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Another question is whether Peters and his agent are sticking firm to their demands, i.e. saying "pay us $10M a year or Peters isn't showing up."


As far as I know, Peters has made no demands. Other than he wants a new deal, of course. He and Parker are still in "silent treatment" mode, yes?

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Another question is whether Peters and his agent are sticking firm to their demands, i.e. saying "pay us $10M a year or Peters isn't showing up."

IMO, there is no question that is what is happening. What else is there to ask for. Do you think it's even in the realm of possibility that Eugene Parker and Jason Peters don't think he is the 1-2 best young LTs in the game right now, and therefore should be paid as such? Especially when the guy next to him, whom he is significantly better than, is making 7 million a year?


But that doesn't at all mean they will stick to it. I expect him in soon and for the agent to say Jason is doing it for the team, but you know we mean business and we're giving you a break this year. Next year, we're not going to be the nice guy.


Plus, they didn't know what was going to happen. They didn't know how Chamber was going to play. They surely didn't know and I doubt they predicted that the offense would look so good against the Steelers. If the OL looked bad and Trent was getting crushed, suddenly they have a lot more leverage. Lucky for the Bills, Walker only let Trent get crushed one play (amazing play by Edwards, BTW, to not fumble at the goalline. That was one of the very best plays Trent made all night and he made a bunch of them). So now all of a sudden it doesn't look so desperate. But Peters and the agent didn't know that until it happened, and if he doesn't sign by this week, they could easily revert back to suckiness against the Colts.

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Judging from his very extensive client list of top tier players, he appears to be regarded by good players as a premier agent. He also doesn't appear to be the sort of person who negotiates through the media, which is actually refreshing (as much as the Peters holdout is bothering me).


He does represent many top players.

He also has represented a large number of veteran holdouts over the past few years.


It is refreshing that he does not use the media, but from what I've read, the agent isn't negotiating, at all, with the Bills or Rams.


Parker's history of holdouts is disturbing, but the two this year are worse because there is nothing., no talks, no rumors of talks, nothing.


See the following links for examples of Eugine Parker's behavior in the past







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I think the Bills are playing it right. They are developing the line as if Peters was out for the season with an injury. It happens.


They showed a lot of faith in him when they signed him to that (at the time) big deal for an undrafted promising right tackle. A lot of his development could be due to good coaching (maybe this is where McNally showed his skill)....and his physical gifts.


But now he seems to be a top-tier left tackle (although the Bills did finish nearly last in offense last year, how dominant can he really be?), and he'll be paid accordingly....once he gets to camp and proves he is in shape and healthy and can still knock the hell out of people. To sign him without having seen his present conditioning and skill set would be unfair to both parties.

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