of posts that are completely void of facts and/or insight, but it might be a fun exercise for you anyway. Here's your new word for today. Learn it. Use it. hy·per·bo·le Audio Help /haɪˈpɜrbəli/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[hahy-pur-buh-lee] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation –noun Rhetoric. 1. obvious and intentional exaggeration. 2. an extravagant statement or figure of speech not intended to be taken literally, as “to wait an eternity.” Compare litotes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Origin: 1520–30; < Gk hyperbol excess, exaggeration, throwing beyond, equiv. to hyper- hyper- + bol throw] —Synonyms 2. overstatement. —Antonyms 2. understatement. I understand that it's entirely too big a word for your talk radio heroes to know, but if you try real hard you can overcome your limitations and become better than them.
SilverNRed Posted August 26, 2008 Posted August 26, 2008 Here's your new word for today. Learn it. Use it. hy·per·bo·le Audio Help /haɪˈpɜrbəli/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[hahy-pur-buh-lee] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation –noun Rhetoric. 1. obvious and intentional exaggeration. 2. an extravagant statement or figure of speech not intended to be taken literally, as “to wait an eternity.” Compare litotes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Origin: 1520–30; < Gk hyperbol excess, exaggeration, throwing beyond, equiv. to hyper- hyper- + bol throw] —Synonyms 2. overstatement. —Antonyms 2. understatement. I understand that it's entirely too big a word for your talk radio heroes to know, but if you try real hard you can overcome your limitations and become better than them. So basically you got caught making sh-- up and exactly nothing you said was true. What an asset to the board you are.
KD in CA Posted August 26, 2008 Posted August 26, 2008 So basically you got caught making sh-- up and exactly nothing you said was true. What an asset to the board you are. So after he's whined like a little B word for years over the # of conservatives on this board, it turns out it was just 'hyperbole' all along?
SilverNRed Posted August 26, 2008 Posted August 26, 2008 So after he's whined like a little B word for years over the # of conservatives on this board, it turns out it was just 'hyperbole' all along? You could also point out that "hyperbole" and "just plain making sh-- up" are two different things. Or how weird it is that his big contribution to the board is "hyperbole" when he's the guy supposedly pointing out how stupid everyone else is.
Bishop Hedd Posted August 26, 2008 Posted August 26, 2008 Couldn't accept or choose to ignore because it was such an incredibly stupid statment?It must be so lonely here on the left....RIDickHeadPasta JoeblzruloliverpBillsGene FrenkleSteeley DanEIIJK/molson/eliott/whatever else he posts underTPSjustnzaneBoatdrinksBishop HeadJohnny ColiFuzzy DunlopExit58We'll stop there with just the full blown left wingers. We could just as easily put together a list of center-left posters.**my apologies to anyone omitted or misclassified as I didn't conduct extensive research** Hedd, H*E*D*D. Its my Catholic metal band. And no, I am not Wacka.
DC Tom Posted August 26, 2008 Posted August 26, 2008 So basically you got caught making sh-- up and exactly nothing you said was true. What an asset to the board you are. That's not entirely fair. It was legitimately hyperbole, and not just pulling sh-- out of his ass. I've seen plenty of Obama-bashing so far here...not much in the "Islamic terrorist" vein, but certainly enough in the "Democratic phony" and "closet socialist" vein. The thing he got wrong is thinking this board is massively slanted to the right. It's just massively slanted to the extremes...and it's normal psychology to perceive the other extreme as somehow being more prevalent than your own. The board's just a microcosm of the nation as a whole in that regard.
In-A-Gadda-Levitre Posted August 26, 2008 Posted August 26, 2008 That's not entirely fair. It was legitimately hyperbole, and not just pulling sh-- out of his ass. I've seen plenty of Obama-bashing so far here...not much in the "Islamic terrorist" vein, but certainly enough in the "Democratic phony" and "closet socialist" vein. The thing he got wrong is thinking this board is massively slanted to the right. It's just massively slanted to the extremes...and it's normal psychology to perceive the other extreme as somehow being more prevalent than your own. The board's just a microcosm of the nation as a whole in that regard. I'm liking this Tom... it seems that most of the conservative people identify with being independent or centrist, ya? And while there's clearly liberals and lefties, not many would admit to being much more than vanilla liberal or left leaning. I'm generalizing here, and maybe wrong, just an impression. So, if most are left leaning or right leaning, centrist, whathaveyou, how does the extreme part come in?
DC Tom Posted August 26, 2008 Posted August 26, 2008 I'm liking this Tom... it seems that most of the conservative people identify with being independent or centrist, ya? And while there's clearly liberals and lefties, not many would admit to being much more than vanilla liberal or left leaning. I'm generalizing here, and maybe wrong, just an impression. So, if most are left leaning or right leaning, centrist, whathaveyou, how does the extreme part come in? The "extreme" part comes in in the rhetoric. Numerically, you may be right. In terms of volume, the extremes are the loudest. It's why people like me - who don't toe either party line - get lumped in alternately with "neo-cons" and "socialists". The rhetoric is overwhelmingly divisive. Plus...I think most people here underestimate their own extremism. Coli's the only one I know who's openly proud to be a raging liberal. Reactionary conservatives...maybe Wacka, certainly Rich in Ohio (though he hasn't been here for years) and SD Jarhead. But most of the people here who think they're "-leaning" are probably deluding themselves. Hell, even I, as an "objective centrist", probably don't even see my own extreme centrism... Or maybe I don't even know what I'm talking's late and I'm tired.
JK2000 Posted August 26, 2008 Posted August 26, 2008 I really didn't think it was possible for one person to be so full of sh-- that his !@#$ becomes a low pressure relief valve piped directly into his computer screen, but once again you've proven me wrong. ALL HAIL! Alaska Darin, Lord Emperor of the Internet Tough Guys. LOL! And the best part is; you probably believe the crap you spew is educational for us poor liberal morons living here on the other side of the computer glass. Get a life, AD. Maybe if you walk slowly away from your computer your incessant need to dispense shitstorms of faux-libertaian wisdom onto the heathen population of the inter-tubes will slowly subside. Try it man. I'm willing to sacrifice my amusement for your health and well being. POW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know you wouldn't want to break your DiMaggio-like streak of posts that are completely void of facts and/or insight, but it might be a fun exercise for you anyway. Add this to the list of things you've appropriated from talk radio. What kind of unoriginal hack resorts to dishing out insults that sound an awful lot like the intro from Tom Baurle?
Wacka Posted August 26, 2008 Posted August 26, 2008 I am me. I don't have to hide behind other screen names. I also use this screen name on three other boards I frequent.
SilverNRed Posted August 26, 2008 Posted August 26, 2008 Add this to the list of things you've appropriated from talk radio. What kind of unoriginal hack resorts to dishing out insults that sound an awful lot like the intro from Tom Baurle? Ah, the old broken-clock principle. I'm pretty sure the "DiMaggio-like" line is from the old "Baurle and the Bulldog" morning show that I used to listen to on WGR. Not really sure where they got it from, but I doubt they were the first to use it either. What with Joe DiMaggio being pretty famous and all. I haven't lived in Buffalo in over 5 years and honestly had forgotten where I'd heard it years ago. Is he still using that? Unfortunately, this doesn't prove any of the rest of your thesis. Why don't you go back to work Googling up some evidence that I steal actual political ideas to post here? Seriously, the part where you cherry-picked a sentence or two of mine and then found kinda-sorta similar blog or YouTube links in an effort to prove.....something....was one of the most hilarious and desperate attempts to win an argument in the ~5 years I've been reading the board. Yeah, because it's completely impossible for someone to reach my conclusions on their own. And because you typed the exact right words in to Google to find the links I read right before posting here. Keep at it. It says so much that this is what you're clinging to in the thread -- a false accusation that is 100% impossible to prove. I don't know how, but you were actually doing better with your stupid "leadership" ideas a few pages back.
Boatdrinks Posted August 26, 2008 Posted August 26, 2008 Couldn't accept or choose to ignore because it was such an incredibly stupid statment? It must be so lonely here on the left.... Boatdrinks We'll stop there with just the full blown left wingers. We could just as easily put together a list of center-left posters. **my apologies to anyone omitted or misclassified as I didn't conduct extensive research** Hey balls, why am I a full blown "left winger ? I've stated before I believe in low taxes, minimal government intrusion into our daily lives and absolutely no religious ideology in politics. I'm not for welfare, not for regulation. So again, how am I a full blown left winger?
StupidNation Posted August 26, 2008 Posted August 26, 2008 Hey balls, why am I a full blown "left winger ? I've stated before I believe in low taxes, minimal government intrusion into our daily lives and absolutely no religious ideology in politics. I'm not for welfare, not for regulation. So again, how am I a full blown left winger? Because someone said so. Didn't you get the memo?
olivier in france Posted August 26, 2008 Posted August 26, 2008 Couldn't accept or choose to ignore because it was such an incredibly stupid statment? It must be so lonely here on the left.... RIDickHead Pasta Joe blzrul oliver pBills Gene Frenkle Steeley Dan EII JK/molson/eliott/whatever else he posts under TPS justnzane Boatdrinks Bishop Head Johnny Coli Fuzzy Dunlop Exit58 We'll stop there with just the full blown left wingers. We could just as easily put together a list of center-left posters. **my apologies to anyone omitted or misclassified as I didn't conduct extensive research** first my name is OlivIer second the USA is the only country i know where i'm "on the left".
olivier in france Posted August 26, 2008 Posted August 26, 2008 Hedd, H*E*D*D. Its my Catholic metal band. And no, I am not Wacka. we know! Wacka loves interleague play!
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