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Seems like he got dinged up if I remember correctly, I could be wrong about that though. Point is, its pointless to say he can't run when he can and if he hadn't injured his knee so badly, he could be the best RB in the game right now.


I think you are missing the point. McGahee has the physical tools, even after the knee wreck. What he doesn't seem to possess is heart, desire, and dedication to perform consistently.

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Guest dog14787
I think you are missing the point. McGahee has the physical tools, even after the knee wreck. What he doesn't seem to possess is heart, desire, and dedication to perform consistently.


Oh, and you know that how? Ever think his knee gives him allot of trouble?


How do you know whats in a mans heart? Maybe going to the Ravens and watching his team fall apart has broken his spirit, especially after his shaky departure with the Bills.

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Oh, and you know that how? Ever think his knee gives him allot of trouble?


As a Bill, reports out of OBD WM did not know the playbook because he never bothered to show up for offseason OTA, etc ....

As a Bill, WM admitted in public after a game he did NOT know what down it was when he failed to get a first down on a 4th and 1. he claimed he would have tried HARDER if he knew it was 4th down.


As a Raven, WM is now being criticized for not showing up for off season OTA, etc ... (even though he did it the year before)

As a Raven, WM is now being criticized for not knowing the playbook.


Unless a wrecked knee causes retardation, his problem is not his knee.

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Guest dog14787
As a Bill, reports out of OBD WM did not know the playbook because he never bothered to show up for offseason OTA, etc ....

As a Bill, WM admitted in public after a game he did NOT know what down it was when he failed to get a first down on a 4th and 1. he claimed he would have tried HARDER if he knew it was 4th down.


As a Raven, WM is now being criticized for not showing up for off season OTA, etc ... (even though he did it the year before)

As a Raven, WM is now being criticized for not knowing the playbook.


Unless a wrecked knee causes retardation, his problem is not his knee.


So you think McGahee's problem is all mental, well I don't know what to say to that doc. What would you suggest, brain surgery? If we take out the part that says owe, my knee hurts so he doesn't need the meds, maybe we can fix him :wallbash:

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So you think McGahee's problem is all mental, well I don't know what to say to that doc. What would you suggest, brain surgery? If we take out the part that says owe, my knee hurts so he doesn't need the meds, maybe we can fix him :wallbash:

The problem isn't his brain, it's his HEART.

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So you think McGahee's problem is all mental, well I don't know what to say to that doc. What would you suggest, brain surgery? If we take out the part that says owe, my knee hurts so he doesn't need the meds, maybe we can fix him :wallbash:

His problem is not the knee. It is his conditioning, preparation, ability to absorb the playbook etc... Even if he had never blown out the knee in college, he would likely still be struggling due to his "personality". Many players with all of the physical tools never reach their potential because their attitude gets in the way. Willis appears to be one of them.

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Willis is an enigma. You can't question the effort and dedication it took for him to get back to a level that he could compete in the NFL, however we've now heard from both the Bills and Ravens that he lacks that same dedication to make himself the best player he can be. He has also made numerous questionable (stupid) decisions in his personal life.


I've come to the conclusion that Willis lacks the desire to become truly great, and enjoys the lifestyle of being a multimillionaire more than he enjoys football. He's also -- to be blunt -- not very smart. Once he made it back, he put it on cruise control. I think he believed reuniting with his Miami cohorts in Baltimore would be one big party -- and was stunned to learn they actually want to win.


I wish Willis no ill will and only paid attention to his early games with Baltimore last season to get an idea of whether or not the Bills had made a mistake. I now know they did not.


Hopefully Willis has had someone with his interests at heart managing at least a portion of his money -- I see the potential for this to become another one of those cases of a former star player who goes bankrupt in his late 30s.

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With all due respect, what the heck do you call it if its not against all odds, all this resentment because he moved on? How the hell do we know what really happened behind closed doors and what are we doing now? Playing football games in Canada.


What are you blind buddy, because he sure ran the ball down our throat when he played us and I watched him single handedly (at least on Offense) almost beat the Patriots.


Geesh, get some glasses :wallbash:


No I'm not blind, and it seems I remember the situation better than you do. It's hard to run the ball down our throats when he's in the lockerroom getting an IV.

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So you think McGahee's problem is all mental, well I don't know what to say to that doc. What would you suggest, brain surgery? If we take out the part that says owe, my knee hurts so he doesn't need the meds, maybe we can fix him :ph34r:


Look, you said it yourself:


How do you know whats in a mans heart? Maybe going to the Ravens and watching his team fall apart has broken his spirit, especially after his shaky departure with the Bills.


Call it what you want (heart, desire, spirit, dedication, intestinal fortitude, etc ..), but it essentially means the same thing.


He lacks the intrinsic motivation to move to the next level and stay there.


And that makes it a mental issue. Because he is the only person that can convince himself to dedicate himself.

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With all due respect man, we're talking about Willis McGahee here. Not some mushy feel good story of a guy who was "against the odds" or had a tough upbringing, ect, the guy is a complete overrated !@#$ who decided to bash the city who gave him a chance on his way out the door. He's so overrated it makes me sick, and while it's easy to say that's just sour grapes talking, I'll admit when really solid players have left town and still done well (Winfield, P. Williams). McGahee is a joke. He hesitates in the hole, has non-existant straight line speed, and the stamina of a guy smoking a pack a day for 20 years. !@#$ him.

Nicely put.

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Which goes to show that a trade is about the player individually, not some "this or that always means" mantra. Some trades are good others are not. There is no magic formula other than solid professional scouting and a good football guy in charge of making the decision.


I took a cursory look at the Raven's message boards: they are way to wrapped up in their QB issues to even barely notice that Willis isn't playing in the pre-season. I feel sorry for them, they are finally going to get the QB settled only to find out that Willis can't pick up the blitz. There was one post that sounded very familiar: "... Willis doesn't know the system yet, and Rice has looked solid, so...". Keep waiting for him to "get it"... :ph34r:


Once they figure out QB, that poor guy is going to get hit, a lot. Last time I checked they didn't fix the holes in their O line either. So now they get to have the fun "is it the O line or is it Willis" debates. Those are always a good time. :thumbsup: Whoever that starting QB is, he's got a lot to be worried about.


And yes, this is already the biggest steal since Ditka gave away his whole draft class for Ricky Williams = another Dumbass RB.


In fact, it might be the biggest steal since Babe Ruth if Trent Edwards makes the pro-bowl a few times, and Stroud gives us 3 Solid years. Baltimore + Philly + Chicago = already suckers, and it can only get worse.


Once again, Thanks Marv!





#81 for a first was a steal $$


Don't matter what donahoe did with it, that was a pillage.

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Willis is an enigma. You can't question the effort and dedication it took for him to get back to a level that he could compete in the NFL where he could sign a multimillion dollar contract, however we've now heard from both the Bills and Ravens that he lacks that same dedication to make himself the best player he can be because he already signed said multimillion dollar contract. He has also made numerous questionable (stupid) decisions in his personal life.



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When I watched Willis McGahee rip his knee apart in the biggest game of his career, I thought it can't get any worst then this for the poor fella and I even wondered if he would ever walk again. When I heard about his recovery and that McGahee would actually play again, I was amazed, when the Bills drafted him it was emotional for me. Teary eyed, I cheered like we had just won the superbowl or something ( OK, since I don't know what thats like, the AFC Championship game)but you get the picture, I was pretty excited to say the least.


I loved him then, I love him now and sure, he broke my heart.


Still, I bear Willis McGahee no bad will and I cheer for him when he runs (except against us) because its good to see that man run, he earned it.


Sorry, I guess I just don't feel the same way as most of you do. :ph34r:

Reading through this thread, I think you missed the point: We ALL felt the same way you did when he was drafted, and we ALL felt great when he finally started playing and especially owning the Dolfags with that stiff arm. I don't think anybody here is arguing that.


What I can't understand is: after all of that work and trouble to get back to, or close to, the level he was at the U, how can he waste it all now by being lazy, not studying his playbook, and not working with his team-->the team that gave him his shot, or the team that spent big $$$ and 3 draft picks on him?


I see the comeback as separate from what he has done since. It's like 2 different players. None of us get how a guy with that kind of story could possibly get all the way back, only to half-ass it once he's there.

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Guest dog14787
Reading through this thread, I think you missed the point: We ALL felt the same way you did when he was drafted, and we ALL felt great when he finally started playing and especially owning the Dolfags with that stiff arm. I don't think anybody here is arguing that.


What I can't understand is: after all of that work and trouble to get back to, or close to, the level he was at the U, how can he waste it all now by being lazy, not studying his playbook, and not working with his team-->the team that gave him his shot, or the team that spent big $$$ and 3 draft picks on him?


I see the comeback as separate from what he has done since. It's like 2 different players. None of us get how a guy with that kind of story could possibly get all the way back, only to half-ass it once he's there.


No, I didn't miss the point, lets see, he's retarded, lacks drive ,lazy, doesn't want to study or work hard to learn the offense, can't run, am I missing anything. :ph34r:


My point is, its all rumors and here say, also, some folks think McGahee doesn't run the ball with conviction. I think they should walk a mile in his shoes and see how much pain he has to ignore.


What, because he doesn't complain or make a big deal of it, you think his knee doesn't swell up and give him problems allot?


Like I say, I respect everyones opinions on him, I just don't agree with them all.

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Reading through this thread, I think you missed the point: We ALL felt the same way you did when he was drafted, and we ALL felt great when he finally started playing and especially owning the Dolfags with that stiff arm. I don't think anybody here is arguing that.


What I can't understand is: after all of that work and trouble to get back to, or close to, the level he was at the U, how can he waste it all now by being lazy, not studying his playbook, and not working with his team-->the team that gave him his shot, or the team that spent big $$$ and 3 draft picks on him?


I see the comeback as separate from what he has done since. It's like 2 different players. None of us get how a guy with that kind of story could possibly get all the way back, only to half-ass it once he's there.


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Reading through this thread, I think you missed the point: We ALL felt the same way you did when he was drafted, and we ALL felt great when he finally started playing and especially owning the Dolfags with that stiff arm. I don't think anybody here is arguing that.


What I can't understand is: after all of that work and trouble to get back to, or close to, the level he was at the U, how can he waste it all now by being lazy, not studying his playbook, and not working with his team-->the team that gave him his shot, or the team that spent big $$ and 3 draft picks on him?


I see the comeback as separate from what he has done since. It's like 2 different players. None of us get how a guy with that kind of story could possibly get all the way back, only to half-ass it once he's there.

I knew when the Bills drafted him that it was only a matter of time before he wormed his way to another team. You knew that coming from Florida, he just would never accept being in Buffalo. I'm sure Baltimore wasn't exactly his top choice, but to him they were better than Buffalo. And now he's doing the same song and dance he did in Buffalo, trying to get out of there.


What does he care? They already gave him a huge deal. If he gets cut, he signs another deal and gets to keep his big bonus.

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What, because he doesn't complain or make a big deal of it, you think his knee doesn't swell up and give him problems allot?

And this doesn't qualify as hearsay? How about speculation? :thumbsup:


The only thing we have to go on that actually counts is: play on the field. By all accounts McGahee had the potential to be a HOFer. Walter Payton was a HOFer. Somehow I don't see, and nobody has reported, McGahee putting in the same off-season as Payton :ph34r: Moreover, I don't see McGahee producing on the field like an all-pro or HOFer. If he is truly as "great" as you say he is, then, like how come he doesn't work or act like every other great player or play like every other great player?


Look I bought his jersey because I loved his story, but please understand the giant let down that he really is doesn't make us feel like looking at him as "great" any time soon.


Edit: don't just take my word for it. Go and read the Ravens message boards. There are threads there that are identical to ours 2-3 years ago.

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