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I have two:

1) Bills/Denver game 1990. After the Bills take the lead, the D starts playing soft. In the heat of the moment I yell out "Where's the f'n defense." I had virtually an entire section glaring at me like they would to a Dolphin fan.

2) Bills at New England 2007. Wilfork takes his dive at Losman's knee. JP is on the ground, I yell out "Don't get up!" Definitely unsportsmanlike conduct on my part.

I have two:

1) Bills/Denver game 1990. After the Bills take the lead, the D starts playing soft. In the heat of the moment I yell out "Where's the f'n defense." I had virtually an entire section glaring at me like they would to a Dolphin fan.


I remember that. That was you?


Bad , bad , bad , bad words . It was not even at the Bills or who they where playing .Just another Bills fan that was drunk and a pain in the ass and had no clue what he was yelling at JP for 2 hours .


Chicago at Buffalo 1992. We used to tailgate with about 7 groups, and it was our (my brother and I) turn to bring the food and beer. At the preceding tailgate party, some limp-wristed nancy-boy had brought Kentucky Fried Chicken and Genny Light.


Kentucky Fried Chicken and Genny Light to a tailgate. But I digress.


We determined that it was the very honor of our family name at stake to improve the program, so we spent hours shopping and preparing for the gig. The order of the day was chicken and beef kabobs (excellent, if you must ask). For drinks? Well, you can screw that Genny Light crap. This was back before NAFTA - we drove to St. Kitts and got Bradors. For those of you who have never had Bradors, understand that drinking a bottle of that brew is like putting blue steel in your mouth and pulling the trigger. I was so damn proud of myself, as I knew that THIS would be the tailgate party to end all tailgate parties.


On to the big event. The grills are fired up, the kabobs are sizzling, and it's time to break out the cold ones. We'd brought our stash of hooch from Ontario, and someone else had brought a cooler full of.......Genny Light. You know where this is going, don't you? Guess which cooler they fell upon like locusts? The goddamn horse piss Genny Light!! Here I am sitting here with a cooler full of nectar-of-the-Gods Molson's Bradors, and these Philistines are reaching for Genny Light. It was like the whole world had suddenly overdosed on stupid pills. So what did I do? I did what everyone on this board would do. I started drinking Bradors like the world was about to end. What the hell? The schit's about $1.75 a bottle, and no one else deigns to drink it, and warm beer.....well, sucks.


On to the game. I can't say that I blacked out, but I have to admit that my memories aren't the sharpest. On to the point of the post. I do remember standing on my seat with my brother holding my belt at my waist to keep me from spilling into the row in front of me. I'm not a big person, but I have a big voice. And I'm not kidding. I remember leaning forward with my brother holding me with all his might, and I screamed "DITKA.....YOU SUUUU---UUUUU---UUUUCCKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!! at the top of my lungs, and pointing to my crotch. I'm certain that if I could get the tape of that game, I could probably catch my voice on the national feed. I had a headache that lastest about 2 days after that one. Not one of my nobler moments.


Ah, youth.


By the way, where's The Dean?


When the Bills played Cincy (I think it was 2003) I was walking from my car up to the stadium when this big greyhound bus comes rolling past and suddenly out of the roof top emerges a piss drunk guy who yells "go Bengals!" Before he could even finish, my mouth reacted involuntarily and I pointed at him and yelled "you shut the f--- up." He then fell back down into the bus and that was the end of that.


At the Cowboys game last year I kept yelling "Romo's a homo." a lot of people laughed at that one.


Who/what I am at Bills games is not a reflection of who/what I am on all other days. :worthy:


When its game day, and the jersey goes on, and the hat goes on, and the beer and wings get in you, something happens, and I live and breathe Bills football.




Apparently, the mentally challenged boy behind me's parents didn't take lightly to it, but in my defense, the kid was excited that I yelled :-\


My brother and I have a tradition, going on over 10 years now, of flying into Buffalo on the game closest to my Father's birthday (first week of Oct.) to take him to a game. We went to the Patriots game in '04 - and this particular game was the first game my then 6 year old nephew (my brother's son) would attend. For the first ime ever, three generations of my family going to enjoy the game. Unfortunately this particular game would not turn out the way we had hoped.


We were sitting in the upper deck - and in a scene I had never before experienced - were surrounded by literally busloads of obnoxious M A S S H O L E S. Obnoxious M A S S H O L E S. The whole game. Really obnoxious M A S S H O L E S. That game forever seared into my consiousness an almost irrational hatred for the Patriots* and their obnoxious M A S S H O L E fans.


Anyway - there was one particular M A S S H O L E who a few times came up and down the aisle and was being particularly obnoxious. We had seats right on the aisle. For me - the proximity to the aisle is directly proportional to the amount of beer I drink at a game. And I was right on the aisle. At halftime - this obnoxious M A S S H O L E is walking up the aisle and taunting and yelling "Bills Suck! Bills Suck!" and as he walked by me I gently grabbed him and said "Are you sure you want to be saying that?" and he kind of just looked at me a bit stunned and went on his way.


As the game goes on, the Bills are staying in it, and I'm on the aisle, and the beer is flowing, and the M A S S H O L E S are being A S S H O L E S. The game of course is famous for the botched fake handoff/naked bootleg by Bledsoe at a critical junction of the game which resulted in the fumble returned for a TD.


Many can relate to that moment - when you've had maybe a few too many and highest ecstacy turns to the lowest misery in a manner of seconds. Take that feeling, then multiply it by a thousand obnoxious M A S S H O L E S surrounding you - then add one single M A S S H O L E running down the aisle yelling obscenities to Bills fans - the same guy I had confronted earlier.


As I'm sitting there in the depths of anger/despair, this guy notices me and actually comes up to me and starts screaming "You suck! You suck!" right to my face. We've all had those moments where rage wells inside us, but self-controls keeps it inside. This was not one of those moments.


In a split second, completely out of character for me, I jumped up and stuck my middle finger in the guy's face and screamed "F--- You! F--- You!". There is no excuse for it - and I feel bad about it to this day - because my nephew was sitting right there.


The thing is - the guy started to run down the aisle away from me, but wouldn't stop yelling obscenities at me - so I followed after him. He got to the bottom of the tunnel, and I was hanging over the wall - and we're yelling at each other - then the guy spits at me!


Next thing I know I am tearing down the tunnel after the guy - and suddenly I am completely surrounded by M A S S H O L E S - not a Bills fan to be found. That was when I started to sober up and realize the potential seriousness of the situation.


To make a long story short - luckily my brother - who goes probably 240 - appeared out of nowhere to save my ass. We were totally outnumbered, but after some pushing and jawing all the brave M A S S H O L E S dispersed after security finally showed up.


I'll never forget returning to my seat - and the Bills fans who were there gave me an ovation - and my nephew was just sitting there staring at me with his mouth agape - like "WTF Uncle Steve - who the f--- ARE you?"


We didn't talk about it for the rest of the night - the next day I apologized to my brother for losing it like that in front of his son, and he simply said "You did the right thing".


God I hate the f'ing Patriots*


Two years ago against the Vikings there was two Minnesota fans sitting behind me and one of them was an old fella who just liked to watch a good game of football and would even cheer with us at times but the guy next to him was a complete A S S H O L E and he didnt even have a valid ticket and he was getting so obnoxious and getting in our faces sayin Bills suck so i got up and yelled f*ck you you F*uckin F A G I T and so all like 20 bills fan in our section start screamin and finally security came and took the F A G out of the stadium and BTW the BILLS WON WOO HOO!


I would need 4 pages to confess to all the crap that has come out of my mouth over the years...bellowing down at Bills fans who had left the game, from the top row of the stadium comes to mind(we did come back and win, but still, it was pretty dumb). That, and I used to only get to go to one live game a year...so I am stewing for 4 days/weeks before. But, I have made a solid improvement on my swearing in front of kids/people who are sure to be offended over the last 5 years. Last year I was down to less than one F bomb a game, which I made a point to apologize for.


I don't count the Pats* game last year, because I was surrounded by swearing Bills and Pats* fans. I was actually embarrassed for both sides. Not only was what they were saying foul-mouthed, it was quite stupid. Examples:"Brady sucks a fat white d_ck" or "JP can't f'ing run!"(right after he scrambled and made the play to Royal)? People were so angry on both sides, nothing was making any sense.


But, there was no doubt that the many of the Pats* fans were there to be vindictive, mainly because they started with the Bills fans in the first minute of the game. The weird part was why they felt the need to keep running their mouths after the game was clearly in hand. Pretty classless. It was strange, because it wasn't like anybody cared either way by that point. I didn't understand it. If that was us, we'd probably start a conversation about something else, or, talk up the good parts of the other team out of not wanting to be perceived as bad winners.


Perhaps just a small commentary on different parts of the country and/or how we are raised.

I have two:

1) Bills/Denver game 1990. After the Bills take the lead, the D starts playing soft. In the heat of the moment I yell out "Where's the f'n defense." I had virtually an entire section glaring at me like they would to a Dolphin fan.

2) Bills at New England 2007. Wilfork takes his dive at Losman's knee. JP is on the ground, I yell out "Don't get up!" Definitely unsportsmanlike conduct on my part.


A few years ago when the Chiefs were in town and Lindell missed his second of 2 FG's less than 32 yards I may have yelled something wishing physical injury to him, everyone looked at me.


During a game in the 2002 season, a couple of over zealous cops were hauling out a fan who they thought was involved in a fight. I was sober (for once) and tried to tell them that they were hauling off the wrong dude, and I got the standard "sit down and shut up or your next"


As they were at the bottom of the section I quoted some N.W.A and shouted "F*&@ the police!", mostly angry at the fact that they had tried to intimidate me.


A couple of jabronies come running over and get in my face saying "We're transit cops in Syracuse. You can't say that since September 11th!!!". We laughed in their faces.


I've yelled plenty and I'm sure some of the language has not been the best at all times. However, my three buddies and I who have season tickets try to do some "creative" things occasionally. Two of my favorites:


-At the Falcons game a few years ago, we brought a bunch of empty brown pill bottles that you would use to fill a prescription. On the computer, we printed up fake labels for them, saying they were Valtrex for Ron Mexico. We were tossing them all over our section and people would read them, laugh, and pass them on. We were also wearing sombreros.


-At one of the recent Jets games, we brought about 100 Chad Pennington football cards and sprinkled them into the urinals. I'm sure it wasn't good for the stadium plumbing, but people REALLY seemed to enjoy pissing on Chad's face.


Last year at Bills/Fins game a couple of douchebag dolphin fans (who I'm pretty sure were also canadian- go figure huh?) start in about the whole 'Toronto Bills' thing after about an hour of this and a whole bunch of awful things said to them in return, including threats of terrible violence, they got beat up pretty bad. one of the kids got thrown down and landed on top of me and he got pummeled for a good 5 minutes, until security broke it up. Which seemed like forever. I didn't partake in the beating, but I did want to pour my beer on one of their stupid faces (but it was the fourth quarter and I only had the one beer left and I figured it would have been terrible to waste it on them). Good times at the Ralph!

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