DreamOnDan Posted August 15, 2008 Posted August 15, 2008 Hi everyone, Sorry for the OT post but I never really check the Fantasy Football Forum so I'm assuming most of you don't either. My name is Dan Neilly from Bradford Pa. I have met 20-30 of you at Hammers lot at the Home Openers and have been trolling/posting on the Stadium Wall for a long time. I have been a commissioner of 3 pay to play fantasy football leagues, one per year for the last 3 years. I am currently going to commish 2 leagues this year. One is a 12 team league with a 250 dollar entry fee. That league is full. The other is a 10 team league with a 500 dollar per team entry fee. This is the league I have an opening in. There are two 5 team divisions, and the winner of each division gets a bye in week 14 which is week one of the playoffs. 2nd place plays 3rd place that week for a chance to play the division winner in the championship rd. The winner of the superbowl gets paid 4000 dollars and the loser of the superbowl earns 1000 dollars. I had one player drop out recently and am having a difficult time finding a replacement. Reasons being, it is expensive and I really don't want anyone playing that isn't really into fantasy football. This league is very well run, and very competitive. I will list the league rules below and if it interests you please contact me asap. Draft: • Live Draft, 8/23/08 07:00 pm ET. • 17 Rounds. • Draft robot not enabled - no time limit between picks. Player Pool: AFC and NFC Players. Positions: TQB, RB, WR, TE, RB-WR-TE, K and DST. Transactions: • Lineup deadline is 5 minutes before gametime for each player. • Owners may set lineups. • Transactions will lock five minutes before the first game on Sunday. Players whose teams play before Sunday will be locked for the remainder of the scoring period. • Owners may do add/drops. • Owners may do trades. • No trades can be made after the trade deadline of 11:59 pm et 11/8/08. (click here to set a reminder) • Owners may make trades during the offseason. Schedule: Playoffs start in Week 14 and last for 3 Weeks. Fees: League Entry Fee: $500 Add Fee: $.50 Drop Fee: $.50 Scoring: Head-to-Head, Points Based System. Scoring based on total stats each period. Ties in the standings are resolved in this order: Winning Percentage, Total Points, Head to Head Record, Division Record. Scoring for Offensive Categories FG - Field Goals 3 points Plus 1 point for a FG of 40 to 49 Yds Plus 2 points for a FG of 50 to 55 Yds Plus 3 points for a FG of 56 to 99 Yds FL - Fumble Lost, Including ST plays -3 points IKRTD - Individual Kick Return TD 6 points IPRTD - Individual Punt Return TD 6 points MFG - Missed Field Goal -1 point MXP - Missed Extra Point -1 point Pa2P - Passing Two-point Conversion 2 points PaInt - Passing Interception -3 points PaTD - Passing TD 6 points Plus 1 point for a PaTD of 20 to 29 Yds Plus 2 points for a PaTD of 30 to 39 Yds Plus 3 points for a PaTD of 40 to 49 Yds Plus 4 points for a PaTD of 50 to 59 Yds Plus 5 points for a PaTD of 60 to 99 Yds PaYd - Passing Yards 1 - 300 PaYds = 1 point for every 25 PaYds 301 - 999 PaYds = 2 points for every 25 PaYds Plus a 3 point bonus @ 300+ PaYd Re2P - Receiving Two-point Conversion 2 points ReTD - Receiving TD 6 points Plus 1 point for a ReTD of 20 to 29 Yds Plus 2 points for a ReTD of 30 to 39 Yds Plus 3 points for a ReTD of 40 to 49 Yds Plus 4 points for a ReTD of 50 to 59 Yds Plus 5 points for a ReTD of 60 to 99 Yds ReYd - Receiving Yards 1 - 100 ReYds = .1 points for every 1 ReYd 101 - 999 ReYds = .2 points for every 1 ReYd Plus a 3 point bonus @ 100+ ReYd Recpt - Reception 1 - 10 Recpts = 1 point for every 1 Recpt 11 - 99 Recpts = 2 points for every 1 Recpt Plus a 3 point bonus @ 10+ Recpt Ru2P - Rushing Two-point Conversion 2 points RuTD - Rushing TD 6 points Plus 1 point for a RuTD of 20 to 29 Yds Plus 2 points for a RuTD of 30 to 39 Yds Plus 3 points for a RuTD of 40 to 49 Yds Plus 4 points for a RuTD of 50 to 59 Yds Plus 5 points for a RuTD of 60 to 99 Yds RuYd - Rushing Yards 1 - 100 RuYds = .1 points for every 1 RuYd 101 - 999 RuYds = .2 points for every 1 RuYd Plus a 3 point bonus @ 100+ RuYd XP - Extra Points 1 point Scoring for Defensive Categories BFB - Blocked Field Goals (ID/ST/DST) 1 point BP - Blocked Punts (ID/ST/DST) 1 point BXP - Blocked Extra Points (ID/ST/DST) 1 point DFR - Defensive/ST Fumble Recovered (ID/DT/DST) 3 points DPA - Defensive Points Against 0 - 0 DPAs = 10 points 1 - 3 DPAs = 9 points 4 - 7 DPAs = 8 points 8 - 10 DPAs = 7 points 11 - 14 DPAs = 6 points 15 - 17 DPAs = 5 points 18 - 21 DPAs = 4 points 22 - 24 DPAs = 3 points 25 - 28 DPAs = 2 points 29 - 31 DPAs = 1 point 32 - 35 DPAs = -1 point 36 - 38 DPAs = -2 points 39 - 42 DPAs = -4 points 43 - 99 DPAs = -8 points DTD - Total Defensive and Special Teams TD 6 points Int - Interceptions 3 points SACK - Sack 1 point STY - Safety 2 points YDS - Yards Allowed 0 - 49 YDSs = 12 points 50 - 99 YDSs = 10 points 100 - 149 YDSs = 8 points 150 - 199 YDSs = 6 points 200 - 249 YDSs = 4 points 250 - 299 YDSs = 2 points 300 - 349 YDSs = 1 point 350 - 999 YDSs = 0 points I can promise and assure you that if you join you will be treated very fairly. You have absolutely nothing to worry about whatsoever as far as getting paid promptly.
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