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Obama makes choice

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I prefer Biden. I actually wanted him as the Presidential nominee before this all started and never truly understood why he didn't get more traction. People always say he has baggage, but what exactly is it? He's very qualified and extremely intelligent, and doesn't always act PC, which is usually a plus not a minus. He's easily the best choice for VP, IMO.

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A lot of people are saying it's going to be Biden.


Which would be mildly amusing, since Biden's campaign pretty much started and ended on the same day when he dared to call Obama "articulate" and "well-spoken." For some people who hear what they want to hear and everyone's a racist until Revs. Al and Jesse say they're not, that's code for "He's a ni--er!" rather than a statement that someone, in fact, talks eloquently. The MSM had already picked their guy, and didn't let up on Biden until his name was thoroughly muddied.


But besides all that, I think Biden would be a solid VP choice. For all those Dems who've been clamoring for party unity/healing a perceived rift, I think Obama knows that if he goes with Hillary, it'll be signing his own death warrant. As it is, Biden will serve as a strong debater and advisor in an area where Obama's cred is light.

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A lot of people are saying it's going to be Biden.


Which would be mildly amusing, since Biden's campaign pretty much started and ended on the same day when he dared to call Obama "articulate" and "well-spoken."

He also said Obama was "clean". This too was taken as racist when clearly it was because Obama had just showered and smelled as fresh as a misty spring morning. Tancredo will not pander to Obama's race and is clearly a better match. I think it will be Tom.

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Which would be mildly amusing, since Biden's campaign pretty much started and ended on the same day when he dared to call Obama "articulate" and "well-spoken." For some people who hear what they want to hear and everyone's a racist until Revs. Al and Jesse say they're not, that's code for "He's a ni--er!" rather than a statement that someone, in fact, talks eloquently.


I am pretty far from PC, but "articulate" and "well spoken?" :unsure: These often are code words, wouldn't you agree? Look at my favorite current screen name, "Tim Anderson's Lunch Pail." The implication is that white players are not physically gifted, and they get by on effort (otherwise known as "high motor"). People have called Schobel "high motor" for years, but his biggest asset is his speed.


Wrt black players, I cringe every time I hear an announcer call someone "well spoken" or "articulate." The implication there is an element of surprise or noteworthiness. Years ago, the phrase for "acceptable" black people was "well dressed." Does anyone remember this?


I am certainly not calling Biden a racist. My guess would even be that he is not. Still, if a guy like me can pick up on this, so should a presidential or vice-presidential candidate.

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I prefer Biden. I actually wanted him as the Presidential nominee before this all started and never truly understood why he didn't get more traction. People always say he has baggage, but what exactly is it? He's very qualified and extremely intelligent, and doesn't always act PC, which is usually a plus not a minus. He's easily the best choice for VP, IMO.


When he ran for President in 88 he lifted part of some English dude's speech without attributing it and Dukakis slammed him for it. I also think he said something recently about Indians owning 7-11's that caused him some grief.

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When he ran for President in 88 he lifted part of some English dude's speech without attributing it and Dukakis slammed him for it. I also think he said something recently about Indians owning 7-11's that caused him some grief.

I thought Obama got called out for the same thing this election season. He stole someones speech. But got a pass because he is the messiah.






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You may be right, Biden's intrade has skyrocketed today.




By the way isn't this (https://www.intrade.com/jsp/intrade/common/c_cd.jsp?conDetailID=607629&z=1219173012531) a free 600$? There's no way Obama could be the Democrat VP right?


Biden's back down into the 30 range today, Bayh is back up after plummeting, Sebelius and Kaine are up a little, and Clinton dropped to 5.

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I am pretty far from PC, but "articulate" and "well spoken?" :unsure: These often are code words, wouldn't you agree?


Often, perhaps. Not always. Bush, for example, is not articulate or well-spoken...that doesn't make him black. Obama would be articulate and well-spoken no matter what his skin color.

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Often, perhaps. Not always. Bush, for example, is not articulate or well-spoken...that doesn't make him black. Obama would be articulate and well-spoken no matter what his skin color.

Are you sure? Maybe he bleaches his skin like Michael Jackson.

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Obama would be articulate and well-spoken no matter what his skin color.


If a short white guy spoke as slowly, ponderously, and unemotionally, people would ignore him and think him slow-witted. He would be viewed like Dukakis, who was pretty articulate but certainly isn't thought of in that light.


Come to think of it, Obama sounds most like Al Gore, but with smoother delivery.

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Either way for Hillary's staff to go over the top to help out at the convention by squashing any anti-Obama noise, I have a strange feeling the veep will be Hillary.


I agree, out of all the VP candidates floated around none would have anywhere near the electoral impact of Clinton. She would guarantee that Obama would hold down Penn and Mich while flipping Ohio. I think Obama has been cool on naming Clinton as VP so that when he actually names her it will be an even bigger media story than if it was a foregone conclusion.



Clinton was done to 5.0 yesterday on Intrade, today she is up to 14.9. Insider trading anyone? I see someone with the screenname ChubbyChaserBillyC is buying loads of her contracts! Hmmmmmm.........

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Looks like Biden is back up to better than even money while Clinton's odds have surpassed Kaine, Bayh, and Sebelius. Bayh dropped 14.2 overnight, sounds like his staff was selling off his contracts like crazy.

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